070629 Elohim Peace

Plant the Staff of Peace in the Earth

"Peace. Peace. Peace. I release peace to the earth.
Peace. Peace. Peace. I release peace within you.
The quelling of the forces that assail the sons and daughters of God in their attempt to bring peace to the earth is manifest this day. But there must be peace within you, blessed ones, for this action of light to occur.
Peace. Peace. Peace
I speak the word within all life. I release the word and the action of peace within the earth.
Peace. Peace. Peace.
Where there is no peace within the emotional bodies of our devotees because of ego then only the action of the divine ego may offset the misqualification of that peace. Therefore I release Peace. Peace. Peace.
Be still oh carnal mind that does not live in the peace of God. Be still oh dweller on the threshold of these your servants. Be still and know the I AM THAT I AM within you that is God always, ever in peace. If you would speak of peace then become that peace. If you would speak for peace then transmute the anger and the inner violence especially between thyself and others that is not honorable.
Peace. Peace. Peace. I release waves of peace into the ethers, into the four quadrants of being, into the seven bodies of beingness.
Peace be still. Peace be still. Peace be still.
I garner cosmic Christ peace. I garner cosmic Buddhic peace and release the bonds that have been put around the flame of peace in the earth. Bind now the interloper of anti-peace in the mind of mankind. Bind the interloper of death and hell within the susbconscious of mankind. Bind the interloper of anti-love within the hearts of all.
Stand now blessed ones, and plant the staff of peace in the earth with your right hand where you are with me and say:
Peace be still. Peace be still. Peace be still and know the
I AM THAT I AM of all that is real this day. Amen.
This light is now anchored in the Middle East. This light is now anchored east and west thru the four winds and in the four quadrants of being of all evolutions upon earth. When you can maintain peace within thyself oh children of man and woman, then and only then may peace reign upon the earth. Peace. Peace. Peace."
This HeartStream was delivered by the Elohim Peace this morning

Be an Anchor Point of Light for the Ascended Masters

After the dictation this morning, David reminded each of us of our importance as an “anchor point in the geometrization of light where we are.” Even when we are at home listening to the broadcast, we are a part of this antahkarana of light across the earth, and the more of us there are, then the greater the light is that can be released. Because of our interconnectivity, what we do in our homes when we listen to the broadcast, is felt by all. Together we create the forcefield everywhere on earth for the maximum release of the light of the ascended masters.
It is not too late to come to Bozeman to be physically present for “one of the greatest releases of light in 150 years.” To participate in the conference over the broadcast, go to the bookstore page, for you must register online. Saturday night is a free broadcast.
We each receive from a service what we put into it. The greater the love and light streaming through us, the greater the return blessing will be. Let us all work together with intention, focus and our heart’s fire to be “those for the earth utilized by the ascended host to bring in a great golden crystal age on earth.”

070628 Uzziel -

Accelerate unto the Z Ray of the Zenith of Being!

Beloved Archangel Uzziel came this morning to “amplify the light of the eighth ray” within us and to seal the light of the release of the seven archangels and their archeiai with the light of the eighth ray. He further explained that he is a “cosmic integer,” and that his coming was for the eighth ray integration within us “of all of the qualities of the Godhead and the seven rays, such that… there can be the intensification of the seven focused through the eighth for the perfect alignment within you of holy purpose and for the victory of your life as you integrate the five secret rays within your being and world.”

He said that just as the saints of East and West have done, the goal for us is to take the stupendous light that we are invoking daily and make it real in the world of form, so that we may "be walking buddhas and bodhisattvas upon the earth who understand the law of cycles and the cycling of God’s energies” within our beings. As we are able to integrate all that God desires to work through us, there can be, especially when the messengers are present in our midst, the release of light from the heaven world into the physical of great flashes of cosmic lightning, which will energize this planetary body. “How do you think that a golden age, a golden crystal age, may materialize upon earth? …When you can stand to be where we are, blessed hearts, we energize all the light within you to a fever pitch to burn out of you that which is not of the light…for the final purpose of making you wholly one with God.”

“We deliver to you the teaching that the ascension is a day-by-day process; and when you are steady, and when you are faithful in the integration process day by day by invoking the sacred fire, then there is the gradual ascension within you of the molecules of selfhood and of the light of your Presence where you are such that one day you will simply no longer be mortal, but you will slip into the divine immortality of your God Self.” He reminded us that ascending is not so difficult a process if we look upon it as a day-by-day graduation, happening incrementally.

“Therefore, the mysteries of heaven are being revealed unto the elect; and if you choose to be among the elect, then we will, by our vote, elect you to be in our midst. Yes, we will select the highest aspects of yourself, amplify them and, as these are highlighted in your world, and you can begin to perceive as the ascended masters do—with a newfound spirit of joy and cosmic expectancy—then the light of the divine world may blaze around you. Your aura will be filled with a sacred fire such that those who come into your circle of awareness may receive something of the divine world even by standing in your presence, you see.”

Dear Archangel Uzziel reminded us that the goal is always that the one who is the disciple become the teacher; the one who is the student surpass the guru in awareness. He said do not relegate to the future something that we can do today to increase the divine order of God Self-realization in our world. “Do not relegate to another or to some future misty existence the very present beingness that must manifest in your world.”

And in the joyfulness of the z ray, he ended his message saying, “I am the angel of the eighth ray. And the “z” within my name—the double “z”—is for the zeroing in upon you of God’s light; the zeroing out of your unreality; and the acceleration unto the Z ray of the zenith of being of all that is true within you, blessed hearts. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I zap the substance of death and hell. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! And I raise the substance of heaven. So be it within you. So perceive it. For seeing is believing and believing is seeing. And in the all-seeing Eye of Oneness where you are I, Uzziel, integrate the perfected matrix of your being such that you also may become with me a 'cosmic integer' of sacred fire. Move on to oneness. Move on to wholeness. Move on to cosmic unity with the legions of the seven archangels, and the eighth, and be real today, blessed hearts.”

070627 Mother Mary-ah

Mother Mary’s Heart is Married to Our Own

A beautiful live violin rendition of Ave Maria welcomed Mother Mary and the tiers of angels into our midst this morning. Its melodic strains prepared us for not just a dictation, but the full presence of the culture of the Mother. It was as if the Freedom Conference was initiated this morning with the gathering of devotees from parts near and far united in love.

Mother Mary said she enfolds us in the radiance of the angels, with whom we are naturally comfortable because we are angels. “The ritual that you have performed this day of the giving of prayers honoring the divine mother within me but also within all life is such that great quantities of light and the effulgence of the spirit have gone forth for the healing of many.” Through her intercession, a sacred surgery upon our souls has occurred this day. Those things we desire to be rid of have been sloughed off.

Heartstreaming in these sessions allows for the pure flow of light within us. “And this is why you participate daily in heartstreaming together in these sessions because you feel the flow of light through you and nothing else will suffice for you in life but to be present with your God and your friends of light both on earth and in the heaven world. O communities of light such as these are what we would see across the earth whereby the very earth itself is raised in glory because the light essences of heaven are brought to bear within your world through your intention, through your oneness of hearts, and through the voice of God that speaks through you as you commune and worship together.”

Once again we are a point of crystal light for the release of the flow of the Spirit unto all life. Mother Mary looks into our lifestreams and sees that many have been devoted to her, hundreds and thousands of years in previous incarnations as monks and nuns. “In this life, blessed ones, you have opportunity to come into that perfect oneness of spirit with your own God-self no longer seeing yourself as less than the God-being who you are. But truly as one of our bands, an angel in embodiment.”

