080103 Lady Master Nada
Heart to Heart and Rose to Rose
Today Lady Master Nada comes to expand the love fires of the rose within our hearts. If we would see this floral bouquet of love grow to enfold the entire earth, then “day by day” we must behave thoughtfully and tenderly - for “God has placed this same rose of love within the hearts of all.” Beloved Nada gives us practical keys to kind and compassionate communication. She helps us to realize a reverential and welcoming way for us to converse with one another as members of the Order of the Rose Cross.
Because the fragrance of the heart has the power to transform and raise all in love, Beloved Nada advises us to open our own hearts as the first step in the conveyance of the love behind any teaching. “Each rose” is at a different stage of development and we are cautioned to be mindful in our thoughts and our speech lest we interfere with another soul’s pathway. The art of listening is also one of compassion; learn to receive the message of love behind the words. Says Beloved Nada, “The rose, like the human soul, is delicate in nature.” So let us give one another the benefit of the doubt.
Beloved Nada came today to inform us that we need not be concerned when the messenger or anyone else speaks whether it is a specific communiqué from an ascended being or if we are listening to a thought emanating from the Higher Presence of the one speaking; if you feel a teaching is true and valid for you, then you may embrace the petals of the offering of the message regardless of the specific source from whence it comes and arises. “A rose is a rose is a rose”…and that rose “in full bloom” is how she sees us daily as we continue to “meditate upon the very heart of God as love.”
Click here to access the entire message.