071231 Rose of Light
The Rose of Light Who I AM I Extend to You as You Extend Love and compassion to Others
On this New Year’s Eve morning, Beloved Rose of Light extends her helping hand and heart to be “as a bridge from this year to the next and from a life lived sometimes not so conscious to one where you may be fully present in the love of God.” She commissions each of us to be her representatives of love, to “speak and emanate and practice love in greater givingness of Self to others.”
Lest we should think that only our soul evolves, Rose of Light tells us that our heart also moves in “a stream of God’s light and energy,” and as we enter “that sacred heart of Oneness then [our] heart does expand, does evolve into a heart of purity, a heart of great love and joy and radiance.” We are reminded to “take time each day to experience divine love in some way first within [our] heart in stillness, and then offering that love in a very practical manner to others in need of greater love.”