080129 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #17

The Buddhas Come to Infuse the Earth, the Mental Belt and Her Evolutions

With the New Mind, the Mind of the One

Kuan Yin came this morning bringing the wisdom of Mercy, “This day I would speak of analysis paralysis and of how it staunches the flow of mercy within you. When your being as your consciousness resides only within the mental belt cogitating, analyzing, parsing, dissecting and inveigling itself in all manner of mindless wanderings, how can you expect the gentle flame of mercy to reside within? Stillness through Presence allows God’s mind to flow into yours. And this cosmic mindfulness allows you to have all wisdom at any moment for in this divine heart/mind connection the wisdom of the heart is exemplified and there Mercy abides.”

She said that when our “thoughts flit here and there all about” we “cannot penetrate to the very core ideation of the divine One in beingness. Therefore the Buddhas come to infuse the earth and the mental belt of the earth and of her evolutions with the new mind, the mind of the One.”

She then told us how we may “shut the door once and for all upon the mental trappings” that have locked us into outmoded ways of thought and feeling. She explained that, “through stillness, . . . arising from the lotus light of perfect peace within you, the wisdom of Mercy comes. The cosmic flow through the reconnection of your soul and spirit through your heart is one, and then you have access to the very minds of the Buddhas and of their higher cogitation of the spirit.”

Click here to access to and listen to Kuan Yin's entire message and to participate in the Morning Prayer service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #17

Rendering your best heartstream every day, win the lost ones through mercy.

Mercy’s wares are real, and her awareness you may feel when her vision of hope is revealed.

Mercy’s flow is God’s heart aglow!

Following Mercy’s lead, accept every plea for help with a prayer and then some manner of physical effort to relieve the burden as God directs through his reply.

Mercy’s vision helps you to see clearly what is the most opportune way to approach and then to apprehend the instigators of darkness within each soul.

Free will is often mistaken as license to arrest the flow of light from one’s Source. Mercy provides a subtle reconnection through her gentle applications of presence.

Mercy is the greatest interpreter of divine love no matter what the language.

The ascended ones’ mastery in the balancing act of maintaining harmony through the law of the circle is greatly due to the inner workings of the flame of Mercy.

Forget not to entertain Mercy, for some have received her spiritual gifts unawares.

The flowering of Mercy within is the beginning of the final stage of enlightenment and of complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth.

Mercy’s intense love is compressed within the graces she gives and also expressed in the manner in which they are bestowed.

A fragrant heart is a heart infused with mercy.

080128 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #16

The Ladies of Heaven Come to Charge You with the Great God-desire to Fulfill Your Reason for Being

Acknowledging that the Lord God understands the pressures upon our souls in the era in which we are living, Mercy comes with the ladies of heaven to assist us in the sacred work, the noble work of dissolving elements of non-reality within. “It is as if, blessed ones, the very intensity of darkness that has beset the entire earth is concentrated and offered to each bodhisattva of love to process within the sacred heart, one with your Presence, such that this greater world darkness may go and the new light of awareness shine within many more because you have accelerated the fires of love within your heart…”

With great tenderness Kuan Yin encourages us to “keep on keeping on and see each day a new glow of Mercy within. For you are penetrating higher and higher levels of the solar atmosphere of your own God Presence as you rise in consciousness. We are with you. Our hearts sustain you. All is well and though the world may crumble around you in many ways and challenges still remain, yet through the equanimity of your heart, through the compassion and kindness of your very beingness within God’s eternal presence you will be received in the arms of the Divine Mother at the appropriate time and place when your work is finished, your life mission fulfilled and the appellation from the Divine One of a life well lived is bestowed upon you. I am the Mother of Mercy spreading my wings of comfort around you.”

Click here to access to and listen to Kuan Yin's entire message and to participate in the Morning Prayer service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #16

  • Mercy’s responses to challenges are never laced with the spite of resistance but full of the daring dialectic of progressive love.

  • Mindfully formulating every dose of mercy in their speech, the careful ones meditate on the best possible outcome before responding to every verbal attack.

  • Realizing the potential for greater chaos when conflict is not managed with equanimity, Mercy first works to understand every viewpoint, every experience.

  • Regarding the divinity within all, Mercy draws out and accentuates the positive even as her sacred balm is applied in the most advanced cases of spiritual debilitation.

  • Mercy applauds every resolution to overcome the inner villains of vile thought.

  • Mercy’s way is the power of gentle love, which always frees the heart to soar.

  • Transcending human power and position, Mercy extends opportunity to the forgotten elements of divine Selfhood to emerge from within you.

  • Resourcefulness is a keynote of Mercy, for she weaves miracles with whatever small measure of sanity remains within every dire circumstance to which she is called to intercede.

  • Mercy’s sense of victory is apparent in her relentless effort to save souls through the most unorthodox methods during the most inhumane times.

  • Mercy carefully plots her every move to liberate you from samsara, one moment, one thought, one feeling at a time.

  • From Mercy’s vantage point everyone is worthy, every situation is salvageable.

  • Composure, which she defines as heart equanimity, is Mercy’s forte.

080127 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #15

Essences of Mercy and Love as Spiritual Vitamins

for the Digestion of the Word Right within the Chalice of Our Hearts

Today the cosmic holy mother comes to quicken us to know the transcendental nature of mercy. She has studied in The Great Silence and understands the very nature of life and of the universe. As we incorporate mercy into our daily routine through silent meditation upon our own solar light and presence we will gradually perceive with the more refined sensitivities of our souls the very nature of "…mercy itself as life."

