070617 Jophiel -
To Devotees Who Would Bring About a Golden Age Civilization
Day after cosmic day our Universal God is delivering many gifts to those in whom the light burns, “… no matter what their religious persuasion, affiliation or walkway upon the path of life.” Archangel Jophiel came after the Golden Buddha Rosary this morning saying that the archangels had appeared at the Royal Teton, and with many ascended masters, including Confucius, Lanto, and the Masters of Wisdom, had devised a plan for a greater enlightenment of mankind beginning at the foundation of society and moving through many spiritual communities.
The jaded ego mind would set brakes upon the advancement of civilization and attempt to control the minds and hearts and resources of the people. “Even the thought that the life within the womb is not life is a jaded concept and is unthinkable to the godhead.” Due to that which is brought forth through the educational systems of the world, great numbers of people living on the planet have a partial view of the reality of the heaven world. The great compassion of God who sees all “… would emanate the love-wisdom fires of illumination to all of life in such a way that all are brought forward on the great pathway, the middle way.” The family is the foundation of society wherein this plan for greater enlightenment will begin. Awareness that the soul’s identity is attached to the child long before birth is a foundational enlightenment that can be delivered by those who are attuned to the source and the voice of divine wisdom as it flows.
We were asked to think on our own enlightenment and what it will mean to the earth when the light is fully realized in our own crowns. We can teach by the spirit all who come, knowing that we are only founts of the Greater Wisdom for the godhead to emanate. But it will only be real and have the power to change others if it is fully realized in us. The legions of the yellow ray have streamed forth their essence through us so that we can have this cosmic awareness and divine gnosis and become aware of all that transpires within us and within the world. Nightly visits to the universities of the spirit were mentioned as well as that which we receive in our meditations.
Some among us have recently been the instruments for the release of this new love-wisdom teaching and the Mother now smiles upon them. The God and Goddess Meru will come to seal their divine offering. Within the greater context of the enlightenment of the entire civilization, it will be a great boon and blessing, especially for the children and also for the adults who would be little children again.
Flooding us with the tangible radiating sunfire of his immense love, he told us to take heart in knowing that God is real where we are and that the light of the Sun Presence can always be where we are. We can claim this light by saying every day:
I AM the sun, a golden liquid illumination light this day where I AM.
I AM the light of cosmic reason to raise a planet and her people into a new era of love-wisdom.
I AM a focus of the Central Sun for Gautama and Maitreya and the masters of wisdom, and I emanate the fullness of that sun presence always where I AM here and now.
As he took his leave he spoke of the love of the Buddha Mother who would teach us hour by hour. He said that even the archangels take time to abide in the presence of the great starry mother and hear her words which embolden them to do their work in illumining the minds of all through love, which is the key. We were sealed in a corona of fire; earth was sealed in the radiance of the crown of the starry mother who waits with joy for the appearing of our own buddha nature right where we are.