080122 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #10
What is Compassionate Mercy?
Kuan Yin came this morning with her wise counsel for our souls and a beautiful prayer, “O beautiful Mercy, how I love thee all through the day, all through the night!”
Then as she commented on the second Missive, “Mercy’s day often revolves around observing the most uncaring and matching them with those who require the greatest care,” Kuan Yin said that “this matching, this observing and matching is not just between two separate people, but occurs within [us]. So the most uncaring parts of [ourselves] are matched in a sense with that within [us] that needs the greatest care. This is an interesting concept to meditate upon to realize how God has provided [us] with a way to resolve all.”
Finally in explaining compassionate mercy and the law of karma, she said, “Mercy must be judicious also in her decision making, she can’t just extend what some people think as mercy as pity, or sympathy, without a certain aspect of the law of mercy which is compassion. So what some think would be mercy, in a given situation, may not truly be the divine framing of mercy, as God would have it be, in that moment.”
So, when we truly understand the law of karma we have “no more rancor toward God as being unjust” and we then cannot blame God for what is happening on earth, “because we are God, and therefore we have the authority to act and co-create this world as we would see it.”
Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message as well as the entire Morning Rosary Service.
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #10
Mercy provides even the most hardened of hearts with perfect excuses to show love and compassion.
Mercy’s day often revolves around observing the most uncaring and matching them with those who require the greatest care.
You may only fully know God’s heart after you have meditated upon the God-light within and shown unmitigated mercy toward your worst enemy.
The fire within God’s heart is the purest of mercy-lights.
O beautiful Mercy, how I love thee all through the day, all through the night!
Mercy comes to sing nightly to enemies of love, though they often hear only in their dreams.
Mercy is love in its most feminine expression.
I envision a new police force of mercy, urging on TLC (tender loving care) within every neighborhood, village and city.
The primary components of mercy are purity of motive and unadulterated love.
Your feeling world may become a paradise of mercy to earth’s children.
The prerequisite to being an employee of Mercy is largesse of heart through givingness.
I am the victory of compassionate mercy in all my affairs and challenges!