070607 Saint Germain -

See Yourself as a Solar Being, One with Your Solar Presence,
the I AM Individualized for You

Our Beloved Saint Germain, the God of Love to the earth during this 2000 year dispensation of Aquarius, came to increase the love fires within all those who understand the nature of life as “truly a journey of love . . . that begins each day anew.” He asks us to imagine a life without love, in which there “would be no meaning, nor purpose nor desire within you; and, those to whom you were sent would not benefit from the givingness of your spirit.” He then affirms that “because God is, and God is Love, then all has meaning, all is real, and your life with the afflatus of love of the Holy Spirit welling up from within you and moving through you in currents of living light impresses upon all other beings that loving radiance which is God.”

See Your God-Presence Drawing Closer to You

Saint Germain tells us that from this day forward, “in greater measure, I will effuse my presence and my own Buddha nature” through the image in Your Buddha Nature chart. He asks us to look upon this image each day, seeing the expression of God’s love in nature and in our Higher Self. “And those who see this representation of the highest aspects of self may receive directly from my heart the flame of God-love that I bear to the earth.”
Saint Germain explains that it was never his intention in giving this teaching on the I Am Presence to Godfre so many years ago, that “you would forever see yourself as separate. . . .Through your acceptance of your God Presence as the very reality of your own being, see this manifestation of light gradually drawing closer and closer unto you until you walk and talk with and in your Presence.”

Become the Master Principle of Light

The key to walking and talking with the ascended masters, is to “first become the master principle of light in being in harmony, in Godly-love in all ways. When you walk in love we can walk with you. When you walk in the Spirit and the light of God that never fails, then we cannot fail to be at your side nurturing your soul, communing heart to heart, sharing as brother to brother, sister to sister the great communion of the Spirit in which we all live and move and have our being in that aliveness and radiance that is God.”
If we are to have our being within God’s love, “then each morning when you awake, as you open your eyes, release the past and accept in the now the fullness of your solar consciousness even as you gaze upon the sun. And in that moment of oneness and cosmic respect of all of life that is nourished from the rays of the sun, then you will see, blessed ones, the rays from your own God-presence also nourishing all life everywhere.”

Freedom is the Byword of the Hour;
Saint Germain is that God-Freedom for the Earth

The choice is ours each day, to walk with Saint Germain as he has made the choice, to walk with the Buddha the Eightfold-path. “You may walk that path home to the heart of God day by day through right choice, through harmony, through right understanding, right motive, through righteous works of Godly-love serving to set life free.”
Saint Germain seals us each in cosmic love for God in his final words “May love increase where you are, may love be real within your heart—one with your divine presence.”