“You may enter into the highest manifestation of the glory of your soul in its mission upon earth to fulfill all that you were sent forth in the beginning to accomplish.” After entering the spiritual path, wasn’t our true purpose “to be there for God, to be the instrument of uplift and healing for another? . . . .Bring this radiance that you feel in greater measure when hearts come together back to your communities to distribute the light where you are—loving one another, smiling and aiding life in every measure possible such that the kingdom of God may come upon earth once again.”

Mother Mary draws us to her heart and leaves us with a certain essence, an aroma of roses “that may always be present where you are when you pray, when you meditate, when you attune to the heart of God and the angels of my band.” At the end of her message, our beloved Mary, marries her heart to our own, if we would have her.

070625 Faith -

Faith in God Can Be For You the Keystone That Launches You Unto Your Victory

      Archeia Faith greeted us this morning "Gracious ladies and gentlemen who are preparing for the great and notable day of the Lord, I am come as your Faith with Archangel Michael and our legions and we fan the flame of faith throughout the earth, which can move mountains through your attunement with your own God Presence. . . . "

     "Faith in God can be for you the keystone that launches you unto your victory, if you would have it, blessed ones." She said, when we call upon Archangel Michael and his legions in great attunement and love, that this can be "the x-factor of Maximus" that maximizes all that we say and decree such that our words, being true as we live in the "reality of the new blue light of love can cause cosmic change in this world instantly in the twinkling of an eye." She said that without belief in God then God cannot act through us, but as we believe and accept that God is where we are, then all that we seek to accomplish may be so.

Call Upon Archangel Michael and Faith

      "We, the archangels and archeiai, stand in the presence of the great God of very Gods, and declare his presence to all where we appear, where we wing our way to a soul here and there, who through holy prayer does invoke our presence." Beloved Faith reminded us that some of us only call on Archangel Michael and Faith when we get into our vehicles or "for a short time in the morning." She asked us "would you have the power of Faith and of Michael's presence with you always and a determined spirit to be for God anchor points of the presence of power where you are? If it would be so for you, then stand in this hour and place your feet firmly upon the earth and declare with me:"

     "Oh Lord God Almighty, I stand this day in the full presence of your love to declare this day, my sonship, my daughtership with you for the fulfillment of my mission upon earth this day and for the victory of the will of god in action here and now. I accept your presence O lord where I am, for and on behalf of all evolutions of light on earth. This is my fiat to thee, O my God, for I know that you are real where I am and that by thy grace and only by thy grace it is so."

      Beloved Faith also told us that the Rosary of Faith is key for each of us to key into the presence of the archangels and archieai. She said that if we could see the spiritual work that is accomplished each time, we would give it often.

      "I come to declare the living God in your midst, even as Paul declared that living presence of the Lord to the Athenians. May you declare it unto all life where you live, such that your life being blessed and having the full reality of meaning, may be for the earth a witness to God's holy purposes through his sons and daughters. I seal you in my wings of blue, O hearts of fire, O sons and daughters of faith. I thank you."

070625 Charity -

We Are Challenged to Become Charity in Action through True Givingness

Calling compassion the “mother of world transmutation”, Archeia Charity comes this morning to share her thoughts on all aspects of charity. “Charity is the oil of the Spirit that I extend unto and through your chakras when you love real people while giving of and from your Real Self selflessly. It shines through the chrism of the virtues and graces that always augment the light of love that you share. And when you extend these through compassion and not with human sympathy or pity, you ennoble the one you serve as well as yourself in the process.”

Charity contrasts the motives for giving of those whose giving promotes their own egoic self to those for whom a true spirit of love is present at the core of their motives. “…and through a pure desire to serve there are released ampoules of charity that bless them in the very process of extending the gifts that they convey.” She revealed that those individuals and organizations who serve others to alleviate the suffering of the downtrodden “are often embodied angels of our bands whose daily joy is extending love to those in need in a very physical way.”

A new form of charity

“And yet, I say that there must also now be a new form of charity extended by heartfriends of the Spirit to the souls of mankind whereby the teachings of the ascended masters will ring forth across the earth through those who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to act and to be the instruments for healing at the very core of being of the many, as you teach people the importance of the spiritual path and of how they may raise themselves out of human misery through the teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path by the light of their own Buddha Nature.”

We will see at the upcoming Freedom Class some things that have already been created to convey the higher truths to “heartfriends who currently know not of this movement. And I call each one of you this day to consider how you may be the instrument of charity to those who must have this teaching in order to win their ascension in this or the next lifetime.” The archangels and archeiai will sponsor the workshops being created to produce modules for the purpose of contacting those “who have been waiting in the wings for just the right message of the Spirit to come their way….”

“And with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray I move the stone of selfishness away from the hearts of some who have been lax in giving all that they can to our cause of light. Only you, in communion with your own Higher Self, blessed ones, will know what level of givingness is sufficient for your own victory. In some cases you have surrendered all already and your cup will receive to overflowing the returning bounty of your love. In other cases, you still have much to offer, so long as you give it with a cheerful heart and from a core of love. Yes, God loves the cheerful giver! I am compassion in action through you if you will accept me into your heart today!

070624 Sponsors of Youth -

The Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun

Wing Their Way to the Center of Our Hearts

Gracious hearts, we descend to earth in a spiral of light in a cosmic vortex of change.” Thus began the address today of the Sponsors of Youth, twelve in number, speaking through one voice of Unity. And thus continued the wonderful thrust of love in action preparing the way for the coming of Alpha to Heartscenter’s Freedom 2007. According to the perspective of these masters, earth will never be the same again after this sacred event that begins on June 30th in Bozeman, Montana. Their dictation was brought forth during the Sunday Family Service from the Hearts Center in New York, the Third Eye of Vision for the United States of America. After the dictation, the NYHC received a special thank you from the Messenger for providing a fitting chalice for the coming of the masters this morning.

“All ascended beings who are tied to the earth in this hour are part of the plan for the raising of the youth in America and the world.” They spoke of many areas of need as we approach the education and the treatment of the youth in our society. In order to bring forth a crystal golden age of love-wisdom that “… the lord god envisions and holds in perfect awareness for the victory of light on this earth,” there must be a great shift in consciousness in the nurturing, development, and spiritual education of the youth. All who have worked with youth in various capacities are keys in the plan of the Universal White Brotherhood for the dawning of the seventh age of freedom upon earth. “I talk in rings of fire circumscribing this problem so you see it from many angles.”

“Golden Age societies have always honored the impulses that flow through the youth in the higher mind available to them in their studies.” Greater opportunities were described and discussed for creating bridges between education, the work place and the home. A far-reaching plan must be applied for the creation of a sacred triangle of light, bonding these three segments of society. We already understand many of the principles that are involved in this process. And we can receive inspiration directly from the heavenly hosts to help move the youth into a new spirit, a new joy of discovery that life is worth living and that they have a divine purpose. The concept of the Meru Learning Center was mentioned as an example of a resource for youth of all ages to use for the bringing forth of the crystal structures that are needed in this hour.

“This upcoming conference is key for earth itself for the shift that is required.” We can be the crystal beings through which this shift can occur and we must not see ourselves as less. Heaven sees the determination for change that we have had for years and will use our voices and chakras for the one purpose of funneling these higher frequencies to earth and the collective consciousness of mankind. Participating on the broadcast is very effective but we were reminded that it counts for up to ten times as much (change!) when we can be there physically.

“Now you have a new key to call upon us. See us twelve circumscribing the field of cosmic awareness that must come to the youth.” The crystal seeds of light were then energized and activated within us and in all who are called to this purpose. We were asked to let the mind of Christ and Buddha and Krishna resonate in us such that the light of victory will be ours forevermore.

