070621 Aurora—Summer Solstice
The Light of Summer Solstice Dawns Across the Horizon from East to West
Coming in the dawn of the morning light, beloved Aurora (archeia of the sixth ray of ministration and service) places a halo of sanctity around us all. Aurora says that all of the archangels and archeiai come to augment and accelerate the light that we invoke and become. Today is summer solstice, and Aurora explains that the archeiai “prepare again and again [our] consciousness for the coming of the Father, and now as he is come through the Alpha thrust of this year fully, we raise up that mother light within for the fulfillment of her cyclings, her love, her ministration unto her children everywhere.”
Summer solstice is the turning of a cycle whereby a new thrust of mother light from Omega comes to earth “for the fulfillment of cycles both within and without.” Aurora reminds us that the key to our victory is the mother light raised within us. Along with this Omega thrust, we are told that the archeiai are here for us. “And when at times the burdens of living upon a darkened star weigh you down, blessed ones, we enter the scene and give unto you the radiance dispensed from those angelic frequencies which are a great boon to your soul if you would receive them graciously from the hands of [those of] us who attend the Lord God in all of our ministrations.”
Uriel Comes with a Sword of Peace to Cleave Asunder that which Stands in the Way of Perfect Peace Upon Earth
Peace may only come to earth when peace resides fully within the solar plexus within us. As we gain new understanding of the importance of our Solar Presence and “having come to the point of perfect peace within, you are then able to be for the earth focal points for the release of Cosmic Christ peace to the evolutions upon earth. . . . This process is ongoing and many of you have understood the sacred science of this alchemical equation whereby the balance scales are before you and that which is weighed upon those balances must come to resolution such that the divine equation may manifest within your aura, within your life.”
When the ledgers are wiped clean and we finally pay all of our debts to others and to life for our past misuses of light, we are “then allowed greater entrée to the frequencies of heaven that the divine impetus moves [us] ever onward towards [our] own victory and unto the holy purpose of [our] union with God which was the goal from the beginning.”
The Hour is Come for the Full appearing of the Christic Manifestation Within Us
The archeiai spread their wings of protection across the earth upon the innocent and humble of heart in this hour of the dawning of summer solstice. We are reminded that we will not always dwell in fleshly bodies, “but will see the glory of the Lord and the aureole of sacred fire of the saints and the heavenly hosts coming unto you even as you merge in consciousness and in spirit with higher dimensions of being while living in physicality upon this earth.”
Solstice is a most holy day to dwell in the “eternality of the spirit” if we would have it so. We are all sealed by Aurora in the “sacred circle of fire of the archeiai” and are told that “peace will reign upon this earth. . . according to God’s timetable and not man’s.”