080114 Kuan Yin Missives #2
Missives of Mercy from My Heart: A New Cycle of Mercy
Expressing our interconnectedness, Kuan Yin comes again this morning asking us to be “listening ears for Mercy” whereby many more may hear the keys she has to offer for the resolving of conflict and discord in the world and in our lives:
“No matter what is occurring in Baghdad, Jerusalem or even in your own backyard or living room the way to the center of peace I provide through mercy’s light. As you first see your goal manifest and then feed that goal through your attention and the light that pours through that attention all will be brought into harmony in perfect balance in God.
“All karmic conflicts involve God’s sacred process to move you into Presence. For only from the point of the heart and your presence there may you come into complete unity within your God Presence. This is the key to heightened transmutation of personal and planetary karma. You may decree and mandate transmutation from the human but God and only God may, through the divine gift and grace of mercy, make it so through you.”
Click here to access Kuan Yin’s entire message.
Your Buddhahood requires developing an understanding heart through the eyes of Mercy.
Make your God-potential reality by sharing Mercy in every scenario where a conflict requires someone to move into a higher way of resolution.
Open your heart to Mercy when you’re challenged by the misanthropic who seek to malign your name, discredit your office or question your motives.
Visualize Mercy entering every conflict’s center point and dissolving the core of all miscommunication, all disinterest in harmony and all volatility in the heat of the battle.
You may only fully know Mercy’s glow and helping hand when you’ve been at the bottom of the heap.
Mercy invariably leads you to the heart of every matter worth resolving and thereby to the center of your heart.
Being merciful does not mean having to relinquish your stand for truth and for the inalienable principles of justice and liberty for all.
Mercy radiates the divine power of compassion that eventually wears down and dissolves tyranny.
Finding the center of compassion within you is the first step on the path for bodhisattvas of Mercy.
Enrich your love for humanity by spreading seeds of Mercy today.
Image: ntmiller.com