080120 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #8
Fiat Lux! Let Your Hearts Sing Mercy!
Reminding us that no one can voyage the sea of samsara alone, the bodhisattva of compassion again came to give us guidance and grace through her eighth series of Missives of Mercy. We all need a teacher, she said—“the helping hand of our guardian spirit”—so that our prayers for assistance are heard and these heavenly spirits may then “wing their way to our sides to usher us safely home.”
With a flourished “Voila!” beloved Kuan Yin revealed the secret ingredient of Mercy--“transcendent, enveloping love.” She said it is our right to use every moment wisely by being fully cognizant of our God-Presence in order to manifest that love. Inviting us to “let our hearts sing mercy”, she said that we could discover “etheric fields of Mercy, where every joy may be yours, where every gift of God is available.”
Kuan Yin’s final words of wisdom today were a loving reminder to “listen first before you speak, and then speak compassionately on behalf of the best outcome—and then love and peace will prevail.”
Click here to access Kuan Yin’s commentary on her missives from today.
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #8
Providing a context for complete forgiveness, Mercy communicates the way to resolution through seeing every problem from God’s immaculate view within all.
Mercy isolates the nadir of potential war, which must first be dissolved within the minds and hearts of the conflicted.
Every personal Armageddon may be won with Mercy’s insightful aid.
The power of Mercy may be felt by the troubled only when an inroad into their consciousness is opened through prayer and divine intercession.
The stimulus of Mercy to bring transparency even amidst the actions and reactions of opposing forces is the awesome nature of presence.
Acceptance of Mercy’s ground rules in conflict resolution will bring the hearts of age-old combatants to the table of forgiveness, hope and finally peace.
Forging a new way, Mercy delivers on her promises to inspire even the most hard-hearted and volatile of souls to abide in stillness until they can see clearly.
The finality of Mercy’s work is world transmutation.
When Mercy’s hand is fully and finally rejected there is a self-implosion that is not dissimilar to the creation of a black hole.
Returning to trust in the God-flame within, the prodigal soul calls out to Mercy who quickly comes to provide her sacred balm.
Voila! Transcendental, enveloping love is Mercy’s prescription—her mysterious, secret ingredient now revealed.
Will you accept Mercy as your own divine arbiter today?