070617 Bob and Pearl -

The Sunday Family Service was broadcast from Dallas, Texas this morning with a Fathers’ Day message from Bob and Pearl delivered at 10 am MDT. They spoke of the great gift of God in the coming of the father Alpha saying that he was “…truly the cosmic Bapu who will bring many gifts in his great bag of light.” They referenced the honor of knowing and working with Saint Germain, father of many hearts the world around and a father of the 7th age.

They spoke of the role of the fathers to understand their children and bring them opportunities for practical self-transcendence and an awareness of freedom to pursue divine destiny, oneness, joy. At each stage of the development of a child, the father can be there working in harmony with the mother, delivering strong support to both.

As Archangel Jophiel asked us to become founts of illumination’s love-wisdom, so Bob and Pearl recommended that a number of us consider how we can make inroads into society through the public school systems and the institutions of higher learning. Classes in prenatal development and in parenting can be brought forth to nourish and strengthen the family unit, the foundation of society. An understanding must be delivered of the interplay of mind, emotional intelligence, the body and the consciousness that extends beyond the mind. This secret ray process, layer upon layer, of the development of the soul must be taught, but it will have to be called by another name. “Children need a holy framework of protection within the home” in order to move through their education, maintaining a strong aura for the accomplishment of their mission.

Bob and Pearl asked that we engage in a sacred trust to move forward the plan of God and Goddess Meru and the 7th ray masters and all the buddhas and bodhisattvas. We can call to them and to those who work with youth to help us refine lesson plans for the classroom and the home. They also asked that we study the life and treatises of Francis Bacon even the life lessons given in the Shakespearean plays and take something that this master alchemist has given and make it understandable, relevant and beautiful for children to learn. This is education in the Aquarian Age.

In closing they honored once more the mother, the father, and the child. “For without each, there would not be the wholeness of all.”