080104 Serapis Bey

May the Light of the Ascension Blaze Forth Where You Are; Encircle Your Chakras, Your Being in the Radiant Joy of the All in All Now!

Following Beloved El Morya, Hilarion, and Nada, Beloved Serapis Bey came this morning to also anchor light in Chicago, the heart chakra of America. Noting that many heartfriends have determined to send transforming light into the world, beloved Serapis Bey also sent an ascension current throughout America. He than added that if we maintain our focus, there can be a great acceleration in our consciousness such that we have not known since Lemuria, when we walked the earth as gods, able to access directly the currents from our solar selves.
He asked us to maintain the steadfast spirit we had attained by the end of the conference, so that we might be able to light the hearts of other new heartfriends upon contact with them. Serapis reminded us that heart-by-heart the masters move; and that though their work is subtle, “it is magnificent to behold.” He gave us new inspiration for giving our Astreas each evening, saying that he sends forth legions each time we do so; and that when we arise we will know “a newfound spirit of joy.” Noting that the energies of all the white ray masters had been anchored anew through the recent snows in many areas, Beloved Serapis reminded us to “take to heart” the light energies of all white ray masters and the “great joy of purity” within these energies.
And as he sealed the heart chakra of America and brought his HeartStream to an end, he again gave tribute—a toast of light of sorts—saying, “May the light of the ascension blaze forth!”

Click here to access and listen to the morning service including the entire message from Serapis Bey.