As we drink the elixir of light which mercy is we come to understand in the context of our own soul evolving in time and space "…the greater context of the evolution of all lifewaves throughout all worlds." And by "… the sacred prayer work, meditation and stillness" in which we engage, our alchemies become more refined and beautiful to behold, we are washed clean in the fire of mercy and we "… emanate the very present awareness of Mercy in All."

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin's full message and to participate in the early morning prayer service from Paradise Valley in Montana.

  • Mercy is quite the karma basher.

  • Mercy has been known to pull many strings behind the scenes. For this she has often been referred to among the bodhisattvas as the Chinese Marionette Lady.

  • Mercy’s great love interests are the careless, the uncared for and the uncaring.

  • Before the law of karma was set in motion God consulted Mercy.

  • Mercy treads lightly wherever she goes yet all feel her luminous presence.

  • From Mercy’s perspective no one is a lost cause. She reminds us that all came from One Cause.

  • To Mercy, the second death is an implausible choice, though she realizes that for each soul who so opts, that one’s free will supersedes her own bargaining pleas.

  • Mercy is especially moved and convincing when converting the indifferent. Her closing arguments are eloquent and beautiful.

  • With Charity, Mercy coined the phrase tender loving care.

  • Mercy’s works are woven with great subtlety, though when they are complete they are magnificent to behold from every perspective.

  • Long, long ago Mercy redefined the very nature in which karma is outpictured.

  • Mercy’s loom is the human heart.

080126 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #14

I Dream a Dream of Mercy for All Life

I Am Extending This Dream as the Potential Reality for You Today

Our beloved Kuan Yin spoke this morning of the gentle washing of our soul that is occurring within each of us during this cycle of the delivery of her Missives of Mercy. She said that this cleansing process, in preparation for the “great God-time even now appearing” is for us to “understand the very nature of Selfhood in God by being aware of all that flows through [our] consciousness, being mindful of every wispy thought, of every vibration or feeling, and coming to terms with that which [we] have both created and accepted as a part of self.”

She reminds us that every word from a master of wisdom and every bit of light energy we receive from our Solar Source is a boon that we may use to find our way home again to the heart of God. “As [we] embrace each concept and the inner meaning of the word as well as the frequency of light by which it is carried by angels of grace to [our] world, all that is may be [ours], all that was may no longer be where [we] are.

Kuan Yin, in her full Presence as the Goddess of Mercy, giving fiats of “fohatic power of divine love” performed a clearance action of the ruby love for each of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire so that “all evolutions of light [may] be free and know the supremacy of the One within all.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in today’s morning service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #14

  • Graduates of mercy move on to frequent the classrooms of ruby love.

  • I propel the novitiates of love into becoming masters of the fohatic frequencies of divine mercy.

  • Every mercy-love shared with one soul is a boon-blessing to all souls.

  • As others have said, I now echo: Realizing your potential is only the beginning.

  • Let Mercy be your guide as you travel upon the highways of loving service.

  • Mercy is the beneficent action of love; not an act that feigns compassion.

  • The industrious who seek the betterment of life among all cultures are often the unsung but practical advocates and applicators of mercy.

  • The word refuse (or refuse) is not in the lexicon of the bodhisattvas of Mercy.

  • Every virtue is embellished with and by Mercy in some way.

  • When the aroma of violets, lilacs, freesias or clover surrounds you, know that Mercy is close at hand.

  • Mercy is masterful at advising how you may take your potential and make it kinetic, energetic, dynamic by an understanding of the power of extending grace through love.

  • As you frequent the abodes of the heavenly bodhisattvas through loving devotion, you begin to see the divine workings of mercy in the affairs of all mankind. Now emulate and magnify their work of love in some joyful application today!

080125 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #13

Love from Our Maiden of Mercy

  • Violate every law of harshness, every tenet of violence by the code of Mercy.

  • Mercy’s victory is inherent in the healing presence within her gifts.

  • Dote on Mercy until she never leaves you.

  • In a world of suffering Mercy’s only respite is for her strengthening so she may again enter the scene of affliction to serve again.

  • Mercy’s rituals are simple yet profound and speak of one word: Kindness.

  • Every flower is a tiny expression of mercy.

  • When Mercy’s work is finished Sophia comes to initiate the soul.

  • The glory of Mercy is that her work transforms you from within out so that you no longer live from the without.

  • Mercy’s mindfulness is the key to her success.

  • Biding your time with Mercy during the harsh winter, you will appreciate each spring with greater joy and clarity of purpose.

  • Mercy says: Patent your own keen kindness.

  • Mercy’s heart, like the sun, warms all alike.

  • True greatness is known only by those who have been chastised by Love, pummeled by Compassion, stripped by Kindness and remolded by Mercy.

After reading her thirteenth set of missives, dearest Kuan Yin, instead of commenting on them individually, imbued us with a HeartStream of great gentleness and love, while discoursing on the need to cleanse the lower levels of our consciousness.

She spoke of the “creatures” within the basement of our being which outpicture as the desire to have “creature comforts” and of the need to cleanse these from our auras day by day. She said that though few take the time to do this cleansing, those who do receive the ministrations of the heavenly beings who observe and attend to the progress of our souls. True spiritual strivers working to assist the Aquarian Master “receive those very incisive incisions that will carve out from them those ancient pus-pockets of darkness and replace them with all Light, all Mercy, all Hope. When this spiritual surgery is complete [they] will be sent home, launched high into the octaves of light, and [they] will sing the song of Mercy.”

