Beloved Archangel Uzziel came this morning to “amplify the light of the eighth ray” within us and to seal the light of the release of the seven archangels and their archeiai with the light of the eighth ray. He further explained that he is a “cosmic integer,” and that his coming was for the eighth ray integration within us “of all of the qualities of the Godhead and the seven rays, such that… there can be the intensification of the seven focused through the eighth for the perfect alignment within you of holy purpose and for the victory of your life as you integrate the five secret rays within your being and world.”
He said that just as the saints of East and West have done, the goal for us is to take the stupendous light that we are invoking daily and make it real in the world of form, so that we may "be walking buddhas and bodhisattvas upon the earth who understand the law of cycles and the cycling of God’s energies” within our beings. As we are able to integrate all that God desires to work through us, there can be, especially when the messengers are present in our midst, the release of light from the heaven world into the physical of great flashes of cosmic lightning, which will energize this planetary body. “How do you think that a golden age, a golden crystal age, may materialize upon earth? …When you can stand to be where we are, blessed hearts, we energize all the light within you to a fever pitch to burn out of you that which is not of the light…for the final purpose of making you wholly one with God.”
“We deliver to you the teaching that the ascension is a day-by-day process; and when you are steady, and when you are faithful in the integration process day by day by invoking the sacred fire, then there is the gradual ascension within you of the molecules of selfhood and of the light of your Presence where you are such that one day you will simply no longer be mortal, but you will slip into the divine immortality of your God Self.” He reminded us that ascending is not so difficult a process if we look upon it as a day-by-day graduation, happening incrementally.
“Therefore, the mysteries of heaven are being revealed unto the elect; and if you choose to be among the elect, then we will, by our vote, elect you to be in our midst. Yes, we will select the highest aspects of yourself, amplify them and, as these are highlighted in your world, and you can begin to perceive as the ascended masters do—with a newfound spirit of joy and cosmic expectancy—then the light of the divine world may blaze around you. Your aura will be filled with a sacred fire such that those who come into your circle of awareness may receive something of the divine world even by standing in your presence, you see.”
Dear Archangel Uzziel reminded us that the goal is always that the one who is the disciple become the teacher; the one who is the student surpass the guru in awareness. He said do not relegate to the future something that we can do today to increase the divine order of God Self-realization in our world. “Do not relegate to another or to some future misty existence the very present beingness that must manifest in your world.”
And in the joyfulness of the z ray, he ended his message saying, “I am the angel of the eighth ray. And the “z” within my name—the double “z”—is for the zeroing in upon you of God’s light; the zeroing out of your unreality; and the acceleration unto the Z ray of the zenith of being of all that is true within you, blessed hearts. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I zap the substance of death and hell. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! And I raise the substance of heaven. So be it within you. So perceive it. For seeing is believing and believing is seeing. And in the all-seeing Eye of Oneness where you are I, Uzziel, integrate the perfected matrix of your being such that you also may become with me a 'cosmic integer' of sacred fire. Move on to oneness. Move on to wholeness. Move on to cosmic unity with the legions of the seven archangels, and the eighth, and be real today, blessed hearts.”