071229 Beloved Lanello
We Move Forward Together to Shine the Christ-light Across the Entire Earth
Beloved Lanello, the knight champion of our souls, welcomed all to the New Year’s class this afternoon, initiating a new spiral of light within us here in The Hearts Center of America. He tells us that we are all meant to be transmitters of sacred fire, saying, “when you know who you are then naturally you may also help to rekindle that which is real within others, moving them in sacred fire, moving them up higher into their own God source, Higher Self, Christ Spirit.”
Coming today as our friend and visionary of our soul perfected, Lanello suggests we each offer our heart and that which we have become “upon the altar of the Holy One and see how during this weekend [our lives] may come to a greater fruition in the Spirit.” He suggests that we “begin to recreate with God something holy, something beautiful, something that can ennoble this dark star that earth has become and to reclaim it for the light and for Saint Germain, Mother Mary and Jesus.”