070604 El Morya
The Order of the Keepers of the Lighning
In a spirit of great tenderness and love, El Morya comes this morning expressing gratitude for the light being kept and the impressions that are being left upon the planetary body through the early morning sessions with him. “For, blessed ones, I have been with you in spirit anchoring the light of the first ray of dawn. And this morning, at the behest of various members of our council, I am coming to speak to you of what it means to be a Keeper of the Lightning. For this many of you have vowed to do before entering this life and now you are gaining a new understanding of what this means through this dispensation and through the acceleration of light through your four lower bodies, one with your higher bodies.”
“The Maha Chohan has spoken, and as you have heard, this holy order is sponsored by him. In addition to what he has conveyed unto you, understand blessed ones, that the maintaining of this level of the attenuation of light through your vehicle, your vessel as an instrument of the divine requires a greater discipline, and as a crystal focus for the distribution of cosmic light rays into the earth, those who deem themselves members of this order understand the very real requirement for greater clarity and purity within the four lower bodies. And thus they have set forth as a personal discipline, a greater action of the light within them at all times, being receptors to the movement of the Holy Spirit as that lightning action of the sacred fire through their chakras, through their aura fanned out throughout the world for the holding of the balance.”
“Those who maintain the disciplines of the spirit, day by day, receive the grace and the blessing of maintaining a direct tie to our hearts whereby there is a greater focus and a concentration of this light that manifests as the lightning action of the mind, the heart and the will of God. And thus, as you day by day meditate on the sun source of God’s light within you, you have access to these inner understandings, the deeper things of the spirit, which when you allow them to be impressed within you and throughout you, you as a microcosm of the great God fire…become an emanating one in your own right where you are, day by day. This is the holy purpose of those who are members of this holy order. And though you keep the lighting where you are, you also emanate and fulfill the purpose of that lightning which is God’s divine inspiration and fire where you are.”
El Morya reminds us of the need for the balance of love, wisdom and power in order to be a receptacle for the flow of the Holy Spirit through us. “Thus those who understand the purposes of our order employ the gifts and graces of the spirit in a guarded action of constancy and holiness to always maintain that perfect balance and the harmony within the four lower bodies that comes through conscious awareness of the self one with God. O, you who would attune to the very ear, the eye and the heart of the all in all, keep on keeping on and keeping the lightning where you are, day by day, through your holy service and sacred mantra and sacred emanation and sacred visualization and in sacred focalization through the crystal of self of that essential light where you are. I Am El Morya. I love you with a love that has never waned for I wax strong for God in my desire to see each of you free to pursue that will in action, day by day, where you are. God bless you and keep you always in the lightning of his spirit.”