Truly, Kuan Yin is the “Maiden of Mercy bearing missives of love” for our souls. What great sweetness and blessing!

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and this morning’s Rosary of Abundance.

080124 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #12

The Alchemy of Saving Souls

Kuan Yin’s missives today speak of Mercy as a catalyst for inner change, both for ourselves and for others. “Mercy toward one’s self, guides [us] to the selfsame fount of mercy toward all.” We are each asked to consider being a carrier for these divine missives of mercy and given the understanding that the “coefficient in the equation is always love,” such that “each new delivery of mercy must contain within it the co-relative amount of fiery love to dissolve the greater layers of darkness that have beset the soul.”

Kuan Yin also reminds us that as we practice mindfulness and become more compassionate towards ourselves, we then “behold mercy within all.” In the process of saving ourselves, all are blessed.” When the enemy is finally subdued, welcome that one as friend and brother by the holy oil of Mercy . . . through an exact science of Mercy’s portion, yes, her perfect way, her prescription of peace.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s commentary on today’s missives, and to participate in this morning’s service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #12

  • Growing into your spiritual office of teaching higher truth, tenderize the teachings for lost souls with a greater flavoring of mercy.

  • The angels of Mercy offer divine enticements for souls to exit samsara but need those willing to deliver her sacred delights.

  • Fortunate are those who take Mercy’s hand when first offered.

  • Absorb the arrows of hostility with Mercy’s shield. Next, dissolve their bows with her fiery love. Finally, convert the bowmen with her supreme compassion.

  • Repulsion toward any being is not the way nor the wave of Mercy.

  • To be merciful, first learn to accept your karmic condition and the way out through your dharma. Mercy toward one’s self, guides you to the selfsame fount of mercy toward all.

  • Heaven’s reaches its verdicts only after every angle of mercy has been viewed, tried and rejected.

  • The possibilities for Mercy’s renderings are endless. Once the obvious opportunities are taken and drawn then her more profound artistry begins.

  • Reducing criminals’ propensities through compassionate communication is one masterful skill within Mercy’s repertoire.

  • Mercy gently pares away the peel to reveal the sweet fruit within.

  • Every avatar has a complete understanding of and with Mercy.

080123 Kuan Yin Missives #11

Conscious Presence, Holiness, Mindfulness

This morning we received a very important discourse on the importance of our individual and group preparation in respectful, mindful stillness to receive the presence of the masters. “Together our self-discipline amalgamates and grows by our collective discipline.” When we are merciful to the masters by being in our Presence while we are physically present, we will be able to receive the fullness of all that the masters deliver in terms of light, radiation and their message behind the message. As we attend to the voice of divine reason within our heart, and come into the greater fire of the ascension coil, which can be around us day by day as we discipline our mind, our heart and our being, “then miracles can begin to occur. Miracles of abundance, of greater connectivity; and then the siddhis begin to be unfolded before our eyes and our ears and our higher senses.”

Let Melodies of Mercy Ring

This morning, beloved Kuan Yin uses metaphors of art and music to convey more understanding of the facets of mercy. She tells us to let our words of prayer “ring and sing mercy’s song” even as they gain momentum in their recitation. And when we sing our prayers, they are so easily carried by the angels far and wide to “heal and calm and mollify destruction, disease and decay.”

Kuan Yin speaks of painting away our ill-tempers with tempera paints. The repeated brushstrokes of mercy dissolve the anger, the selfishness with “the waters and colors of mercy.”

Attend to the music of violins, she says, so that “the strains of mercy’s song are heard within [our] heart.” And only when we are able to still our minds from “internal violence” will we hear her aria to the “principles of mercy.”

Click here to access and listen to this morning’s service, including the opening discourse and Kuan Yin’s commentary on her Missives of Mercy.

  • Let Mercy sing in every prayer. Call her name with tender care.

  • Let melodies of mercy ring.

  • Try a new tact whereby mercy is your first act.

  • Involving Mercy in every karmic return decision will always soften its blow.

  • Through presence, you won’t be caught dead without Mercy.

  • Grand insight even in the midst of every quagmire is Mercy’s forte and joy.

  • To the temperamental: Let mercy temper your temper.

  • Mercy says, “Listen to violins not violence.”

  • Developing Self-worth is the beginning of mercy to your own soul.

  • Your constant refrain may be, “I am worthy. I am mercy. I am light.”

  • Trouble not the waters of mercilessness with gossip and rancor toward any.

  • The spiritually wise and fruitful always bear an inner sense of mercy and peace.

080122 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #10

What is Compassionate Mercy?

Kuan Yin came this morning with her wise counsel for our souls and a beautiful prayer, “O beautiful Mercy, how I love thee all through the day, all through the night!”

Then as she commented on the second Missive, “Mercy’s day often revolves around observing the most uncaring and matching them with those who require the greatest care,” Kuan Yin said that “this matching, this observing and matching is not just between two separate people, but occurs within [us]. So the most uncaring parts of [ourselves] are matched in a sense with that within [us] that needs the greatest care. This is an interesting concept to meditate upon to realize how God has provided [us] with a way to resolve all.”