070622 Hope -

Hope in the Eternality of the Now

Dearest Hope (with thousands of her angels present) spoke lovingly to us this morning of the importance of hope in the eternality of the Now. “For when you bring hope into your own heartstream of oneness with the Divine, then all that you seek in the way of the future attainment is dissolved, and the duality of seeing yourself separate from God is no more.”

Meditate Each Day on the Happiness of God

Do not look outside of yourself to another, to an institution, even to a guru for that which would in your own mind” give you a sense of completeness. She said that even though this may be a very intense paradigm shift for many, we must begin "to perceive from a sense of holy oneness in the Spirit" so that we may move into the universal consciousness of oneness with our Presence. “Therefore take time each day to meditate on the happiness of God in hope. For when hope lives within your heart, there is a smile of peace in your world; for you know that all things are possible in God. All things are probable when the God-flame burns within you, and all things simply are—when you have become God.”

Affirming "I and My Father Are One" Is Key to Your Evolution

The point where you declare to the universe that you are one with God is a key in your evolution. For from that point of the fiat of oneness the entire universe comes to serve you to fulfill your word, the mandate that you have declared and averred to all.” Thus when Jesus said, ‘I and my Father are one,’ the full light of his Presence was born within his soul. And all of the angels of heaven and the silent watchers were witness to this divine declaration, and all came to his aid to fulfill the word that he had become.”

Beloved Hope reminded us that we must reinforce this statement of identity day by day “through a conscious application of that Word.” Otherwise, “because you live in time and space, which is dualistic in nature, there will be the sloughing off of that reality unless you reclaim it and become it each time you awaken in the morn, each time you stand before the sun of your own Presence to re-declare that you are a son or a daughter of the one God.”

A Great Opportunity for the Daily Application of the Word

We were also reminded of the great opportunity to enter into this divine relationship through our prayer vigils and sessions. “For there is a reconnection with the Spirit; there is a daily offering of self upon the altar of the heart when at sunrise or earlier you awaken and begin your mindful meditation and recitation of the word. But do not forget, blessed hearts, that words in and of themselves will not accomplish this for you. Only when that word that flows through you is attuned to the word of God will it have the power to change you from glory unto glory, such that hope in its full manifestation may be a reality for you here and now.”

Beloved Hope told us that the angels of the variegated light essences of heaven fulfill the word as we speak it when we are co-creators with God. She said that the angels answer the call even before it is uttered!

Be A Silent Watcher, Loving All Life Free!

As many among mankind are now coming into the spirit of oneness, we were asked to not judge whether another is living in this presence of wholeness, but to simply be as a silent watcher, “loving all life free, training the all-seeing eye of God within you unto the single point of perfection in hope that all is well, that all is real, that all is God.”

She suggested that it would be good to have discussions and discourses on how we occasionally lapse into our dualistic nature, role-playing on how this occurs in order to plant seeds of determination to help us maintain alignment with the Divine Self. “The oneness of living in the white light that is hope may be key for you in this hour.” For as there is the dissolution within us of all dualism, we may enter “back through those rays into the prism to the point from which the white light did originally pierce into time and space and follow that ray back to the Divine, the Eye of God, into Holy Oneness once again. So enter the stream of being and live forevermore as light, light, light. I am Hope. All is possible in hope for nothing exists outside of that oneness.”

Messenger's Comments

After the heartstream from beloved Hope, the messenger welcomed the God-harmony light of Cancer and said to “Expect that you will have the supply that you may have sought or are continuing to seek in your alchemies. Expect it, believe in it, have hope in it, have faith, give charity to others; and that abundance, that supply, that radiance, that alchemy manifest for you will be so. Without harmony, there is no full manifestation of abundance.” He also asked us to pray without ceasing this day for one among us for whom this day is very important with a certain legal challenge and opportunity regarding a matter that will not only assist this one but assist all of us in many ways when this victory is fully realized.

070621 Aurora—Summer Solstice

The Light of Summer Solstice Dawns Across the Horizon from East to West

Coming in the dawn of the morning light, beloved Aurora (archeia of the sixth ray of ministration and service) places a halo of sanctity around us all. Aurora says that all of the archangels and archeiai come to augment and accelerate the light that we invoke and become. Today is summer solstice, and Aurora explains that the archeiai “prepare again and again [our] consciousness for the coming of the Father, and now as he is come through the Alpha thrust of this year fully, we raise up that mother light within for the fulfillment of her cyclings, her love, her ministration unto her children everywhere.”
Summer solstice is the turning of a cycle whereby a new thrust of mother light from Omega comes to earth “for the fulfillment of cycles both within and without.” Aurora reminds us that the key to our victory is the mother light raised within us. Along with this Omega thrust, we are told that the archeiai are here for us. “And when at times the burdens of living upon a darkened star weigh you down, blessed ones, we enter the scene and give unto you the radiance dispensed from those angelic frequencies which are a great boon to your soul if you would receive them graciously from the hands of [those of] us who attend the Lord God in all of our ministrations.”

Uriel Comes with a Sword of Peace to Cleave Asunder that which Stands in the Way of Perfect Peace Upon Earth

Peace may only come to earth when peace resides fully within the solar plexus within us. As we gain new understanding of the importance of our Solar Presence and “having come to the point of perfect peace within, you are then able to be for the earth focal points for the release of Cosmic Christ peace to the evolutions upon earth. . . . This process is ongoing and many of you have understood the sacred science of this alchemical equation whereby the balance scales are before you and that which is weighed upon those balances must come to resolution such that the divine equation may manifest within your aura, within your life.”
When the ledgers are wiped clean and we finally pay all of our debts to others and to life for our past misuses of light, we are “then allowed greater entrĂ©e to the frequencies of heaven that the divine impetus moves [us] ever onward towards [our] own victory and unto the holy purpose of [our] union with God which was the goal from the beginning.”

The Hour is Come for the Full appearing of the Christic Manifestation Within Us

The archeiai spread their wings of protection across the earth upon the innocent and humble of heart in this hour of the dawning of summer solstice. We are reminded that we will not always dwell in fleshly bodies, “but will see the glory of the Lord and the aureole of sacred fire of the saints and the heavenly hosts coming unto you even as you merge in consciousness and in spirit with higher dimensions of being while living in physicality upon this earth.”
Solstice is a most holy day to dwell in the “eternality of the spirit” if we would have it so. We are all sealed by Aurora in the “sacred circle of fire of the archeiai” and are told that “peace will reign upon this earth. . . according to God’s timetable and not man’s.”

070620 Mother Mary -

Mother Mary’s Desire for Our Increased Communication with the Angelic Choirs

The message of Mother Mary today was for us to begin to learn the process of communication with the higher realms of light. After a description of the nine choirs of angels, David discussed the kind of communication of the angels through the higher mind-heart connection.
The instant empathetic communication of angels in the higher realms honors intention and feeling. We should practice with each other, naturally expressing the highest from the heart. The savoir faire of Saint Germain and the tact and diplomacy of the masters allows for the graces of the angels.

Communication Techniques with the Higher Realms

We can integrate various techniques into our lives to magnetize the presence of the angels and facilitate more abundant repartee with the heavenly hosts at a higher end of the spectrum of God-reality. Communication with God involves all of the chakras so we need a variety of ways to get closer.
The practice of nonviolent communication rarifies our language and meditation helps to focus on the presence of the angels to ask for specific guidance and direction. Attuning with visualization and singing brings our feelings into the multidimensional use of all chakras. Angels sing via an orifice at a higher level of sound resulting in a river of life energy.
Heartfriends then shared their own intuitions on how to develop a greater relationship with the angels. One mentioned that children are more spontaneous, in the Now, intuitive and without emotional fear. Another shared that releasing blocks helps a more free flow with the higher dimensions. David mentioned that if anyone would like to research more on the angel choirs, the Essenes and teachings on angelology that they can contact him.

