080109 Fortuna
Untie the Ribbon of Lanello’s Scrolls of Sacred Flow Teaching in
“You, the Greatest Salesman in the World!”
Beloved Fortuna begins a new cycle of abundance for each one who desires to be an instrument of God. She tells us that a chalice for light is created through our consciousness. “As [we] allow the light to be where [we] are, God may fill this cup with all of the gifts of heaven, including abundance.” To be the instrument of “sacred flow” we must first “through stillness” form this chalice.
She invites us to join beloved Lanello who will offer “a number of gifts” bound in scrolls that he would have us untie and unfurl “before our Higher Mind” in the new ten-week Meru University course, “You, the Greatest Salesman in the World.” To help us toward becoming these instruments of flow during this course, thought patterns of light will be created in us and the cleansing of limiting subconscious patterns will occur as we hear the inspired words of Og Mandino. Lanello and Fortuna will “work directly with [our] souls” encouraging us to “create and recreate the vessel of abundance where [we] are.” It takes a raising of awareness and belief in our capabilities to “manifest the graces of the Spirit.”
What we will learn beginning next Monday evening, will augment the past teaching from the God of Gold on the precipitation of abundance. Fortuna reminds us that we have within us all that is needed. It is a “simple turn of the dial”, a paradigm shift which will allow us to manifest this flow in our worlds as abundance and as the sustaining in our consciousness of God-awareness.
Click here to access and listen to this morning’s service, including this entire HeartStream.