080111 El Morya newsflash

New Blue Energies for New Cycles

Our blessed first guru and Bapu (father), El Morya, came this morning bringing teachings of the New Blue. His purpose in coming, he said, was to reinforce Chananda’s message of yesterday and to clear certain patterns of darkness within our subconscious. To that end he gave much teaching on aligning with the blessed Will of God each day.

Many call to the Will of God, he said, but few really understand its power to reshape their lives. Morya said that the cycles within a student’s world may correlate to the changing of the earth’s cycles, and that at the bringing in of the New Year there is a true opportunity for each person to ‘rise in consciousness.’ He said that 2008 will be a turning point for many of us—an opportunity to both attune with a new release of light from our divine Presence, as well as an opportunity to daily transmute the energies released to us. He reminded us that non-attachment is the key to discerning the Will of God and progressing “swiftly and surely,” assuring us all that the “divine navigator” is always there to keep us on track and to guide us home through the “sea of samsara.”

Our progress is ever an on-going process, El Morya reminded us; and we will continue to be tested. In addition he said that though it is difficult to always discern our progress, the New Blue energies are key. “Choose today to be that True Blue you and live in the Will of God, blessed hearts. I am here for you, leading you home to the heart of the One.”

Click here to access and listen to this entire message from El Morya.