070619 Holy Amethyst

Holy Amethyst Leads Us in a Beautiful, Timely Discourse and Meditation on Forgiveness of Self and Others

A Unified Field of Awareness

As we are rapidly approaching summer solstice, we are coming out of the Alpha cycle, the outbreath, the going out, into the Omega cycle, the return or inbreath of the year. Because we are at such a critical time in history, it is so important that we resolve issues within ourselves and with others now, before this Omega cycle begins. All must be resolved in order for all to move forward into unity, or non-duality.

So how do we manifest this unity or “unified field of awareness” that we already are? We must first forgive ourselves and then all others, all the way back to our early incarnations. We must first love our own Solar Presence and then all others' with all of our hearts. This is a teaching we have heard many times and yet it comes again for us to master. If the lightbearers can live in total, present harmony by living from the heart, then, naturally, we can assist all life.

Forgive and Forget

Forgiveness and forgetting of the issue are keys. These become the dissolution of the entire matter, the highest forgiveness. We are then able to move on. We are reminded that when we perceive less than perfection in others, it usually is in us, as well. Therefore, if we perceive it, we should do some violet light prayers and don’t give it any energy. We are also reminded that we will come into juxtaposition with those with whom we have the greatest karma, often parents, children, relatives, and those we work and serve with.

The Archeiai, the “sensitive ladies of heaven”, come to give us keys to deal with the karma, that it might be resolved with the least amount of drama, friction and intensity. When we do the Rosary of Faith, they anoint the soul, the feminine potential of God, and infuse our aura and consciousness with all the beautiful qualities of God. Mother Mary has also asked us to study and use compassionate communication with each other, especially in our Hearts Centers.

At the end of this wonderful discourse was a very beautiful meditation that took us in consciousness, through a ritual of merciful forgiveness, from the present back to our beginnings.


Archangels Chamuel and Charity Lead Our Souls to the Very Throne of God in a Ritual of Divine Love

In the seventh of a series of dictations from the seven archangels, these wondrous angels of love give us both teachings from their hearts and an experience of flowing with currents of this love in a most beautiful release of light this morning. We were told that when we enter into any aspect of divine love, our life will never be the same. “Ruby love, as a concentrated action of the merciful qualities of love, consumes all vestiges of human love that has gotten in the way of the divine continuity of the spirit that you seek.”

Calling us “holy ones who would be more holy this day,” we were then invited to “come with me now and with the seven archangels and their acrcheiai. We fly to the very throne of the Divine One and see the cherubim and seraphim encircling that which you would call the great throne of God. Witness the manifestations of the currents of God’s power, wisdom and love and see the blazing glory of the appearance of the face of the Divine… As we kneel in prayer and experience the eternal love-fires of God’s heart, we trust that you too, blessed ones, through this divine interchange bring back to earth a holy remembrance such that at any time that you feel bereft of the great feeling of the angels in your midst, you may return in consciousness to this point of the divine experience in God’s Presence.”

We were instructed to then bring this cosmic memory again and again into our outer, waking consciousness, sharing with another the gifts and graces that we have to offer “through this pathway of light and through the coursings of your own soul through the evolutionary scheme that God has prepared for you in your mission serving to set life free…Let us worship day by day, in greater measure giving God the glory for all that streams forth through our hearts unto others….Let us remember the holy purpose to which we have come to this planetary home and that is to love with all of our hearts, with all of our minds, our souls, our very being the Lord God”

“Now that you have seen the Divine One, even at the soul level, you may no longer live as men and women. Yes, you must live as God. I seal your hearts in this experience. Remember ye are brethren and sisters. Love one another as the Lord has loved thee and move ever into the eternal stream, the divine currents of God’s holy love.”

070617 Bob and Pearl -

The Sunday Family Service was broadcast from Dallas, Texas this morning with a Fathers’ Day message from Bob and Pearl delivered at 10 am MDT. They spoke of the great gift of God in the coming of the father Alpha saying that he was “…truly the cosmic Bapu who will bring many gifts in his great bag of light.” They referenced the honor of knowing and working with Saint Germain, father of many hearts the world around and a father of the 7th age.

They spoke of the role of the fathers to understand their children and bring them opportunities for practical self-transcendence and an awareness of freedom to pursue divine destiny, oneness, joy. At each stage of the development of a child, the father can be there working in harmony with the mother, delivering strong support to both.

As Archangel Jophiel asked us to become founts of illumination’s love-wisdom, so Bob and Pearl recommended that a number of us consider how we can make inroads into society through the public school systems and the institutions of higher learning. Classes in prenatal development and in parenting can be brought forth to nourish and strengthen the family unit, the foundation of society. An understanding must be delivered of the interplay of mind, emotional intelligence, the body and the consciousness that extends beyond the mind. This secret ray process, layer upon layer, of the development of the soul must be taught, but it will have to be called by another name. “Children need a holy framework of protection within the home” in order to move through their education, maintaining a strong aura for the accomplishment of their mission.

Bob and Pearl asked that we engage in a sacred trust to move forward the plan of God and Goddess Meru and the 7th ray masters and all the buddhas and bodhisattvas. We can call to them and to those who work with youth to help us refine lesson plans for the classroom and the home. They also asked that we study the life and treatises of Francis Bacon even the life lessons given in the Shakespearean plays and take something that this master alchemist has given and make it understandable, relevant and beautiful for children to learn. This is education in the Aquarian Age.

In closing they honored once more the mother, the father, and the child. “For without each, there would not be the wholeness of all.”

070617 Jophiel -

To Devotees Who Would Bring About a Golden Age Civilization

Day after cosmic day our Universal God is delivering many gifts to those in whom the light burns, “… no matter what their religious persuasion, affiliation or walkway upon the path of life.” Archangel Jophiel came after the Golden Buddha Rosary this morning saying that the archangels had appeared at the Royal Teton, and with many ascended masters, including Confucius, Lanto, and the Masters of Wisdom, had devised a plan for a greater enlightenment of mankind beginning at the foundation of society and moving through many spiritual communities.

The jaded ego mind would set brakes upon the advancement of civilization and attempt to control the minds and hearts and resources of the people. “Even the thought that the life within the womb is not life is a jaded concept and is unthinkable to the godhead.” Due to that which is brought forth through the educational systems of the world, great numbers of people living on the planet have a partial view of the reality of the heaven world. The great compassion of God who sees all “… would emanate the love-wisdom fires of illumination to all of life in such a way that all are brought forward on the great pathway, the middle way.” The family is the foundation of society wherein this plan for greater enlightenment will begin. Awareness that the soul’s identity is attached to the child long before birth is a foundational enlightenment that can be delivered by those who are attuned to the source and the voice of divine wisdom as it flows.

We were asked to think on our own enlightenment and what it will mean to the earth when the light is fully realized in our own crowns. We can teach by the spirit all who come, knowing that we are only founts of the Greater Wisdom for the godhead to emanate. But it will only be real and have the power to change others if it is fully realized in us. The legions of the yellow ray have streamed forth their essence through us so that we can have this cosmic awareness and divine gnosis and become aware of all that transpires within us and within the world. Nightly visits to the universities of the spirit were mentioned as well as that which we receive in our meditations.

Some among us have recently been the instruments for the release of this new love-wisdom teaching and the Mother now smiles upon them. The God and Goddess Meru will come to seal their divine offering. Within the greater context of the enlightenment of the entire civilization, it will be a great boon and blessing, especially for the children and also for the adults who would be little children again.

Flooding us with the tangible radiating sunfire of his immense love, he told us to take heart in knowing that God is real where we are and that the light of the Sun Presence can always be where we are. We can claim this light by saying every day:

I AM the sun, a golden liquid illumination light this day where I AM.

