080113 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #1

Missives of Mercy from My Heart: Beginning a New Cycle of Mercy

A most tender and compassionate Kuan Yin came early this morning with an announcement for heartfriends whom she addressed as Dearest Hearts of Mercy's Light:

Today I begin a series of missives of mercy to the bodhisattvas of love. In this release of light I choose to be where the messenger is within you in order to direct the currents of mercy into the deepest recesses of your consciousness. And by your reverent and respectful attentiveness to this flame of compassion and forgiveness I will weave a garland of light around the earth.

As you give your daily devotions to the Divine Mother, will you not also in this sacred cycle of a New Year of holy integration give those mantras to me whereby I may enter into the figure-eight flow of Buddhic love and radiate this flame of mercy to all?

Mercy is as mercy does. So enter her silent contemplation upon the allness of God and in presence be that mercy to all.

  • Mercy’s joy is to transform the hardest hearts and the most violent of criminals through highlighting and drawing forth their own innate goodness.

  • Forgiveness is the first step in mercy’s unlimited healing potential.

  • The merciful ones know God’s palette as well as his palette.

  • Always refining your senses, redefine within your own mercy flame.

  • Mercy’s healing qualities are not only palliative, but life-changing.

  • Your internal compass will direct you to mercy’s shores if you truly listen and then move into her currents.

  • All ignorance, as forgetfulness, may be consumed in mercy’s gentle flame.

  • You may become the Buddha through knowing the fullness of mercy’s inextinguishable light.

  • All paralysis is an opportunity to learn mercy’s most important lessons.

  • Refinement of character is the ongoing work of bodhisattvas of mercy.

  • Close the book with me now on your past unmerciful words, your Wordless thoughts and your thoughtless deeds.

  • Follow your heart to mercy's radiant home.