080112 K-17 newsflash

Beloved K-17, A Visionary of the Spirit

Perfect Vision Through Perfect Love

Beloved K-17 comes this morning to increase our vision of love and “to propose that [we] look at all through the lens of divine love and that [we] consider how that love may work for [us] in a greater way to fulfill all that [we] have envisioned in [our] plans for 2008 and beyond.” To know love, we must understand “the cause of love, who is God. For without this holy causation, nothing would exist.”

K-17 also comes to remind us of “the Lord’s divine order to maintain the presence of holiness where [we] are.” For we “will require this state of equilibrium in God to sustain [us] through all that is coming, most importantly the last vestiges of the return of [our] personal karma as well as that which [we] have been party to in creating during [our] tenure on Earth.”

Through the deeper knowledge of karma that K17 brings us today, we gain greater understanding of the experiences before us, and also the capacity to greet these experiences “with calmness and poise.” Thereby we also learn to welcome returning karma as our own opportunity for self transcendence, for “greater presence of mindfulness and greater radiance in grace.” Karma is “the most equitable way for [each one] to balance the scales of righteousness—the right use of the law of being.”

“Divine gnosis in all things” is the goal of the ascended masters for each of us, “to dwell in love’s perfect reference point of centeredness in Presence, learning to “employ love through [our] vision to all, seeing all from God’s perspective as whole, pure and full of life.”

Click here to access and listen to this entire message from K-17.