080121 Kuan Missives of Mercy #9
Those Who Strive with Love at the Center of Being Will Know Mercy’s Comforts
Kuan Yin comes this morning with tender and loving blessings that will lift the sense of burden upon us and give us “a new life of joy in knowing the God-flame within.” All these gifts and graces are her personal offering to those who are merciful to life, who revere the light within each one. She then gives us the commission to “go forth and bestow all [mercy’s] healing properties to friend and foe alike.”
“Blessed hearts, let your minds be merciful towards each other in their responses, their emanations, their renderings. Let your hearts be merciful in all that flows through this great auricle of light provided unto you each one. Let your souls be merciful and embrace the divine world. Let your hands be merciful to your children and to all who come to you. Let your eyes be merciful and give where giving is required. Let your feet be merciful upon the earth as you walk in Presence and support life at every level of existence. Let your very being emanate mercy with all who you are as a bodhisattva of love on your sacred journey.”
Mercy is the oasis that the Lord provides just as you’re about to give up on your journey of love.
Mercy is the heavenly rain that descends upon the parched earth, just as your crops are languishing in the heat of the summer sun.
Mercy foretells the glorious vista that awaits you at the summit, even as your lungs and limbs are about to give out after an intense and grueling ascent.
Mercy is the flame within the beacon rotating in the lighthouse that appears during a long, dark storm on choppy seas, leading you to safe harbor and a night’s sound rest at last.
Mercy is the expectant and happy hearts that lavish hugs and kisses upon you when you return from an extended business trip or a difficult day at work.
Mercy is the most perfect sunrise on a mild morning with the sky all ablaze with the fire of opportunity to serve and strive for a better world.
Mercy is the beautiful bouquet and wafting aroma of roses, violets, lilacs or lilies provided by your loved ones on your special day or when you’ve been taken ill and are resting in bed.
Mercy is the comforting smile and thankful praise of loved ones who are grateful for the colorful meal that you have lovingly prepared for most of the afternoon.
Mercy is the peaceful calm you feel upon arising after a restless night of sleep knowing that you have a challenging adventure or endeavor to engage in today.
Mercy is the check from an unexpected source that arrives in the mail just as you were despairing about where to find the supply to pay your bills or to put food on the table for you and your family.
Mercy is the patience and temperance shown by others when you have erred or fallen short of your or their expectations.
Mercy is the bud that blossoms or the hummingbird that appears at your kitchen window on your birthday.