Finally in explaining compassionate mercy and the law of karma, she said, “Mercy must be judicious also in her decision making, she can’t just extend what some people think as mercy as pity, or sympathy, without a certain aspect of the law of mercy which is compassion. So what some think would be mercy, in a given situation, may not truly be the divine framing of mercy, as God would have it be, in that moment.”

So, when we truly understand the law of karma we have “no more rancor toward God as being unjust” and we then cannot blame God for what is happening on earth, “because we are God, and therefore we have the authority to act and co-create this world as we would see it.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message as well as the entire Morning Rosary Service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #10

  • Mercy provides even the most hardened of hearts with perfect excuses to show love and compassion.

  • Mercy’s day often revolves around observing the most uncaring and matching them with those who require the greatest care.

  • You may only fully know God’s heart after you have meditated upon the God-light within and shown unmitigated mercy toward your worst enemy.

  • The fire within God’s heart is the purest of mercy-lights.

  • O beautiful Mercy, how I love thee all through the day, all through the night!

  • Mercy comes to sing nightly to enemies of love, though they often hear only in their dreams.

  • Mercy is love in its most feminine expression.

  • I envision a new police force of mercy, urging on TLC (tender loving care) within every neighborhood, village and city.

  • The primary components of mercy are purity of motive and unadulterated love.

  • Your feeling world may become a paradise of mercy to earth’s children.

  • The prerequisite to being an employee of Mercy is largesse of heart through givingness.

  • I am the victory of compassionate mercy in all my affairs and challenges!


080121 Kuan Missives of Mercy #9

Those Who Strive with Love at the Center of Being Will Know Mercy’s Comforts

Kuan Yin comes this morning with tender and loving blessings that will lift the sense of burden upon us and give us “a new life of joy in knowing the God-flame within.” All these gifts and graces are her personal offering to those who are merciful to life, who revere the light within each one. She then gives us the commission to “go forth and bestow all [mercy’s] healing properties to friend and foe alike.”

“Blessed hearts, let your minds be merciful towards each other in their responses, their emanations, their renderings. Let your hearts be merciful in all that flows through this great auricle of light provided unto you each one. Let your souls be merciful and embrace the divine world. Let your hands be merciful to your children and to all who come to you. Let your eyes be merciful and give where giving is required. Let your feet be merciful upon the earth as you walk in Presence and support life at every level of existence. Let your very being emanate mercy with all who you are as a bodhisattva of love on your sacred journey.”

  • Mercy is the oasis that the Lord provides just as you’re about to give up on your journey of love.

  • Mercy is the heavenly rain that descends upon the parched earth, just as your crops are languishing in the heat of the summer sun.

  • Mercy foretells the glorious vista that awaits you at the summit, even as your lungs and limbs are about to give out after an intense and grueling ascent.

  • Mercy is the flame within the beacon rotating in the lighthouse that appears during a long, dark storm on choppy seas, leading you to safe harbor and a night’s sound rest at last.

  • Mercy is the expectant and happy hearts that lavish hugs and kisses upon you when you return from an extended business trip or a difficult day at work.

  • Mercy is the most perfect sunrise on a mild morning with the sky all ablaze with the fire of opportunity to serve and strive for a better world.

  • Mercy is the beautiful bouquet and wafting aroma of roses, violets, lilacs or lilies provided by your loved ones on your special day or when you’ve been taken ill and are resting in bed.

  • Mercy is the comforting smile and thankful praise of loved ones who are grateful for the colorful meal that you have lovingly prepared for most of the afternoon.

  • Mercy is the peaceful calm you feel upon arising after a restless night of sleep knowing that you have a challenging adventure or endeavor to engage in today.

  • Mercy is the check from an unexpected source that arrives in the mail just as you were despairing about where to find the supply to pay your bills or to put food on the table for you and your family.

  • Mercy is the patience and temperance shown by others when you have erred or fallen short of your or their expectations.

  • Mercy is the bud that blossoms or the hummingbird that appears at your kitchen window on your birthday.

080120 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #8

Fiat Lux! Let Your Hearts Sing Mercy!

Reminding us that no one can voyage the sea of samsara alone, the bodhisattva of compassion again came to give us guidance and grace through her eighth series of Missives of Mercy. We all need a teacher, she said—“the helping hand of our guardian spirit”—so that our prayers for assistance are heard and these heavenly spirits may then “wing their way to our sides to usher us safely home.”

With a flourished “Voila!” beloved Kuan Yin revealed the secret ingredient of Mercy--“transcendent, enveloping love.” She said it is our right to use every moment wisely by being fully cognizant of our God-Presence in order to manifest that love. Inviting us to “let our hearts sing mercy”, she said that we could discover “etheric fields of Mercy, where every joy may be yours, where every gift of God is available.”

Kuan Yin’s final words of wisdom today were a loving reminder to “listen first before you speak, and then speak compassionately on behalf of the best outcome—and then love and peace will prevail.”

Click here to access Kuan Yin’s commentary on her missives from today.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #8

  • Providing a context for complete forgiveness, Mercy communicates the way to resolution through seeing every problem from God’s immaculate view within all.

  • Mercy isolates the nadir of potential war, which must first be dissolved within the minds and hearts of the conflicted.

  • Every personal Armageddon may be won with Mercy’s insightful aid.

  • The power of Mercy may be felt by the troubled only when an inroad into their consciousness is opened through prayer and divine intercession.

