070614 Uriel -
Megajoules of Joy for the Earth
Beloved Archangel Uriel came with legions of the sixth ray early this morning, “to enfold the earth in the radiance of solar joy.” We are asked to consider how life was formed and how life continues to evolve, for within the very core of the solar radiation that comes to us daily from the sun there is the “pulsating energy that is God and that is also joy!” And, the joy of life is the key we are told to solar living, “for only when you embrace the light of your own Solar Presence may life come into an accelerated manifestation through a meaningful mission to shine that light to all!”
Archangel Uriel as the Angel of Joy
For years, many of us have understood Archangel Uriel to be the Angel of Judgment. With the following most beautiful explanation of just what judgment is, we are asked to consider Archangel Uriel instead as the Angel of Joy. Judgment is “the release of the intense light of God’s energy. . .is simply the throwing off of the anti-joy energies that have been present within those who have not embraced God’s Presence within them. It is truly an opportunity to realize divine joy.” Uriel and his legions “turn up the heat of solar love to a fever pitch that flushes out the ague of argumentation and replaces it with the justice of joy within the Now of life.”
“The Kingdom of God is Within You”
Archangel Uriel tells us the work of the angels and our work also, should we choose to accept it, “is to always uplift souls by directing their attention, focus and loving acceptance back within themselves as the Master Jesus so beautifully did when he said “the kingdom of God is within you.” This statement, Uriel continues, is “the key to conscious realization of the individual.” And, thus, are all asked “to realize more of that kingdom consciousness each day.”
The angels themselves, as step-down transformers of the release of cosmic love from the heart of God, meditate upon the Presence of God within “to bring the light of solar joy and cosmic justice” to all evolutions. The ministration of the angels is “key to all who seek true peace, which is not only a surcease of war but the intensification of divine presence within such that none of the misqualified energies [such as anger, argumentation, arrogance, aggravation and apathy] may abide” where we are.
A Simple Ritual for World Peace
Many people participate in anti-war demonstrations; however, Archangel Uriel tells us, that if we “truly want world peace, begin within and increase the flow of the divine radiance of righteousness, of the right use of God’s energies, within the crucible of the solar plexus and then radiate that peace to all.” He then suggests a simple ritual that if each of us were to do for ten minutes each day would do much for our planet: “breathing in our [the legions of the Sixth Ray] cosmic peace and then exhaling that peace multiplied by the power of ten through the crystal of your own solar awareness.”
We are cautioned, that when we have our focus exclusively on existing problems, we are in a reactive mode of living that actually keeps the angels away from us “because it sets up a barrier around your aura of resistance to our presence rather than one of acceptance of every good and perfect gift that may be rightfully yours in our ministrations.”
We are asked to employ the energies of the Archangel of the Sixth Ray and his legions in our world every day, and to “see how the joy of peaceful living may be yours when reactivity and resistance become the pièce de résistance of perfect joy within.” We are then sealed within the buoyancy of joy and directed to “know the eternal I AM THAT I AM light within!