080108 Omraam
Man is Made in the Image of the Sun
This morning the messenger was guided by Master Omraam to read to us Chapter 6 in Towards a Solar Civilization and to discourse on certain concepts contained in the chapter: What Omraam stated in the lecture recorded in Chapter 6 that “man has a clearly defined body that doesn’t change,” is true in a certain context but in a greater context now we understand that we can change our bodies by choice and conscious awareness. But the greater teaching he is giving now is that most of science does not take into account the spiritual nature of mankind nor have they utilized the highest aspects of science to penetrate to that which would be most beneficial for mankind. Instead it is based on the use of pharmaceuticals and drugs for the treatment of pain and disease.
Eventually healing will be based on the sun of our Presence and the light we can garner and allow to flow through us. Let’s begin to take stock energetically of all that we do. We can get direct advice from our Solar Source as to what changes we can make in our lives to have optimal health. Meditating every morning on our Presence, seeing the light flowing through us and recharging our cells can do wonders.
In our bodies, the heart represents the sun. Also, Omraam stated that in the sense of the life-giving nature of the sun, the light that flows from the sun is his blood. “The solar system is a circulatory system with the sun, the heart, beating ceaselessly nourishing the whole body.” As more and more people make the choice to be God, to be the sun, to be the light, then we will begin to see a greater and greater dawning of an age of enlightenment.
Click here to access and listen to this morning’s service, including this entire discourse.