  • The stimulus of Mercy to bring transparency even amidst the actions and reactions of opposing forces is the awesome nature of presence.

  • Acceptance of Mercy’s ground rules in conflict resolution will bring the hearts of age-old combatants to the table of forgiveness, hope and finally peace.

  • Forging a new way, Mercy delivers on her promises to inspire even the most hard-hearted and volatile of souls to abide in stillness until they can see clearly.

  • The finality of Mercy’s work is world transmutation.

  • When Mercy’s hand is fully and finally rejected there is a self-implosion that is not dissimilar to the creation of a black hole.

  • Returning to trust in the God-flame within, the prodigal soul calls out to Mercy who quickly comes to provide her sacred balm.

  • Voila! Transcendental, enveloping love is Mercy’s prescription—her mysterious, secret ingredient now revealed.

  • Will you accept Mercy as your own divine arbiter today?

080119 Kuan Yin’s Missives #7

Realize Mercy Today Through Seventh-Ray Love

As we visualize this morning the heart chakra of the beloved Kuan Yin as a cosmic lotus of love emanating streams of mercy to all life on earth, she in turn graces us with more beautiful Missives of Mercy from her heart. She speaks of some of the many facets of mercy and of their effect upon us that begins within our minds even as these effects may go on to manifest through our hearts and within our bodies:

Transmutation as “a sacred art and science of mercy. . .given to those who would be all love.”

Friendship with God “requires an attitude of gratitude rather than a stance of defensiveness of the ego.”

Mercy is an opportunity for self-transcendence as we “surrender to the impulses through the spirit of forgiveness, caring and attentiveness to the needs of others.”

God’s magnanimous compassion is “the very beingness of divine love [that] can make [us] whole.

Today’s Missives

  • The flower of mercy may be yours through a gentle heart.

  • Following Mercy requires attuning to the blessedness of God.

  • Mercy’s potency is only known by the truly charismatic.

  • Friendliness toward God steers you in the direction of Mercy.

  • A well oiled heart is the best crucible for mercy’s fires.

  • Mercy often appears just before justice is served.

  • The reality of beingness is accentuated by mercy-awareness.

  • God’s handmaidens, the archeiai, are masterful in conveying every nuance of Mercy, every phase of her solar light.

  • Blue and white-ray masters often holiday in Peking’s crystal mercy pools.

  • To penetrate Mercy’s mind you must begin to understand God’s magnanimous compassion.

  • Realize Mercy today through seventh-ray love.

  • Punctuate Mercy’s phrasings with gratitude.

Click here to access and to listen to this morning’s service including Kuan Yin’s Missives and her commentary.

080118 Kuan Yin Missives #6


Mercy is the Beloved I AM Solar Source

Overflowing with the Gifts and Graces Required upon the Path



oday the great-hearted Kuan Yin asks, "Would you partake at the table of Grace of Mercy's fare?" She wants us to know the fullness of that which God offers us at every moment. She gave us a formula for self-transformation with love and wisdom multiplied by the great givingness of God who "…is the ever-effulgent giving one, ceaselessly emanating all the graces and mercies of beingness."

            "The dynamism and the radiation of beingness in mercy compels the power of perfect poise to consume anti-light substance sitting upon [us]." We will learn to trust in the merciful heart of Kuan Yin, as we imbibe compassion's elixir and experience Love's chastening. "Even as the voice of darkness speaks so the song of Mercy is sung. Listen with intention and follow the voice back to the source of light. Thus the dweller will leave and you will be free!" 

            Click here to access and listen to all of Kuan Yin's commentary on today's missives.

  • Mindful of Mercy’s responsibilities to provide the impetus for change within the soul, every bodhisattva may be an example of her designated love-boons.
  • To be merciful you must first have a right heart toward your Divine Presence, your own highest source of mercy.
  • The value of mercy in the direction and coursing of one’s solar evolution cannot be fully fathomed.
  • Mercy has quite the proprietary formula for self transformation: M=LWG.  Mercy equals Love times Wisdom times Givingnessness.
  • Plying her sacred trades, Mercy moves through all cultures, avocations and lives to bring equanimity to the soul of mankind.
  • Beingness sets the table for all of Mercy’s courses.
  • When the perplexities of despair grip you at the final “Y” (why?) Mercy’s alarm bell sounds for her to appear and offer you the high road.
  • The spiritually alert listen to the inner promptings of Mercy in all their challenging communications and interactions with the final dweller.
  • Potent elixirs of Mercy are needed now upon Earth to secure it as a platform for solar systemic victory.
  • You may become adepts of Mercy through mastering NVC.
  • Mercy’s providential dharmic light can help dissolve your most ancient karma.
  • I envision every bodhisattva of love as also being a sacred servitor of Mercy.



080117 Kuan Yin’s Missives #5

The Divine Art of Delivering Bodhisattva Love

We are invited to become one with the heart of Beloved Kuan Yin as she delivers her missives of mercy’s love that transform “the lowest to the highest and the highest to the lowest and thus the mystery of the magic of mercy may be known within the humble of heart who now preside upon the throne of Mercy.”

Mercy has a point of entry into our lives when the love, wisdom and power within our hearts becomes merged with the heart of the One, “then the perfect love as mercy will always be [ours].”

