070616 Zadkiel -

Lord Zadkiel Instigates the Release
of a Seventh Ray Action of Light Today!

Lord Zadkiel stands in Bozeman, Montana to "anchor the light of freedom's fire," preparing for one of the greatest releases of the light of freedom in the last 150 years! Now that we are coming into the understanding of the laser action of the violet light, Lord Zadkiel explains, there is a crystallization in the earth of "this amethyst matrix" which is preparing the way for the coming of the seventh root race and the coming of Alpha. Along with this violet laser action, the New Blue, which Lord Zadkiel calls the "new cosmic energy" from Sirius, will allow for the anchoring within the earth of these higher frequencies so that "all of earth's evolutions that are due to ascend" may be able to transcend the past and partake of the energies of the seventh age.

We are experiencing multiplication upon multiplication of light! Lord Zadkiel stands with the seven archangels and the archeiai within the vortex of light of the cosmic violet-ray generator in Gallatin Valley, and they increase the light within our chakras. Being lowered over Bozeman, Montana is a replica of that which will manifest fully as we gather together for the seven days of Freedom 2007. It is a magnificent and gigantic etheric crystalline structure that will emanate a powerful action of light through our prayers, mantras and songs. This action of light, augmented by the frequencies of harmony and the cosmic violet-ray generator, will create within the earth a new vibration of oneness. There will also be a new aliveness present because of the coming of Alpha.

Lord Zadkiel gives gratitude and honor to the Elohim. Lord Zadkiel and all of the archangels bow before the Elohim, calling them the great "Co-creators of the seven worlds and beyond". He invokes their presence, lovingly and powerfully intoning, "E-lo-him!" and announces that a blanket of violet now surrounds the Gallatin Valley. He tells us that the ground upon which we will stand as we enter the sanctuary during our conference is already sanctified. It is holy ground "made sacred by the Elohim, the archangels and the chohans of the rays." As we participate in the activities of this conference, the angels and archangels are in our midst. We may even hear them praying and singing with us, amplifying our love. The archangels are the Word. They are "the delivery of the message of hope." The sounding of their trumpets will be another plea to the sons and daughters of God to return to their mission, to wield the sword of the Word in defense of the Mother and Her Seed.

The archangels request the presence of our children.The archangels radiate the fire of freedom through us whenever we call to the violet light. They are with us when we sing and especially when our children, who carry a great light of purity, sing and worship with us. Having our children with us during our times of worship amplifies greatly the light of our prayers. Again Lord Zadkiel intones the name,"E-lo-him," and tells us that the Holy City is fully manifest. He wants us to go and tell the people. He wants us to bring them through the beautiful, jeweled gates of the Holy City. Our ticket, our token of entrance, he reminds, is our wedding garment. He then clears the pathway for another seventy to come to our event. We are to go and find them, to call for their release.

Let Freedom 2007 be "the turning point for the earth!" This conference will prepare the way for new cycles of acceleration and the new fire. Lord Zadkiel releases all who have been "shackled unjustly". Their souls now fly unto their freedom through the seventh ray. Beloved Saint Germain also stands in Bozeman "blazing forth light rays through his heart in perfect love for all of life upon earth. Beloved Portia stands on Venus emanating the light of the seventh ray." Between these worlds a cosmic cable of light is created, pulling earth closer spiritually to the light of love that Venus is. Frequencies of divine love flow to earth through this cable at our call. Unless mankind truly know love, there is no victory. But we can help this manifest through our calls and earth will become Freedom's Star.

We are sealed in a seventh ray action of love. In the next two days the archangels will continue their discourses for the completion of this action for the sealing of the entire earth by the power, wisdom and love of Almighty God. He tells us to prepare ourselves, heart, mind and spirit to know the All-in-All within.