I AM the light of cosmic reason to raise a planet and her people into a new era of love-wisdom.

I AM a focus of the Central Sun for Gautama and Maitreya and the masters of wisdom, and I emanate the fullness of that sun presence always where I AM here and now.

As he took his leave he spoke of the love of the Buddha Mother who would teach us hour by hour. He said that even the archangels take time to abide in the presence of the great starry mother and hear her words which embolden them to do their work in illumining the minds of all through love, which is the key. We were sealed in a corona of fire; earth was sealed in the radiance of the crown of the starry mother who waits with joy for the appearing of our own buddha nature right where we are.

070616 Zadkiel -

Lord Zadkiel Instigates the Release
of a Seventh Ray Action of Light Today!

Lord Zadkiel stands in Bozeman, Montana to "anchor the light of freedom's fire," preparing for one of the greatest releases of the light of freedom in the last 150 years! Now that we are coming into the understanding of the laser action of the violet light, Lord Zadkiel explains, there is a crystallization in the earth of "this amethyst matrix" which is preparing the way for the coming of the seventh root race and the coming of Alpha. Along with this violet laser action, the New Blue, which Lord Zadkiel calls the "new cosmic energy" from Sirius, will allow for the anchoring within the earth of these higher frequencies so that "all of earth's evolutions that are due to ascend" may be able to transcend the past and partake of the energies of the seventh age.

We are experiencing multiplication upon multiplication of light! Lord Zadkiel stands with the seven archangels and the archeiai within the vortex of light of the cosmic violet-ray generator in Gallatin Valley, and they increase the light within our chakras. Being lowered over Bozeman, Montana is a replica of that which will manifest fully as we gather together for the seven days of Freedom 2007. It is a magnificent and gigantic etheric crystalline structure that will emanate a powerful action of light through our prayers, mantras and songs. This action of light, augmented by the frequencies of harmony and the cosmic violet-ray generator, will create within the earth a new vibration of oneness. There will also be a new aliveness present because of the coming of Alpha.

Lord Zadkiel gives gratitude and honor to the Elohim. Lord Zadkiel and all of the archangels bow before the Elohim, calling them the great "Co-creators of the seven worlds and beyond". He invokes their presence, lovingly and powerfully intoning, "E-lo-him!" and announces that a blanket of violet now surrounds the Gallatin Valley. He tells us that the ground upon which we will stand as we enter the sanctuary during our conference is already sanctified. It is holy ground "made sacred by the Elohim, the archangels and the chohans of the rays." As we participate in the activities of this conference, the angels and archangels are in our midst. We may even hear them praying and singing with us, amplifying our love. The archangels are the Word. They are "the delivery of the message of hope." The sounding of their trumpets will be another plea to the sons and daughters of God to return to their mission, to wield the sword of the Word in defense of the Mother and Her Seed.

The archangels request the presence of our children.The archangels radiate the fire of freedom through us whenever we call to the violet light. They are with us when we sing and especially when our children, who carry a great light of purity, sing and worship with us. Having our children with us during our times of worship amplifies greatly the light of our prayers. Again Lord Zadkiel intones the name,"E-lo-him," and tells us that the Holy City is fully manifest. He wants us to go and tell the people. He wants us to bring them through the beautiful, jeweled gates of the Holy City. Our ticket, our token of entrance, he reminds, is our wedding garment. He then clears the pathway for another seventy to come to our event. We are to go and find them, to call for their release.

Let Freedom 2007 be "the turning point for the earth!" This conference will prepare the way for new cycles of acceleration and the new fire. Lord Zadkiel releases all who have been "shackled unjustly". Their souls now fly unto their freedom through the seventh ray. Beloved Saint Germain also stands in Bozeman "blazing forth light rays through his heart in perfect love for all of life upon earth. Beloved Portia stands on Venus emanating the light of the seventh ray." Between these worlds a cosmic cable of light is created, pulling earth closer spiritually to the light of love that Venus is. Frequencies of divine love flow to earth through this cable at our call. Unless mankind truly know love, there is no victory. But we can help this manifest through our calls and earth will become Freedom's Star.

We are sealed in a seventh ray action of love. In the next two days the archangels will continue their discourses for the completion of this action for the sealing of the entire earth by the power, wisdom and love of Almighty God. He tells us to prepare ourselves, heart, mind and spirit to know the All-in-All within.

070615 Gabriel -

Know GR-A-C-E at All Times!

Beloved Archangel Gabriel addressed us this morning as “Blessed Initiates of the Sacred Fire," and spoke about how to “live within the spirit and yet abide in the flesh simultaneously.” He came to give us the “keys to open this sacred door through a greater awareness of harmony.”

Be ALL of the Superconscious -- Pure Light, Pure Energy, Pure Joy!

He observed that currently mankind is not always aware of what is acting in his world, for his outer awareness is often only a slice of the greater consciousness that we have termed the Superconscious, which is the “core of who you really are as pure energy, pure light, pure being.” But, he said, by intuiting how the angelic hosts operate, we can allow for both the Alpha and Omega energies to be in constant flux and flow without interruption. The angelic hosts know at all times what is acting in and through their being as well as in the planes of being through which they move.

The Practice of Presence, Meditation, and Sacred Comtemplation

To enter into the stream of God’s awareness, you must be in both a focused and yet a relaxed state of being. This is the balance of the Alpha and Omega that the saints and mystics have attained to through the practice of Presence through silent meditation and sacred contemplation upon the One. And this is the state of awareness that we live in at all times, even when carrying out the divine directions from the Superconsciousness that is the Creator itself.”

God is always present where you are, but you do not always feel, discern or know the fullness of the light of that supernal beingness because of temporary lapses in your memory of the divine within. And so, I come this day to give you a greater impulse of light energy of harmony to move you into the playing field of God’s awareness such that you can more easily attune to the movements of the eternal stream within you.”

He said that although many of us have ‘touched the garment’ of divine gnosis, or Samadhi or enlightenment, it is time for us to move into the “field of being” in such a way that this awareness may be ours at any time and at any place.”

Strive To Know Grace At All Times

Blessed ones, grace is the great, activating, creative energy of the spirit that is the essence of the fourth ray, whereby the ascension currents from your Presence may begin to flow, to engulf you and to ultimately lift you off this planet into the divine experience forever.” I urge you to live in grace, to strive to know grace at all times.”

As he finished addressing us, Archangel Gabriel said he trumpets the present reality of who we are in God again and again until we hear this “clarion call and once and for all enter the doorway of light to live as God-realized ones.”

070614 Uriel -

Megajoules of Joy for the Earth

Beloved Archangel Uriel came with legions of the sixth ray early this morning, “to enfold the earth in the radiance of solar joy.” We are asked to consider how life was formed and how life continues to evolve, for within the very core of the solar radiation that comes to us daily from the sun there is the “pulsating energy that is God and that is also joy!” And, the joy of life is the key we are told to solar living, “for only when you embrace the light of your own Solar Presence may life come into an accelerated manifestation through a meaningful mission to shine that light to all!”

Archangel Uriel as the Angel of Joy

For years, many of us have understood Archangel Uriel to be the Angel of Judgment. With the following most beautiful explanation of just what judgment is, we are asked to consider Archangel Uriel instead as the Angel of Joy. Judgment is “the release of the intense light of God’s energy. . .is simply the throwing off of the anti-joy energies that have been present within those who have not embraced God’s Presence within them. It is truly an opportunity to realize divine joy.” Uriel and his legions “turn up the heat of solar love to a fever pitch that flushes out the ague of argumentation and replaces it with the justice of joy within the Now of life.”

