Holy Amethyst Leads Us in a Beautiful, Timely Discourse and Meditation on Forgiveness of Self and Others
A Unified Field of Awareness
As we are rapidly approaching summer solstice, we are coming out of the Alpha cycle, the outbreath, the going out, into the Omega cycle, the return or inbreath of the year. Because we are at such a critical time in history, it is so important that we resolve issues within ourselves and with others now, before this Omega cycle begins. All must be resolved in order for all to move forward into unity, or non-duality.
So how do we manifest this unity or “unified field of awareness” that we already are? We must first forgive ourselves and then all others, all the way back to our early incarnations. We must first love our own Solar Presence and then all others' with all of our hearts. This is a teaching we have heard many times and yet it comes again for us to master. If the lightbearers can live in total, present harmony by living from the heart, then, naturally, we can assist all life.
Forgive and Forget
Forgiveness and forgetting of the issue are keys. These become the dissolution of the entire matter, the highest forgiveness. We are then able to move on. We are reminded that when we perceive less than perfection in others, it usually is in us, as well. Therefore, if we perceive it, we should do some violet light prayers and don’t give it any energy. We are also reminded that we will come into juxtaposition with those with whom we have the greatest karma, often parents, children, relatives, and those we work and serve with.
The Archeiai, the “sensitive ladies of heaven”, come to give us keys to deal with the karma, that it might be resolved with the least amount of drama, friction and intensity. When we do the Rosary of Faith, they anoint the soul, the feminine potential of God, and infuse our aura and consciousness with all the beautiful qualities of God. Mother Mary has also asked us to study and use compassionate communication with each other, especially in our Hearts Centers.
At the end of this wonderful discourse was a very beautiful meditation that took us in consciousness, through a ritual of merciful forgiveness, from the present back to our beginnings.