Kuan Yin suggests that each morning we invite Mercy to sit within us, “and by her perfect poise every decision [we] make guided by her intention one with [our] Higher Self will manifest in the perfection of the way.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s commentary on today’s missives:

  • Mercy presides during the trials of the basest elements of darkness within you.

  • The act of silently performing a merciful deed is witnessed by untold solar beings.

  • Replenish your heart fires by being a continuous issue of Mercy’s holy oil.

  • Purloin every opportunity to be a carrier of Mercy’s missives.

  • The proud wilt at the sight of Mercy’s radiance.

  • Mercy’s silent, sacred scoldings of the inept tyrant ego dweller are beautiful to behold.

  • Forthwith Mercy shall reign within you if you will accept her seat of authority.

  • Argumentation drives mercy away from every potential relationship.

  • Mercy’s blessings come in nines.

  • You may provide a fertile field for Mercy’s seed through silent contemplation on the principles of joy, wisdom, compassion, purity, wholeness and peace.

  • Mercy and Justice are twin sisters. Identical or not?

  • Daily proving Mercy’s power, the ascended meek ones have become her accomplices in the divine art of delivering bodhisattva love.

Missives of Mercy from the Heart of Kuan Yin - Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Allow the Spirit to Be Fully Yours in All Ways

Beloved Kuan Yin opens her heart to us enumerating through today’s missives the miracles of mercy’s way in preparing us to meet the daily challenges of life which will be the way to creating the crystal golden age. Mercy, she says, allows us to be the moderators of light and understand its many ways of coursing through our being.

Mercy, hand-in-hand with Peace, works through love to bring healing. It outwits the prideful, brings healing to the humble heart, clears the way for the descent of the Holy City by removing stone by stone the unthinking construction of human hurt and pride. We are invited to enter mercy’s time and space and this day to see the expansion of the light in our hearts because we are overflowing with mercy. Kuan Yin tells us to allow the Holy Spirit to be totally ours in every way today.

  • Prepare each morning for a jubilee of mercy to unfold throughout the day.

  • The fineness of Mercy’s light is beautiful to behold and to bask in.

  • Mercy is replete with many refined essences of love, the chief of which is compassionate wisdom.

  • Mercy’s heat is cool so as to bring equipoise to the soul through the Spirit.

  • Confounding and impounding pride is one of Mercy’s hidden agendas.

  • The valiant heart knows it may only conquer in Mercy’s territory.

  • Intuiting the soul requirements of each one served, Mercy prepares the perfect mix of spiritual essences to assuage and heal all inner scars.

  • Mercy’s aromatic light gently transforms the flagrant into the fragrant.

  • Founded on the principle of compassion, Mercy’s work moves mountains of human hurt, dissolving stone by stone man’s inhumanity to man.

  • Bodhisattvas learn to fully utilize the directed currents of Mercy’s inviolate love through all their humble work.

  • I invite you to learn Mercy’s feminine take on the Buddhic Path.

  • The reflective understand within the secret chamber of the heart Mercy’s perfect work where her full glory is unveiled.

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin's entire message.

Image Source: ntmiller.com

08152008 Kuan Yin Missives #3

Missives of Mercy from the Heart of Kuan Yin

An Invitation to be of Greater Loving Service to Life

Kuan Yin came early this morning asking us to receive her missives from the point of our heart chakras. She tells us that mercy is the ever-present precursor to peace, “To abide in peace you must first have within and around you cosmic reference points of poise which mercy provides. See now around you, in a circumference of fire, these points of reality as blossoms of love that I provide and from each point of the reality of mercy, in this circle of Oneness, you may ascend in consciousness as your day passes and as the Spirit moves through you at each hour. As a solar being you may emanate peace through Mercy’s heart.”

Kuan Yin, commenting on the last missive, gave us an invitation to illumined action: “Every soul may be an accessory to love. Here is my invitation for you to be of greater loving service to life. Know me within every man and woman and child for there I abide and in ministering with me to them you may fully know my heart.”

Click here to access this morning’s entire message from Kuan Yin.

  • Belief in mercy’s healing qualities allows the quintessence of her divine abilities to work toward the holy purpose of saving sentient life whereby she provides opportunities for wholeness and presence through her simple means of retuning and refining your feeling world.

  • Mercy is the queen of the divine ministrants in their cooperative efforts to provide spiritual boons toward your solar development.

  • If you would have wish fulfillment let your desire be for greater mercy.

  • Position yourself ever toward greater opportunities to excel in mastering the arts of Mercy and then in sharing her resourcefulness.

  • Mercy is the ever-present precursor to peace just as peace is her witness.

  • Inherent in Mercy’s transformational powers is her mastery in the acceleration of love through action to relieve suffering which arises from ignorance.

  • Finding the source of light within another allows a connection between the bodhisattva and the one served such that mercy may then begin to flow through both hearts for the benefit of all.

  • By choice and through harmony you may become a fountain of mercy.

  • Accepting others’ needs as valid helps create the opportune moment for your own need to serve up mercy to be brought to mind, to heart and to action.

  • Mercy does not calculate whether her efforts will be successful, but gives to one ceaselessly until her inner voice moves her to serve another.

  • Mercy infuses all with perfect poise and profound peace.

  • As a bodhisattva Mercy must have at some point taken hold of you and graciously invited you to become her field worker.