The Kingdom of God is Within You”

Archangel Uriel tells us the work of the angels and our work also, should we choose to accept it, “is to always uplift souls by directing their attention, focus and loving acceptance back within themselves as the Master Jesus so beautifully did when he said “the kingdom of God is within you.” This statement, Uriel continues, is “the key to conscious realization of the individual.” And, thus, are all asked “to realize more of that kingdom consciousness each day.”
The angels themselves, as step-down transformers of the release of cosmic love from the heart of God, meditate upon the Presence of God within “to bring the light of solar joy and cosmic justice” to all evolutions. The ministration of the angels is “key to all who seek true peace, which is not only a surcease of war but the intensification of divine presence within such that none of the misqualified energies [such as anger, argumentation, arrogance, aggravation and apathy] may abide” where we are.

A Simple Ritual for World Peace

Many people participate in anti-war demonstrations; however, Archangel Uriel tells us, that if we “truly want world peace, begin within and increase the flow of the divine radiance of righteousness, of the right use of God’s energies, within the crucible of the solar plexus and then radiate that peace to all.” He then suggests a simple ritual that if each of us were to do for ten minutes each day would do much for our planet: “breathing in our [the legions of the Sixth Ray] cosmic peace and then exhaling that peace multiplied by the power of ten through the crystal of your own solar awareness.”
We are cautioned, that when we have our focus exclusively on existing problems, we are in a reactive mode of living that actually keeps the angels away from us “because it sets up a barrier around your aura of resistance to our presence rather than one of acceptance of every good and perfect gift that may be rightfully yours in our ministrations.”
We are asked to employ the energies of the Archangel of the Sixth Ray and his legions in our world every day, and to “see how the joy of peaceful living may be yours when reactivity and resistance become the pièce de rĂ©sistance of perfect joy within.” We are then sealed within the buoyancy of joy and directed to “know the eternal I AM THAT I AM light within!

070612 Michael -

I Come to Thrust My Sword of Light into the Earth for the Judgment

Beloved Archangel Michael came early this morning to deliver a fiery judgment. "Behold, I come quickly and the Lord is With Me. I am Archangel Michael and I come to thrust my sword of light into the earth for the judgment of the beast of carnality and the beast of lust and the beasts of death and hell.

"Through the action of light that the legions of the Seven Archangels bear on behalf of the Lord God of Hosts, we come to deliver the action of light for the clearance of the four lower bodies of the sons and daughters of God of certain vestiges of ancient darkness that settled upon them from the time of Enoch when the fallen ones came to instigate war and infamy upon the seed of light."

"Thus, the Lord God of Hosts—Sanat Kumara—has sent me this day to declare that the time is up for a certain 5% of those who came with their rebellious wares to entice the children of the light toward darkness. And I deliver the action of this judgment as a prejudgment this day before the coming of Alpha and as one last opportunity for this wave of rebellious spirits to bend the knee and confess that God is God and that his seed of light is within mankind to whom we, the angelic hosts, are pledged to serve and protect and honor as God's own sons and daughters."

Archangel Michael said that a thousand of his legions came and encircled the planet at sunrise at each point around the planet leaving a residue of sacred fire "that is as a manna of heaven" for our "sure protection against the wiles of the crafty. . .who come to steal away your light just before the notable day of the Lord's appearing in your midst."

"I am Archangel Michael and I come early and I am in the heart of those who look to God for deliverance and have called forth that light of deliverance this day! I wield the sword through you if you would take up that sword of light and live and move within my legions this day, O sons and daughters of Sanat Kumara!"

Early Bird Registration Extended to June 17th

Take advantage of the early-bird registration fee and don't miss out on a single funshop, presentation or dictation during our July Freedom Conference 2007, June 30-July 6. Go to the "Events" page to read the program, find a campground or a roommate, and link to our store to register yourself and your family for the conference and meals. We look forward to seeing you in Bozeman! If you are unable to come to Montana, then register for the internet broadcast—the next best thing to being there.

070613 Mother Mary/Raphael

Discourse on Healing by Mother Mary

Mother Mary tells us today, that there is a quicker action of healing when there is acceptance that we are already whole. It is a matter of accepting our wholeness totally in all dimensions and in all planes of consciousness, in the etheric, mental, emotion and in the physical planes including the physical body. If we only accept mentally, and we do not do those things such as changing our diet and eating habits that will anchor the healing physically for us, then we have not fully accepted or had faith at all levels of our being.

Begin with the Action of Dynamic Decrees

For many of us, ancient habit patterns from past lives are grooves that actually bond their momentums into the etheric, mental, emotional planes. They can have a tight grip on us. The dynamic prayers we give in The Hearts Center act with a laser-like action of light, piercing those momentums that have a stranglehold on us, and then shatter, consume or dissolve them such that they no longer have a grip on us.

Become Friends with your Body Elemental

When we employ the totality of the natural healing modalities, such as diet, exercise, fresh air, sunlight and pranayama, we give our body elemental a greater opportunity for full acceptance of our healing at all levels. We need to respect and understand the work of our body elemental. The body elemental is like a little version of us, very childlike, and may actually look as we looked when we were a young child of about 4-6 years of age. If we are happy and joyous and we work with this beautiful little person, a representative of our soul and childlike spirit—who is God within us—there can be an extra action of light and radiance around us. It is like having a best friend with whom we can confide, talk with, and share our path of personal healing.

Visualization for Eternal Youthfulness

Place a picture of yourself on your personal altar or in your prayer book when you were four or five years old. Visualize concentric rings of emerald fire, starting from in our heart’s center as pure white. Then see emerald light in pastel radiance gradually increasing in density and hue of color in layers until the outer layer is a very dense in color and very vibrant and bright emerald light. Within these various concentric rings there are also the secret rays swirling and manifesting their radiance in vibrant spheres of energy around our entire form. If we would continue this visualization, even for 3-5 minutes, we new aspects of our eternal youth will be brought back to bear in our world and consciousness, such that we will have a new joy in our step, a shedding of the weight and density of karmic patterns and the sense of burden and anxiety.

“I Come to Stir the Waters for the Healing of Your Souls”

Beloved Archangel Raphael came this morning to stir the waters for the healing of our soul. “There is a stream from the heaven world that flows ceaselessly unto you from your presence known as the crystal cord. And yet there may also be a stream from Earth to heaven through your devotion such that there is a never ending flow betwixt the divine and the human, until one day there is no more human left, but only the eternal flow of Oneness of the divine where you are.As co-creators it has always been God’s desire that as he gave birth to you so you would continue the birthing process by living in the liquid light-love of this stream that is God. The archangels come to prick mankind to higher awareness.”

The One Stream of God’s Light

“Though we refract various manifestations of God’s awareness of himself as healing or ministration or love or protection, wisdom or alchemy, we are all of the one source that is God, and not divided. Though we may bring to bear in your world a greater aspect of the ray upon which you primarily serve, yet within the radiance that we bear there is wholeness, the blending as above so below in the one sphere of pure light.”

Look Within for the Wholeness of light and Oneness

"The increase now of the radiance within your emotional body during the coming cycle of the solar light within the Earth in the emotional quadrant of the year, will be such, blessed ones, that if you fully embrace that which we bear you may move out of the stream of mortality into that that you have always sought; immortality, eternal youth, joy, light. Let the Lord’s light flow in the circuit that I establish betwixt our hearts, one forever in God’s healing love.”

