080128 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #16
The Ladies of Heaven Come to Charge You with the Great God-desire to Fulfill Your Reason for Being
Acknowledging that the Lord God understands the pressures upon our souls in the era in which we are living, Mercy comes with the ladies of heaven to assist us in the sacred work, the noble work of dissolving elements of non-reality within. “It is as if, blessed ones, the very intensity of darkness that has beset the entire earth is concentrated and offered to each bodhisattva of love to process within the sacred heart, one with your Presence, such that this greater world darkness may go and the new light of awareness shine within many more because you have accelerated the fires of love within your heart…”
With great tenderness Kuan Yin encourages us to “keep on keeping on and see each day a new glow of Mercy within. For you are penetrating higher and higher levels of the solar atmosphere of your own God Presence as you rise in consciousness. We are with you. Our hearts sustain you. All is well and though the world may crumble around you in many ways and challenges still remain, yet through the equanimity of your heart, through the compassion and kindness of your very beingness within God’s eternal presence you will be received in the arms of the Divine Mother at the appropriate time and place when your work is finished, your life mission fulfilled and the appellation from the Divine One of a life well lived is bestowed upon you. I am the Mother of Mercy spreading my wings of comfort around you.”
Click here to access to and listen to Kuan Yin's entire message and to participate in the Morning Prayer service.
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #16
Mercy’s responses to challenges are never laced with the spite of resistance but full of the daring dialectic of progressive love.
Mindfully formulating every dose of mercy in their speech, the careful ones meditate on the best possible outcome before responding to every verbal attack.
Realizing the potential for greater chaos when conflict is not managed with equanimity, Mercy first works to understand every viewpoint, every experience.
Regarding the divinity within all, Mercy draws out and accentuates the positive even as her sacred balm is applied in the most advanced cases of spiritual debilitation.
Mercy applauds every resolution to overcome the inner villains of vile thought.
Mercy’s way is the power of gentle love, which always frees the heart to soar.
Transcending human power and position, Mercy extends opportunity to the forgotten elements of divine Selfhood to emerge from within you.
Resourcefulness is a keynote of Mercy, for she weaves miracles with whatever small measure of sanity remains within every dire circumstance to which she is called to intercede.
Mercy’s sense of victory is apparent in her relentless effort to save souls through the most unorthodox methods during the most inhumane times.
Mercy carefully plots her every move to liberate you from samsara, one moment, one thought, one feeling at a time.
From Mercy’s vantage point everyone is worthy, every situation is salvageable.
Composure, which she defines as heart equanimity, is Mercy’s forte.