070624 Sponsors of Youth -
The Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun
Wing Their Way to the Center of Our Hearts
“Gracious hearts, we descend to earth in a spiral of light in a cosmic vortex of change.” Thus began the address today of the Sponsors of Youth, twelve in number, speaking through one voice of Unity. And thus continued the wonderful thrust of love in action preparing the way for the coming of Alpha to Heartscenter’s Freedom 2007. According to the perspective of these masters, earth will never be the same again after this sacred event that begins on June 30th in Bozeman, Montana. Their dictation was brought forth during the Sunday Family Service from the Hearts Center in New York, the Third Eye of Vision for the United States of America. After the dictation, the NYHC received a special thank you from the Messenger for providing a fitting chalice for the coming of the masters this morning.
“All ascended beings who are tied to the earth in this hour are part of the plan for the raising of the youth in America and the world.” They spoke of many areas of need as we approach the education and the treatment of the youth in our society. In order to bring forth a crystal golden age of love-wisdom that “… the lord god envisions and holds in perfect awareness for the victory of light on this earth,” there must be a great shift in consciousness in the nurturing, development, and spiritual education of the youth. All who have worked with youth in various capacities are keys in the plan of the Universal White Brotherhood for the dawning of the seventh age of freedom upon earth. “I talk in rings of fire circumscribing this problem so you see it from many angles.”
“Golden Age societies have always honored the impulses that flow through the youth in the higher mind available to them in their studies.” Greater opportunities were described and discussed for creating bridges between education, the work place and the home. A far-reaching plan must be applied for the creation of a sacred triangle of light, bonding these three segments of society. We already understand many of the principles that are involved in this process. And we can receive inspiration directly from the heavenly hosts to help move the youth into a new spirit, a new joy of discovery that life is worth living and that they have a divine purpose. The concept of the Meru Learning Center was mentioned as an example of a resource for youth of all ages to use for the bringing forth of the crystal structures that are needed in this hour.
“This upcoming conference is key for earth itself for the shift that is required.” We can be the crystal beings through which this shift can occur and we must not see ourselves as less. Heaven sees the determination for change that we have had for years and will use our voices and chakras for the one purpose of funneling these higher frequencies to earth and the collective consciousness of mankind. Participating on the broadcast is very effective but we were reminded that it counts for up to ten times as much (change!) when we can be there physically.
“Now you have a new key to call upon us. See us twelve circumscribing the field of cosmic awareness that must come to the youth.” The crystal seeds of light were then energized and activated within us and in all who are called to this purpose. We were asked to let the mind of Christ and Buddha and Krishna resonate in us such that the light of victory will be ours forevermore.