080102 Hilarion
A New Spin of Truth
Beloved Hilarion today increases our love for truth, our ability to be the light of truth. Truth is “the clear seeing of the reality of God in the now through the light that flows through the nexus of your third eye,” he says. In order to precipitate, to manifest greater abundance, to fulfill our dreams, we must understand how to hold the immaculate concept through clear seeing of our divine purpose. “Truth speaks through the heart but also through the eye attuned to the All-Seeing Eye of God.” If we desire to see all that is not light within transformed into light, then “the light of truth must flow in greater measure” through us.
Hilarion gives us a “new spin of truth” to help us not only see the plan but use the tools to implement the plan. He reminds us that during the New Year’s Conference we were given keys to a higher way of “co-munication” through focusing on what is really happening in our communications with others. We are to practice this art, a way of speaking and listening that creates communications of love, hope, joy, freedom, peace. It is more than the thoughts expressed in words, it stems from our God-vision, our clear seeing, our clear purpose in speaking. And it allows for gentle, appropriate, tactful messages that are received in like manner, heart to heart.
If we desire to be instruments of healing, Hilarion advised, we must clean out anything within that is less than wholeness. If we would be conveyors of truth, before we would open our mouths to evaluate the acts of others, including national and world leaders, it would be well to “go within and eliminate one by one the particles of untruth” that lie within ourselves. Then we may speak the truth in the face of error.
Greater wholeness of body, mind and spirit comes through seeing ourselves and all as already perfect and complete. Hilarion delivers us from any matrices that have held us in anything less than wholeness and purity today. True healing is “the light of holy truth.” He commands our souls to rise and behold the God within and our joyous Mother Light to rise to the crown chakra. He seals our minds, our vision in the immaculate grace of Mary and “the holy light of the truth” of our “higher being.”