070606 Lord Himalaya
The Science of Emanation
“From the cosmic vastnesses and from atop Mount Kailas, I come to be with those who would understand the science of emanation in greater measure. I am Himalaya and I speak within your heart. And I emanate through the pure stream that flows from you, through you, that is of the issue of God.”
The Next Step Toward Planetary Peace
“Blessed ones, it is not only in words that change is wrought, but in the vibration of presence behind those words that you speak. Where there is no presence of peace, there can be no change toward peace upon Earth. Thus, Kuthumi has come and I amplify the flame of peace that he has established, for as a disciple of peace and World Teacher, he with Jesus are key for you in discerning the next step toward planetary peace, toward the ultimate fulfillment of all dispensations past, within the Now of perfect peace.
“I dispense with darkness within the Earth. I dispense with darkness within you if you would have perfect peace, blessed ones. Though you may seek peace upon Earth, at times it takes the manifestation of the peaceful warrior within you to come forth to anchor the light through the sword of the Spirit.”
Stretch Forth the Shield of Peace
“Thus, do not wince when the arrows fly, but stretch forth the shield of peace. And then send forth the arrow of love to abolish all that is anti-peace. Perfect love casts out all fear. All fear, I say, must go by the way through heartstreaming with God, your source, your love.
“Fearlessness is the requirement of the hour, and yet this cosmic peace of stillness from which fearlessness flows may only be yours when you understand the Self and emanate with me in the lotus love of light. I convey through silence, the higher teaching. Listen, listen to the sound of silence, the voice of peace, the emanation of love from where I AM within you.”