080125 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #13
Love from Our Maiden of Mercy
iolate every law of harshness, every tenet of violence by the code of Mercy.
Mercy’s victory is inherent in the healing presence within her gifts.
Dote on Mercy until she never leaves you.
In a world of suffering Mercy’s only respite is for her strengthening so she may again enter the scene of affliction to serve again.
Mercy’s rituals are simple yet profound and speak of one word: Kindness.
Every flower is a tiny expression of mercy.
When Mercy’s work is finished Sophia comes to initiate the soul.
The glory of Mercy is that her work transforms you from within out so that you no longer live from the without.
Mercy’s mindfulness is the key to her success.
Biding your time with Mercy during the harsh winter, you will appreciate each spring with greater joy and clarity of purpose.
Mercy says: Patent your own keen kindness.
Mercy’s heart, like the sun, warms all alike.
True greatness is known only by those who have been chastised by Love, pummeled by Compassion, stripped by Kindness and remolded by Mercy.
After reading her thirteenth set of missives, dearest Kuan Yin, instead of commenting on them individually, imbued us with a HeartStream of great gentleness and love, while discoursing on the need to cleanse the lower levels of our consciousness.
She spoke of the “creatures” within the basement of our being which outpicture as the desire to have “creature comforts” and of the need to cleanse these from our auras day by day. She said that though few take the time to do this cleansing, those who do receive the ministrations of the heavenly beings who observe and attend to the progress of our souls. True spiritual strivers working to assist the Aquarian Master “receive those very incisive incisions that will carve out from them those ancient pus-pockets of darkness and replace them with all Light, all Mercy, all Hope. When this spiritual surgery is complete [they] will be sent home, launched high into the octaves of light, and [they] will sing the song of Mercy.”
Truly, Kuan Yin is the “Maiden of Mercy bearing missives of love” for our souls. What great sweetness and blessing!
Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and this morning’s Rosary of Abundance.