080101 El Morya
Would You Be Masters of the Will of God, I Ask?
Beloved El Morya chose this first day of the New Year 2008 to discourse and darshan with us on the keys necessary to move from being a disciple to being a master. Morya adjures us to “retain this sense of Presence throughout the day, sustaining it for as long as you can mindfully each day of this year. You will see a great increase in your ability to hold light, to be Keepers of the Lightening, to manifest new miracles in your world, to be instruments for the release of greater sacred fire.”
Self observe your thought processes such that before you speak you mindfully enter into an awareness of all that you say.
Understand the causative nature of light, energy and the field than surrounds you and of its impact on the world.
Look within yourself to understand how when you master your emotions through this polarity with the throat chakra you begin to master your speech.
Go for a day without speaking, taking the time to observe your mind and your thoughts.
Enter into the stillness of Presence and from that point of cosmic reference fully master your mind, emotions and being.
Meditate upon God day and night and through mindfulness move into the stream of pure being, and thus every emanation from them comes from the point of purity and self-realization.