new opportunity to know the love of mercy
The bodhisattva Kuan Yin came today bearing teachings of mercy as she gave another demonstration of the use of mudras. She began by saying, "In mercy I come and I dispense from the pure land of the Buddhas the seventh ray consciousness of holy mercy unto you."
She told us that mercy is essential for the earth to know, and that "forgiveness at the very center of being is the key to the resolution of all conflict, all pain, all sorrow in the world. Unless there be mercy, forgiveness, compassion mankind may not move forward into the seventh age." So to assist the planet, she spread mercy in tiny seed-lets and droplets of violet crystal fire across the earth and within the auras of those who came to be dispensers of mercy.
Beloved Kuan Yin taught that "all darkness is simply the cessation of mercy for a time and a season," and that the Sun Presence of mercy dispels darkness, first within us and then within all. She suggested we have mercy upon our souls, our hearts, our minds; for when our thoughts, words, and deeds are delivered in a sphere of mercy and kindness, then all those who receive our thoughts, words and deeds will be uplifted by them.
She revealed that when we seek to understand the next ring of solar awareness, we should create a haven of violet light around us, so that mercy will guide and grace us with understanding of the deeper things of God.
Just before Kuan Yin finished, she said, "I take from you now, if you would care to release them, all past unmerciful acts, unmerciful thoughts, unmerciful words. Release them now to me! And through the transmutative fires of the great heart of mercy who I am, who God is within, I now take these and secure for you new opportunity to know the love of mercy where you are this day."
* See the video – coming soon to a computer near you on this very home page!