Earth Is Alive and Atremble and Needs Your Attention
(From Beloved Elohim Cyclopea, 02/18/05) "Ho, I come to seal the earth in an aura of the Emerald Matrix, for Earth must be raised with a new vision of purity in this hour!"
Cyclopea reveals to us that had we never strayed from holding the perfect vision of God's design for ourselves, we would yet be immortal and undefiled. He states that God's vision of our world is one of purity and conceived in freedom, and that Saint Germain contains God's vision for a new age and can be imparted to each of us if we embrace it. "Knowing Saint Germain and knowing all the aspects and nuances of his gift of the violet flame is paramount to the evolution of divine reason for earth and its peoples. So study his lives and his writings and become familiar with all aspects of his being and the path he has walked.... When you truly know this Holy Brother, you too will become holy and you will be wholly transformed by his great presence of God-Love for you and for all!"
Wash the Earth in Violet Fire
We are asked to waltz in consciousness with Saint Germain so that "the old sorrowful way must give way to the abundant life in pure joy in God's being." Use that "violet flame eraser" and "drink the elixir of the violet…concoction that he has prepared! Earth must become a violet planet, and so honor your master…by giving the decree dictated by Holy Amethyst to 'Wash the Earth in Violet Fire' [number 70.002 in our prayer book]." Wash the earth daily "as the devotees of the Buddha wash his body with their love…"
We must "respect, honor and purify the earth through the giving of holy mantras, and take the personal responsibility…promoting and using alternative energy, fuels and personal practices that will extend the very life of Mother Earth herself! Yes, you are responsible for the health and well-being of earth and must do your part to heal her and maintain her vitality and purity in every way possible, beloved!"
Eat Right, Think Positively
"Eat right, think positively and dwell on the earth as righteous servants of God," then, having taken action yourself, you can influence others. "You must first practice what you preach or else your words will be hollow."
"Dear hearts, I come to give the earth a spin this day...I seal you in pure joy. Be joyous and know me today, for together, we shall walk into the Pure Land of Shambhala, hand in hand!"