071227 Great Divine Director
Through Pure Joy and Love, Conquer This Planet for the Light!
Blazing the fire of the Lord, the Great Divine Director comes this morning to deliver for the Lord, “a new spin to this Earth, a spin of light, a spin of joy and a spin of cosmic impetus whereby many more may come into an awareness of the light of their own . . . God Presence of perfect love, wisdom and power and all of the divine qualities that the One God emanates throughout the cosmos as the Creator’s great omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience.”
Employing “untold legions of Angels of Joy”, the Great Divine Director and Saint Germain came with an “impetus of Cosmic happiness” and a plan “to flood the Earth with so much divine radiance and light and joy that every man, woman and child will feel a new life-energy vibrating and welling up within them,” giving all a new opportunity in 2008 to live in the Spirit always.
We each have a part in this joyous alchemy: We are asked to play and replay the Great Divine Director’s dictation often, then as we feel the cosmic impetus and fire he releases to us we are then asked to send it forth with him “to the entire planet and her evolutions” and to see “its pulsating joy penetrating every particle of substance of this Earth and buoying it up in divine joy!”
We are told that as of today “God is in the Earth through His servant sons and daughters and the Reality of His light will manifest” now and throughout our upcoming New Year’s Conference in Chicago (Saturday December 29 - Tuesday, January 1, 2008). All are invited to join Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director—either in person or over the broadcast—for “the holy work of the Angels of Victory to secure, city by city, America and then the entire planet for the light!”