080118 Kuan Yin Missives #6


Mercy is the Beloved I AM Solar Source

Overflowing with the Gifts and Graces Required upon the Path



oday the great-hearted Kuan Yin asks, "Would you partake at the table of Grace of Mercy's fare?" She wants us to know the fullness of that which God offers us at every moment. She gave us a formula for self-transformation with love and wisdom multiplied by the great givingness of God who "…is the ever-effulgent giving one, ceaselessly emanating all the graces and mercies of beingness."

            "The dynamism and the radiation of beingness in mercy compels the power of perfect poise to consume anti-light substance sitting upon [us]." We will learn to trust in the merciful heart of Kuan Yin, as we imbibe compassion's elixir and experience Love's chastening. "Even as the voice of darkness speaks so the song of Mercy is sung. Listen with intention and follow the voice back to the source of light. Thus the dweller will leave and you will be free!" 

            Click here to access and listen to all of Kuan Yin's commentary on today's missives.

  • Mindful of Mercy’s responsibilities to provide the impetus for change within the soul, every bodhisattva may be an example of her designated love-boons.
  • To be merciful you must first have a right heart toward your Divine Presence, your own highest source of mercy.
  • The value of mercy in the direction and coursing of one’s solar evolution cannot be fully fathomed.
  • Mercy has quite the proprietary formula for self transformation: M=LWG.  Mercy equals Love times Wisdom times Givingnessness.
  • Plying her sacred trades, Mercy moves through all cultures, avocations and lives to bring equanimity to the soul of mankind.
  • Beingness sets the table for all of Mercy’s courses.
  • When the perplexities of despair grip you at the final “Y” (why?) Mercy’s alarm bell sounds for her to appear and offer you the high road.
  • The spiritually alert listen to the inner promptings of Mercy in all their challenging communications and interactions with the final dweller.
  • Potent elixirs of Mercy are needed now upon Earth to secure it as a platform for solar systemic victory.
  • You may become adepts of Mercy through mastering NVC.
  • Mercy’s providential dharmic light can help dissolve your most ancient karma.
  • I envision every bodhisattva of love as also being a sacred servitor of Mercy.