08152008 Kuan Yin Missives #3
Missives of Mercy from the Heart of Kuan Yin
An Invitation to be of Greater Loving Service to Life
Kuan Yin came early this morning asking us to receive her missives from the point of our heart chakras. She tells us that mercy is the ever-present precursor to peace, “To abide in peace you must first have within and around you cosmic reference points of poise which mercy provides. See now around you, in a circumference of fire, these points of reality as blossoms of love that I provide and from each point of the reality of mercy, in this circle of Oneness, you may ascend in consciousness as your day passes and as the Spirit moves through you at each hour. As a solar being you may emanate peace through Mercy’s heart.”
Kuan Yin, commenting on the last missive, gave us an invitation to illumined action: “Every soul may be an accessory to love. Here is my invitation for you to be of greater loving service to life. Know me within every man and woman and child for there I abide and in ministering with me to them you may fully know my heart.”
Click here to access this morning’s entire message from Kuan Yin.
Belief in mercy’s healing qualities allows the quintessence of her divine abilities to work toward the holy purpose of saving sentient life whereby she provides opportunities for wholeness and presence through her simple means of retuning and refining your feeling world.
Mercy is the queen of the divine ministrants in their cooperative efforts to provide spiritual boons toward your solar development.
If you would have wish fulfillment let your desire be for greater mercy.
Position yourself ever toward greater opportunities to excel in mastering the arts of Mercy and then in sharing her resourcefulness.
Mercy is the ever-present precursor to peace just as peace is her witness.
Inherent in Mercy’s transformational powers is her mastery in the acceleration of love through action to relieve suffering which arises from ignorance.
Finding the source of light within another allows a connection between the bodhisattva and the one served such that mercy may then begin to flow through both hearts for the benefit of all.
By choice and through harmony you may become a fountain of mercy.
Accepting others’ needs as valid helps create the opportune moment for your own need to serve up mercy to be brought to mind, to heart and to action.
Mercy does not calculate whether her efforts will be successful, but gives to one ceaselessly until her inner voice moves her to serve another.
Mercy infuses all with perfect poise and profound peace.
As a bodhisattva Mercy must have at some point taken hold of you and graciously invited you to become her field worker.
Image Source: ntmiller.com