080106 Lanto on Epiphany

Keeping up with the New Caravan of Morya, Kuthumi and Dwal Kul

On this beautiful day of Epiphany that commemorates the journey of the three kings led by the star of the East, our own chohan of wisdom's light came to us saying, "I am Lanto and I appear with the Three Wise Men to lead you into a new world consciousness of light and freedom this day…to accept the new blessings of the now." He announced that a shift is occurring that will challenge us to think, cognize and act in entirely new arenas. "Thus, openness of heart and mind and flexibility of consciousness…'adept adaptability'…is the primary requirement of the hour."

"The pliant ones with whom we work are always ready for a challenge. This requires a willingness to be God-taught as well as God-wrought." He pointed out that heartfriends of all ages would benefit from learning the basics of what scouting organizations teach their young people, including knowledge of communication with codes and symbols, wilderness first aid, orienteering and especially group dynamics. “You are moving into a more dangerous period, blessed ones, and we come early this year to begin to sound the alarm that would help you plan for your victory in every possible scenario…." He asked us to be one with the mind of God in us that enables us to have the internal transmutation that is part of the greater plan for the reversal of our past. "A word to the wise is always sufficient when they live in… the light of the Presence of hope in the eternal Now."

Click here to listen to Lanto's entire message in the replay of today's Rosary service.