Image Source: ntmiller.com


080114 Kuan Yin Missives #2

Missives of Mercy from My Heart: A New Cycle of Mercy

Expressing our interconnectedness, Kuan Yin comes again this morning asking us to be “listening ears for Mercy” whereby many more may hear the keys she has to offer for the resolving of conflict and discord in the world and in our lives:

No matter what is occurring in Baghdad, Jerusalem or even in your own backyard or living room the way to the center of peace I provide through mercy’s light. As you first see your goal manifest and then feed that goal through your attention and the light that pours through that attention all will be brought into harmony in perfect balance in God.

All karmic conflicts involve God’s sacred process to move you into Presence. For only from the point of the heart and your presence there may you come into complete unity within your God Presence. This is the key to heightened transmutation of personal and planetary karma. You may decree and mandate transmutation from the human but God and only God may, through the divine gift and grace of mercy, make it so through you.”

Click here to access Kuan Yin’s entire message.

  • Your Buddhahood requires developing an understanding heart through the eyes of Mercy.

  • Make your God-potential reality by sharing Mercy in every scenario where a conflict requires someone to move into a higher way of resolution.

  • Open your heart to Mercy when you’re challenged by the misanthropic who seek to malign your name, discredit your office or question your motives.

  • Visualize Mercy entering every conflict’s center point and dissolving the core of all miscommunication, all disinterest in harmony and all volatility in the heat of the battle.

  • You may only fully know Mercy’s glow and helping hand when you’ve been at the bottom of the heap.

  • Mercy invariably leads you to the heart of every matter worth resolving and thereby to the center of your heart.

  • Being merciful does not mean having to relinquish your stand for truth and for the inalienable principles of justice and liberty for all.

  • Mercy radiates the divine power of compassion that eventually wears down and dissolves tyranny.

  • Finding the center of compassion within you is the first step on the path for bodhisattvas of Mercy.

  • Enrich your love for humanity by spreading seeds of Mercy today.

Image: ntmiller.com

080113 Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy #1

Missives of Mercy from My Heart: Beginning a New Cycle of Mercy

A most tender and compassionate Kuan Yin came early this morning with an announcement for heartfriends whom she addressed as Dearest Hearts of Mercy's Light:

Today I begin a series of missives of mercy to the bodhisattvas of love. In this release of light I choose to be where the messenger is within you in order to direct the currents of mercy into the deepest recesses of your consciousness. And by your reverent and respectful attentiveness to this flame of compassion and forgiveness I will weave a garland of light around the earth.

As you give your daily devotions to the Divine Mother, will you not also in this sacred cycle of a New Year of holy integration give those mantras to me whereby I may enter into the figure-eight flow of Buddhic love and radiate this flame of mercy to all?

Mercy is as mercy does. So enter her silent contemplation upon the allness of God and in presence be that mercy to all.

  • Mercy’s joy is to transform the hardest hearts and the most violent of criminals through highlighting and drawing forth their own innate goodness.

  • Forgiveness is the first step in mercy’s unlimited healing potential.

  • The merciful ones know God’s palette as well as his palette.

  • Always refining your senses, redefine within your own mercy flame.

  • Mercy’s healing qualities are not only palliative, but life-changing.

  • Your internal compass will direct you to mercy’s shores if you truly listen and then move into her currents.

  • All ignorance, as forgetfulness, may be consumed in mercy’s gentle flame.

  • You may become the Buddha through knowing the fullness of mercy’s inextinguishable light.

  • All paralysis is an opportunity to learn mercy’s most important lessons.

  • Refinement of character is the ongoing work of bodhisattvas of mercy.

  • Close the book with me now on your past unmerciful words, your Wordless thoughts and your thoughtless deeds.

  • Follow your heart to mercy's radiant home.

080112 K-17 newsflash

Beloved K-17, A Visionary of the Spirit

Perfect Vision Through Perfect Love

Beloved K-17 comes this morning to increase our vision of love and “to propose that [we] look at all through the lens of divine love and that [we] consider how that love may work for [us] in a greater way to fulfill all that [we] have envisioned in [our] plans for 2008 and beyond.” To know love, we must understand “the cause of love, who is God. For without this holy causation, nothing would exist.”

K-17 also comes to remind us of “the Lord’s divine order to maintain the presence of holiness where [we] are.” For we “will require this state of equilibrium in God to sustain [us] through all that is coming, most importantly the last vestiges of the return of [our] personal karma as well as that which [we] have been party to in creating during [our] tenure on Earth.”

Through the deeper knowledge of karma that K17 brings us today, we gain greater understanding of the experiences before us, and also the capacity to greet these experiences “with calmness and poise.” Thereby we also learn to welcome returning karma as our own opportunity for self transcendence, for “greater presence of mindfulness and greater radiance in grace.” Karma is “the most equitable way for [each one] to balance the scales of righteousness—the right use of the law of being.”

“Divine gnosis in all things” is the goal of the ascended masters for each of us, “to dwell in love’s perfect reference point of centeredness in Presence, learning to “employ love through [our] vision to all, seeing all from God’s perspective as whole, pure and full of life.”

Click here to access and listen to this entire message from K-17.

080111 El Morya newsflash

New Blue Energies for New Cycles

Our blessed first guru and Bapu (father), El Morya, came this morning bringing teachings of the New Blue. His purpose in coming, he said, was to reinforce Chananda’s message of yesterday and to clear certain patterns of darkness within our subconscious. To that end he gave much teaching on aligning with the blessed Will of God each day.

