070627 Mother Mary-ah
Mother Mary’s Heart is Married to Our Own
A beautiful live violin rendition of Ave Maria welcomed Mother Mary and the tiers of angels into our midst this morning. Its melodic strains prepared us for not just a dictation, but the full presence of the culture of the Mother. It was as if the Freedom Conference was initiated this morning with the gathering of devotees from parts near and far united in love.
Mother Mary said she enfolds us in the radiance of the angels, with whom we are naturally comfortable because we are angels. “The ritual that you have performed this day of the giving of prayers honoring the divine mother within me but also within all life is such that great quantities of light and the effulgence of the spirit have gone forth for the healing of many.” Through her intercession, a sacred surgery upon our souls has occurred this day. Those things we desire to be rid of have been sloughed off.
Heartstreaming in these sessions allows for the pure flow of light within us. “And this is why you participate daily in heartstreaming together in these sessions because you feel the flow of light through you and nothing else will suffice for you in life but to be present with your God and your friends of light both on earth and in the heaven world. O communities of light such as these are what we would see across the earth whereby the very earth itself is raised in glory because the light essences of heaven are brought to bear within your world through your intention, through your oneness of hearts, and through the voice of God that speaks through you as you commune and worship together.”
Once again we are a point of crystal light for the release of the flow of the Spirit unto all life. Mother Mary looks into our lifestreams and sees that many have been devoted to her, hundreds and thousands of years in previous incarnations as monks and nuns. “In this life, blessed ones, you have opportunity to come into that perfect oneness of spirit with your own God-self no longer seeing yourself as less than the God-being who you are. But truly as one of our bands, an angel in embodiment.”
“You may enter into the highest manifestation of the glory of your soul in its mission upon earth to fulfill all that you were sent forth in the beginning to accomplish.” After entering the spiritual path, wasn’t our true purpose “to be there for God, to be the instrument of uplift and healing for another? . . . .Bring this radiance that you feel in greater measure when hearts come together back to your communities to distribute the light where you are—loving one another, smiling and aiding life in every measure possible such that the kingdom of God may come upon earth once again.”
Mother Mary draws us to her heart and leaves us with a certain essence, an aroma of roses “that may always be present where you are when you pray, when you meditate, when you attune to the heart of God and the angels of my band.” At the end of her message, our beloved Mary, marries her heart to our own, if we would have her.