In the gentleness of peace, Beloved Kuthumi came this morning reminding us to commune with the elementals and be as a little child.
"I AM Kuthumi. And I impress the spirit of oneness unto all life this morning. For I have received from the Lord those sacred impressions of his heart, that I now extend unto you, blessed ones, in the radiance of grace. As you commune with elemental life listening to the song of your own soul, as you hear the cadences of the birds, will you understand the meaning of life where you are today? What has been for you a circuitous pathway over many lifetimes, may now be resolved through that oneness of the Spirit abiding within you, as you get to the heart of the matter of living as love would live through you."
"There comes a point on the path, when all past distress of falling short of the mark of perfection dissolves in the oneness of the bliss of the heart of God. And lest many of you think that through only an active forcing of God to hear your cries you would change the world in some way, know, blessed hearts, that the Lord of all already knows exactly what is needed by every soul. And in the opening of the flower of the heart, those natural expressions that may emanate through you as God's perfect design for the flowering of your life may be so, day by day, through your acceptance, through harmony and through seeing all as the mother sees."
Kuthumi continued, "Would you walk with God as a child, today? Take the hand of the young Jesus on your left and the young Kuthumi on your right and as a child in your own right, understand how even in our youth and at a tender age, the impressions of Godly love flowed unto us and may also flow through you, as you perceive as we did even in those hours of our desire to know the all in all and to be for God vessels of kindness, chalices of holy love."
"Peace be unto each one who would be for the earth a focal point of precious peace. Peace flow through these hearts, O Lord, and through the Sun consciousness of the plexus of light that you have established as the center of the sun within them, each one, peace manifest anew within their world, maintaining perfect balance, perfect joy, perfect poise within the breath that flows in the upswelling and in the expression and the expelling, in the inbreath and the release of the past forever. I AM KH. And the key I hold for you is peace, peace, peace."
The HeartStream Radio Show!
It just gets better and better. This Wednesday, tune in once again to WVOX, 1460 on your AM radio dial, at 8:00 p.m. EDT to listen to Dr. Natacha Kolesar of the I.D.E.A.L. Society and our own David Lewis, now a regular guest on the show.