080119 Kuan Yin’s Missives #7
Realize Mercy Today Through Seventh-Ray Love
As we visualize this morning the heart chakra of the beloved Kuan Yin as a cosmic lotus of love emanating streams of mercy to all life on earth, she in turn graces us with more beautiful Missives of Mercy from her heart. She speaks of some of the many facets of mercy and of their effect upon us that begins within our minds even as these effects may go on to manifest through our hearts and within our bodies:
Transmutation as “a sacred art and science of mercy. . .given to those who would be all love.”
Friendship with God “requires an attitude of gratitude rather than a stance of defensiveness of the ego.”
Mercy is an opportunity for self-transcendence as we “surrender to the impulses through the spirit of forgiveness, caring and attentiveness to the needs of others.”
God’s magnanimous compassion is “the very beingness of divine love [that] can make [us] whole.
Today’s Missives
The flower of mercy may be yours through a gentle heart.
Following Mercy requires attuning to the blessedness of God.
Mercy’s potency is only known by the truly charismatic.
Friendliness toward God steers you in the direction of Mercy.
A well oiled heart is the best crucible for mercy’s fires.
Mercy often appears just before justice is served.
The reality of beingness is accentuated by mercy-awareness.
God’s handmaidens, the archeiai, are masterful in conveying every nuance of Mercy, every phase of her solar light.
Blue and white-ray masters often holiday in Peking’s crystal mercy pools.
To penetrate Mercy’s mind you must begin to understand God’s magnanimous compassion.
Realize Mercy today through seventh-ray love.
Punctuate Mercy’s phrasings with gratitude.
Click here to access and to listen to this morning’s service including Kuan Yin’s Missives and her commentary.