070611 Lanello -

We are Co-Creators in a Very Timely Work of the Lord

Our Beloved Lanello came early this morning to “set the sail” for the week as he encouraged us to be a “steady Eddy” in our work and service to life. “When the coming of a great one such as Alpha is announced to you, each of you must determine what it is that is necessary for the paving of the way for the great light to come to earth and of how you may be the instrument… in the completion of assignments and work, such that this coming may be …not only for the earth an opportunity, but one fulfilled ‘to the max’, as you would say… “For you never know the cycles of the coming of God, and yet in this hour you do know the very date and time of the appearing of the Lord God in your midst.”

We were advised to discern and make a list of what we have offered on the altar in previous letters to the Karmic Board, and what it is that we must fulfill in this life. We were asked to take stock of how we will employ the remaining energies given to us for this lifetime in holy work as co-creators with the ascended masters for the fulfillment of our mission. “This is for you to decide and realize this day, June 11, 2007. For come July 5, the increase that we, the ascended masters, see as necessary to manifest through the delivery of our dictations in preparation for Alpha’s coming are such that if you are not ‘in the now’ of fully integrating that which is within you in a greater measure, some of you will be charred in your consciousness at his coming…We are preparing you such that the full weight of the glory of the Lord will be yours to capture and to utilize from head to toe, throughout your four lower bodies and your higher bodies.”

Each Hearts Center was given the assignment to have a meeting “whereby you take to heart the words we have given, discerning how you can assist, what I call this day “the staff”, of The Hearts Center, including the messenger and those on the council in completing certain assignments that must be fulfilled before the Freedom Conference even begins…Be mindful of the graces of the Spirit that are yours to proclaim and what you must do each hour to be our instruments.”

Lanello spoke tenderly of his love for us: “I keep my heart beating around your heart. Hear it now in the full pulsation even within your chest cavity. See the radiance of God’s love streaming forth now through you to a world in need of God’s grace, of peace, of God’s light.”

In a very special moment, Lanello spoke to us of Mother, our beloved guru, and said that she was pleased to see the progress that many of us have made. “And,” he said, “it is her great joy to announce that this messenger has fulfilled a certain level of training, a certain level of competence and accuracy in the delivery of our messages. And thus the training is complete for the first three year cycle. And we will use this one on the outer and the other on the inner to fulfill our mandate and to move forward our plans for the brotherhood….I am Lanello. And I set my seal upon this dispensation once more, heart, head and hand.” He then expressed his gratitude for each of us who have been there for the masters for aeons, not always as students, but as full co-creators in the laboratory of the work of the Lord. “God bless this holy association of hearts this day and let us now move forward with El Morya, utilizing the eternal heartstream of the bonding of our love for that holy work.”


Mother Mary Comes Early Today to Deliver Greater Understanding of the
Deeper Mysteries of Life Upon the Earth

Reminding us that she has heard our calls and hearts’ concerns for life in the human realm, Mary assured us that even before we have cried out for help, angelic beings have already begun to craft an answer. They are honored to serve the souls of all of God’s children. And because we have set forth in our worlds a time to commune with the heavenly host, they also have set aside a stream of their own consciousness to be one with us in our early morning hours and whenever we desire to commune with them. Thus the answers that quell distress, mollify and mitigate pain and anguish can be delivered not only at the soul level, but in the very physical manifestation of life where we live and move.

I Come Today with a Plea from the Archeiai”

They ask us to discern how we may lift the burden of a soul here or there through physical service to life. We may visualize and see great manifestations of light occurring during our prayer services. But just as there are holy orders whereby sisters of charity care for the very physical bodies of those whom they serve, we also need to give the gift of our own givingness by serving in some manner the physical needs of others. When we are dressing wounds or cooking, caring for children, even cleaning or making all fresh and new in the spirit of purity, “…there is in a way an even greater action of light” because we leave the light essences of angelic presences through the work of our hands where we are in time and space. And instantly we accrue the good karma even as we do in the giving of our spiritual prayer services.

There is Deep Respect for Those Who Attend to These Physical Realities

So Mother Mary brought comfort in this teaching today for those who would attempt to serve more in the giving of their voices in the spiritual services, but because of the need to serve family or community, can give but little more. She said that there is just as great a need for those attending to these realities as there is for those of you who live and move in higher dimensions “…in your meditations and services.” It is the mystery of the interplay of the alpha and the omega. Alpha streams forth through the mind and third eye and the upper chakras, while Omega is resident physically in the lower chakras in tangible service to life. Heaven respects the work of all.

Special Blessing of Angelic Grace is Given for All Embodied Angels,
According to Their Giving and Their Great Love

Doting upon our souls, Mother Mary finished her discourse with us by reminding us of how very much she loves us and how important are our simple acts of kindness and simple prayers. They are seen and heard and acted upon by the angels of healing, of mercy and of love. She promised to be with us, even in the dark night before the hour of our resurrection. She spoke of how she was with Jesus in spirit in his darkest hour and held the light for the victory of his soul. And she will also hold this light for each one of us. In her final words she affirmed: “I AM Mary, mother ray of hope and healing for a world.”

A Stupendous Action of Cosmic Radiance to Magnetize the Youth

As many of us in The Hearts Center are calling to Hercules day by day for all that we need to complete the labors he has given us, it is no surprise that the light released from Rex during this morning’s service was for magnetizing many more of the youth unto this movement. The very words of this dictation were spoken with the profound, concise language and power of a king of light, which befits the name of Rex. He spoke of the preparation at many levels for Alpha’s coming and for the great conveyance of light during Freedom 2007 in Montana. To this end was the light anchored in the heart chakra of America where the youth of Chicago’s Hearts Center were conducting the Family Service and preparing the way for this extraordinary message from the heart of Rex, one with the hearts of his sister Nada and their mentor Saint Germain.

Many Ascended Masters Who Work with the Youth Are With Us

These masters are overshadowing many who are working to prepare the program and various offerings that will be given unto us for the greater enlightenment of the youth within this movement and all ascended master movements. Rex spoke of the history of the involvement of the confraternity of the Brotherhood in the evolution of mankind going back eons, even unto the days of Atlantis and before and their work with Saint Germain who has been working at the forefront for the advance of civilization since he came with Sanat Kumara so long ago. Great deference was given to Saint Germain as Rex spoke of the profound ways Saint Germain has given an impetus of fire and instruction for the soul evolution and acceleration in consciousness of many, namely the teachings on the I AM that I AM and on the violet transmuting fire. We would do well to take the new materials and understanding of the laser action of this ray into the educational systems of the earth.

It is Time for the Youth to Have Opportunity to Deliver What They Have
Brought from the Heaven World

The youth have a fresh outlook and a new approach having so recently descended from etheric octaves with new glimpses from God of how to advance in science, religion, industry and education. Just as the twelve-year-old Jesus delivered wisdom to the elders in the temple and as the young Francis Bacon set forth great advances in teaching, literature and science, many of the current ascended master youth among us have keys for the acceleration of light within this movement. So there must be opportunity provided for the conveyance of their wisdom in planned activities discourses and services, giving the masters who understood the science of the spirit at an early age the instruments to deliver instruction to many heart friends the world around.

Take to Heart What You Will Be Given during the Freedom Conference

Rex adjured us to study what has already been given and that which will be released on the sacred science of emanation and that which is being prepared even now for our use. We should master the teaching and know it inside and out, up and down, then convey it to many using our own creative hearts to bring forth an ordered matrix. God is continually self-transforming and self-evolving. In order for the ongoingness of this evolutionary process to occur, the impulses of the spirit must continue to flow through us. We mustn’t get stultified in one particular aspect or view of life or of the path. Some need to let go of outmoded methods that no longer work in the context of the current hour. The Masters are working assiduously from their realm to bring currents of illumination’s flame as well as the action of the Holy Spirit so that we can progress with the current heartbeat of the Lord. Thus we can create meaningful, practical workshops and lesson plans to spread even into the school systems for new levels of spiritual understanding to be reached, new understanding that we have gained. We were directed to use all that we are creating wisely and to convey it in practicality and in holy love to the students of the light.