Many call to the Will of God, he said, but few really understand its power to reshape their lives. Morya said that the cycles within a student’s world may correlate to the changing of the earth’s cycles, and that at the bringing in of the New Year there is a true opportunity for each person to ‘rise in consciousness.’ He said that 2008 will be a turning point for many of us—an opportunity to both attune with a new release of light from our divine Presence, as well as an opportunity to daily transmute the energies released to us. He reminded us that non-attachment is the key to discerning the Will of God and progressing “swiftly and surely,” assuring us all that the “divine navigator” is always there to keep us on track and to guide us home through the “sea of samsara.”

Our progress is ever an on-going process, El Morya reminded us; and we will continue to be tested. In addition he said that though it is difficult to always discern our progress, the New Blue energies are key. “Choose today to be that True Blue you and live in the Will of God, blessed hearts. I am here for you, leading you home to the heart of the One.”

Click here to access and listen to this entire message from El Morya.

080110 Chananda, Chief of the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood

A Pilgrimage to India in 2008!

Be Anchor Points for the Buddhas and the Gods and Goddesses of Heaven

Beloved Chananda comes this morning impressing the “flame of peace from the heart of India” upon the earth and within the hearts of lightbearers everywhere. After deliberation on how to establish a “greater foundation for lasting peace within the region of Southern Asia,” the Indian and Darjeeling councils “have determined that in addition to [our] ongoing prayers for peace to occur, that it is essential that at least 24 or more of [us] come physically to [their] home in the East to anchor light for the brotherhood during this year 2008.”

Acknowledging the many projects that The Hearts Center movement determines to fulfill this year, and the many personal, family and community needs of heartfriends, Chananda reminds us that we each “have the resources of the spirit to accomplish all.” And that much can be accomplished as “the intention of the few may indeed make up the difference for the many this year.” Along with intention is the importance of excellent planning for the use of our resources and finances over the coming months.

Chananda asks us all to take heart and to know that the masters “are determined to both support [us] and to inspire upon [us] new ways to precipitate that abundance that [we] require to fulfill [their] request.” We are reminded of the law of the one, “whereby even that which occurs across the planet affects life everywhere.”

In preparation for this journey, all are asked to take time to review the HeartStreams of the masters of the Far East, especially of Lord Himalaya; call to the Master Ganesh, even in his guise of the Great Divine Director, to clear the way to our victory; and to attune to the divine world within, “the sanctuary of the soul and the heart as the place of perfect peace. . .[so that] greater outflows of peace may be [ours] day by day.”

Click here to access and listen to Chananda’s entire message and this morning rosary service.

080109 Fortuna

Untie the Ribbon of Lanello’s Scrolls of Sacred Flow Teaching in

You, the Greatest Salesman in the World!”

Beloved Fortuna begins a new cycle of abundance for each one who desires to be an instrument of God. She tells us that a chalice for light is created through our consciousness. “As [we] allow the light to be where [we] are, God may fill this cup with all of the gifts of heaven, including abundance.” To be the instrument of “sacred flow” we must first “through stillness” form this chalice.

She invites us to join beloved Lanello who will offer “a number of gifts” bound in scrolls that he would have us untie and unfurl “before our Higher Mind” in the new ten-week Meru University course, “You, the Greatest Salesman in the World.” To help us toward becoming these instruments of flow during this course, thought patterns of light will be created in us and the cleansing of limiting subconscious patterns will occur as we hear the inspired words of Og Mandino. Lanello and Fortuna will “work directly with [our] souls” encouraging us to “create and recreate the vessel of abundance where [we] are.” It takes a raising of awareness and belief in our capabilities to “manifest the graces of the Spirit.”

What we will learn beginning next Monday evening, will augment the past teaching from the God of Gold on the precipitation of abundance. Fortuna reminds us that we have within us all that is needed. It is a “simple turn of the dial”, a paradigm shift which will allow us to manifest this flow in our worlds as abundance and as the sustaining in our consciousness of God-awareness.

Click here to access and listen to this morning’s service, including this entire HeartStream.

080108 Omraam

Man is Made in the Image of the Sun

This morning the messenger was guided by Master Omraam to read to us Chapter 6 in Towards a Solar Civilization and to discourse on certain concepts contained in the chapter: What Omraam stated in the lecture recorded in Chapter 6 that “man has a clearly defined body that doesn’t change,” is true in a certain context but in a greater context now we understand that we can change our bodies by choice and conscious awareness. But the greater teaching he is giving now is that most of science does not take into account the spiritual nature of mankind nor have they utilized the highest aspects of science to penetrate to that which would be most beneficial for mankind. Instead it is based on the use of pharmaceuticals and drugs for the treatment of pain and disease.

Eventually healing will be based on the sun of our Presence and the light we can garner and allow to flow through us. Let’s begin to take stock energetically of all that we do. We can get direct advice from our Solar Source as to what changes we can make in our lives to have optimal health. Meditating every morning on our Presence, seeing the light flowing through us and recharging our cells can do wonders.

In our bodies, the heart represents the sun. Also, Omraam stated that in the sense of the life-giving nature of the sun, the light that flows from the sun is his blood. “The solar system is a circulatory system with the sun, the heart, beating ceaselessly nourishing the whole body.” As more and more people make the choice to be God, to be the sun, to be the light, then we will begin to see a greater and greater dawning of an age of enlightenment.

Click here to access and listen to this morning’s service, including this entire discourse.