080129 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #17
The Buddhas Come to Infuse the Earth, the Mental Belt and Her Evolutions
With the New Mind, the Mind of the One
Kuan Yin came this morning bringing the wisdom of Mercy, “This day I would speak of analysis paralysis and of how it staunches the flow of mercy within you. When your being as your consciousness resides only within the mental belt cogitating, analyzing, parsing, dissecting and inveigling itself in all manner of mindless wanderings, how can you expect the gentle flame of mercy to reside within? Stillness through Presence allows God’s mind to flow into yours. And this cosmic mindfulness allows you to have all wisdom at any moment for in this divine heart/mind connection the wisdom of the heart is exemplified and there Mercy abides.”
She said that when our “thoughts flit here and there all about” we “cannot penetrate to the very core ideation of the divine One in beingness. Therefore the Buddhas come to infuse the earth and the mental belt of the earth and of her evolutions with the new mind, the mind of the One.”
She then told us how we may “shut the door once and for all upon the mental trappings” that have locked us into outmoded ways of thought and feeling. She explained that, “through stillness, . . . arising from the lotus light of perfect peace within you, the wisdom of Mercy comes. The cosmic flow through the reconnection of your soul and spirit through your heart is one, and then you have access to the very minds of the Buddhas and of their higher cogitation of the spirit.”
Click here to access to and listen to Kuan Yin's entire message and to participate in the Morning Prayer service.
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #17
Rendering your best heartstream every day, win the lost ones through mercy.
Mercy’s wares are real, and her awareness you may feel when her vision of hope is revealed.
Mercy’s flow is God’s heart aglow!
Following Mercy’s lead, accept every plea for help with a prayer and then some manner of physical effort to relieve the burden as God directs through his reply.
Mercy’s vision helps you to see clearly what is the most opportune way to approach and then to apprehend the instigators of darkness within each soul.
Free will is often mistaken as license to arrest the flow of light from one’s Source. Mercy provides a subtle reconnection through her gentle applications of presence.
Mercy is the greatest interpreter of divine love no matter what the language.
The ascended ones’ mastery in the balancing act of maintaining harmony through the law of the circle is greatly due to the inner workings of the flame of Mercy.
Forget not to entertain Mercy, for some have received her spiritual gifts unawares.
The flowering of Mercy within is the beginning of the final stage of enlightenment and of complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth.
Mercy’s intense love is compressed within the graces she gives and also expressed in the manner in which they are bestowed.
A fragrant heart is a heart infused with mercy.