070609 Mariel -

Mariel, Handmaiden of God, Teaches Us a Deeper Understanding of Our Father/Mother

Mariel introduces herself to us as the handmaiden of God and sister to the blessed Mother “who serves to set life free through the raising of the feminine potential within all life. Mariel’s mission today is to “envelope us in the radiance of the Mother Light and help us to understand that the nature of God within us as the joining of the Alpha/Omega Principle within our hearts will bring about the betterment of ourselves and mankind. The outplaying of the Mother Principle is becoming more understood. This is vital because without this understanding the fullness of a golden age cannot occur.

Our Mother Mary is the perfect example of the Feminine Principle. Beloved Mother Mary, the Archeia, has been to mankind the great example of this Divine Principle of the Mother Light. Through her appearances here and there to her children, she has enveloped them in the radiance of the Mother, raising in perception the souls of those who hunger for the Mother.

The Divine Feminine is coming to the fore. All mankind must understand the nature of the feminine within all, each daughter… and son. Aspects of ourselves that are complementary to the Father Light need to surface and be expressed in harmony. Unless the Mother is revered and there is “equal opportunity for her within the light of women to bear the full amplitude of light in holy office in Church and State”, the full coming of Alpha and Omega cannot happen as the necessary holy balance for the sustaining of life everywhere. Therefore, Mariel comes with this challenge to the churches: there must be a change in the role of the female in religious society. There must be an opportunity for women to “serve at the altar or to direct the course of the nations”. And our souls as divine feminine must be ready for this change. For when Alpha comes, the light descending will judge that which is not the true Alpha Principle of holding in highest esteem the Divine Feminine in mankind.

Write your letters to beloved Alpha. Mariel tells us to write letters of confession to Alpha so that the light of Omega will blaze in us causing us to know the balancing of these principles, the understanding of the meaning of “as Above so below”. She makes us aware that within her name, Mariel, is the evidence of the feminine ray,“Ma-ray”, and the “El” of God-power in balance through the “I” of the divine oneness. She sees us as solar beings where that perfect balance exists. As we look to the sun we are to see both Helios and Vesta blazing in eternal youth energy. We are to see within ourselves a youthfulness and divine spark that is present when both Father and Mother live within and not only the principle of God as Father.

Meditate upon the three-partite flame within. God is love, wisdom, power—the threefold light. Meditate upon this flame to know the nature of “pure beingness as Alpha and Omega”, the light of the Christ, the son/daughter emanation that we are. Mariel lives and moves and has her “being within the circumference of the egg and the seed, the spiral of infinity in the figure-eight flow within all life. She “serves at the nexus of being within” us when we are in “harmony with self”. In closing, she serenades us singing her name, “Mariel, I am. I am Mariel”. She seals us to “be at peace within the womb of the Mother, for the Mother has received the light of Alpha”. That light as creation is ours to use as we are co-creators with the One.

070608 Justinius -

A Journey and Renewal in the Light of the Great Central Sun

Our Beloved Justinius came to take us on a meditative journey across the galaxies with the seraphim this morning. She called for the souls of those who were participating in the meditation and service to rise to etheric levels of consciousness. And then led by her legions we streamed forth “across the skies beyond the atmosphere of earth to celestial worlds where there does burn the sacred fire within the core of the Sun of Even Pressure within all systems.” Having been set upon a course of return to the heart of the Great Central Sun, we were able to dip into “the very causal energies of the Godhead drinking in the essence of pure light from the source of all.”

The Light within You Is Increased Fourfold

You are in essence a light being, and this day through our joint service, the light within you is increased fourfold for the holy purpose of the garnering of greater light energy for your work and mission upon earth.” She said that the primal energy of the Divine was coursing through and cleansing every avenue of our being including the “dust of non-destiny” which we had taken upon ourselves in all incarnations.

This Ritual Is a Precursor to Our Own Ascension

Justinius taught us that this ritual is a precursor to that which will occur when each of us merges with our divine Self in the ascension in the light. She also said she came in preparation for the coming of Alpha, and that even though we may not feel fully ready for this suffusion of light within, our souls have yearned for her. So she came to give us this grace whereby each of us might be a shining example and help “to kindle the light within this planetary home.” Justinius then invoked streams of living, liquid gold, white-fire light and the raising of the Mother light within before gently releasing us unto our waking awareness.

Use This Meditation Again and Again

Blessed hearts, in only a few minutes of time you can travel with the seraphim to receive the benefit of the Godhead again and again in your meditation upon light, only light.” She told us that whenever we feel the burden of living upon this planetary home, we should take up this meditation once again, rise with her and see what it is that God does. “I am with you in your earnest search for the divine within. I am there in the core of your being radiating the pure white-hot frequencies of the Sun of your own being to all when you call to me.”

She sealed our auras in crystal snowy white radiance and reminded us to be true to Self and honor principle. “Through integrity merge with the Reality who you are even now. I take my leave and sprinkle the stardust, cosmic light of the seraphim across the earth.”

070607 Saint Germain -

See Yourself as a Solar Being, One with Your Solar Presence,
the I AM Individualized for You

Our Beloved Saint Germain, the God of Love to the earth during this 2000 year dispensation of Aquarius, came to increase the love fires within all those who understand the nature of life as “truly a journey of love . . . that begins each day anew.” He asks us to imagine a life without love, in which there “would be no meaning, nor purpose nor desire within you; and, those to whom you were sent would not benefit from the givingness of your spirit.” He then affirms that “because God is, and God is Love, then all has meaning, all is real, and your life with the afflatus of love of the Holy Spirit welling up from within you and moving through you in currents of living light impresses upon all other beings that loving radiance which is God.”

See Your God-Presence Drawing Closer to You

Saint Germain tells us that from this day forward, “in greater measure, I will effuse my presence and my own Buddha nature” through the image in Your Buddha Nature chart. He asks us to look upon this image each day, seeing the expression of God’s love in nature and in our Higher Self. “And those who see this representation of the highest aspects of self may receive directly from my heart the flame of God-love that I bear to the earth.”
Saint Germain explains that it was never his intention in giving this teaching on the I Am Presence to Godfre so many years ago, that “you would forever see yourself as separate. . . .Through your acceptance of your God Presence as the very reality of your own being, see this manifestation of light gradually drawing closer and closer unto you until you walk and talk with and in your Presence.”

Become the Master Principle of Light

The key to walking and talking with the ascended masters, is to “first become the master principle of light in being in harmony, in Godly-love in all ways. When you walk in love we can walk with you. When you walk in the Spirit and the light of God that never fails, then we cannot fail to be at your side nurturing your soul, communing heart to heart, sharing as brother to brother, sister to sister the great communion of the Spirit in which we all live and move and have our being in that aliveness and radiance that is God.”
If we are to have our being within God’s love, “then each morning when you awake, as you open your eyes, release the past and accept in the now the fullness of your solar consciousness even as you gaze upon the sun. And in that moment of oneness and cosmic respect of all of life that is nourished from the rays of the sun, then you will see, blessed ones, the rays from your own God-presence also nourishing all life everywhere.”

Freedom is the Byword of the Hour;
Saint Germain is that God-Freedom for the Earth

The choice is ours each day, to walk with Saint Germain as he has made the choice, to walk with the Buddha the Eightfold-path. “You may walk that path home to the heart of God day by day through right choice, through harmony, through right understanding, right motive, through righteous works of Godly-love serving to set life free.”
Saint Germain seals us each in cosmic love for God in his final words “May love increase where you are, may love be real within your heart—one with your divine presence.”