Archangels Chamuel and Charity Lead Our Souls to the Very Throne of God in a Ritual of Divine Love
In the seventh of a series of dictations from the seven archangels, these wondrous angels of love give us both teachings from their hearts and an experience of flowing with currents of this love in a most beautiful release of light this morning. We were told that when we enter into any aspect of divine love, our life will never be the same. “Ruby love, as a concentrated action of the merciful qualities of love, consumes all vestiges of human love that has gotten in the way of the divine continuity of the spirit that you seek.”
Calling us “holy ones who would be more holy this day,” we were then invited to “come with me now and with the seven archangels and their acrcheiai. We fly to the very throne of the Divine One and see the cherubim and seraphim encircling that which you would call the great throne of God. Witness the manifestations of the currents of God’s power, wisdom and love and see the blazing glory of the appearance of the face of the Divine… As we kneel in prayer and experience the eternal love-fires of God’s heart, we trust that you too, blessed ones, through this divine interchange bring back to earth a holy remembrance such that at any time that you feel bereft of the great feeling of the angels in your midst, you may return in consciousness to this point of the divine experience in God’s Presence.”
We were instructed to then bring this cosmic memory again and again into our outer, waking consciousness, sharing with another the gifts and graces that we have to offer “through this pathway of light and through the coursings of your own soul through the evolutionary scheme that God has prepared for you in your mission serving to set life free…Let us worship day by day, in greater measure giving God the glory for all that streams forth through our hearts unto others….Let us remember the holy purpose to which we have come to this planetary home and that is to love with all of our hearts, with all of our minds, our souls, our very being the Lord God”
“Now that you have seen the Divine One, even at the soul level, you may no longer live as men and women. Yes, you must live as God. I seal your hearts in this experience. Remember ye are brethren and sisters. Love one another as the Lord has loved thee and move ever into the eternal stream, the divine currents of God’s holy love.”