We Are Challenged to Become Charity in Action through True Givingness
Calling compassion the “mother of world transmutation”, Archeia Charity comes this morning to share her thoughts on all aspects of charity. “Charity is the oil of the Spirit that I extend unto and through your chakras when you love real people while giving of and from your Real Self selflessly. It shines through the chrism of the virtues and graces that always augment the light of love that you share. And when you extend these through compassion and not with human sympathy or pity, you ennoble the one you serve as well as yourself in the process.”
Charity contrasts the motives for giving of those whose giving promotes their own egoic self to those for whom a true spirit of love is present at the core of their motives. “…and through a pure desire to serve there are released ampoules of charity that bless them in the very process of extending the gifts that they convey.” She revealed that those individuals and organizations who serve others to alleviate the suffering of the downtrodden “are often embodied angels of our bands whose daily joy is extending love to those in need in a very physical way.”
A new form of charity
“And yet, I say that there must also now be a new form of charity extended by heartfriends of the Spirit to the souls of mankind whereby the teachings of the ascended masters will ring forth across the earth through those who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to act and to be the instruments for healing at the very core of being of the many, as you teach people the importance of the spiritual path and of how they may raise themselves out of human misery through the teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path by the light of their own Buddha Nature.”
We will see at the upcoming Freedom Class some things that have already been created to convey the higher truths to “heartfriends who currently know not of this movement. And I call each one of you this day to consider how you may be the instrument of charity to those who must have this teaching in order to win their ascension in this or the next lifetime.” The archangels and archeiai will sponsor the workshops being created to produce modules for the purpose of contacting those “who have been waiting in the wings for just the right message of the Spirit to come their way….”
“And with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray I move the stone of selfishness away from the hearts of some who have been lax in giving all that they can to our cause of light. Only you, in communion with your own Higher Self, blessed ones, will know what level of givingness is sufficient for your own victory. In some cases you have surrendered all already and your cup will receive to overflowing the returning bounty of your love. In other cases, you still have much to offer, so long as you give it with a cheerful heart and from a core of love. Yes, God loves the cheerful giver! I am compassion in action through you if you will accept me into your heart today!