071030 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #15

I am an advocate of grace to a planet and her people. Will you join me in the great procession of joy and light?

Light is grace in its pristine form and when the light that is in thee is single how great is that grace that may flow.

Discover grace in every flower and in the flower of your mind one with God’s.

The venerable ones always roll out the white carpet of grace for their chelas.

All power in heaven and on earth is given unto me by grace.

Freedom is grace empowered through love allowing the soul to know God.

Would you create a parody of the divine personages of God’s ministrants? Or would you don the very garments of grace that they wear?

The noble hearts who understand the Christic path walk with the Lord at their side, with the Lady on their arm as true conquering heroes by grace.

Do not underestimate the dynamism of holy grace that may be yours.

I am a fiery furnace in which you may throw out the coals of non-awareness and non-acceptance of your divine estate.


071029 Lady Kristine Chrisms #14

Lady Kristine was with us once again this morning to share her grace and wisdom in this the 14th in her series of Chrisms.

131. A panoply of guardian spirits, a host of angelic guardians, a veritable pantheon of divine intercessors are always available to the spiritual devotee to call upon for assistance. Why not utilize this heavenly resource more often?

When you live in Presence you are in the presence of all divine spirits and the assistance that comes vibrates all around you always. The entire Universal White Brotherhood is at our beck and call because we live within their stream of awareness.

132. Resident evil is no match for the presiding Presence of godly love.

The ghostly ghouls of Halloween are no match for the cosmic light of the Brotherhood through all of the divine intercessors who we have a love for.

133. Your soul’s travel to our octaves of grace may be instantaneous through practice.

Leaving our bodies to enter higher octaves takes practice and trying. By the power of thought we can enter into the mind of God, instantaneously, beyond time and space. Utilizing the higher sensitivities and faculties of the soul, from the spiritual vantage point, you can be amazed at what you see, revel in the light and enter into the bliss of cosmic oneness in this sacred dance and travel.

134. Glorifying God is every sentient being’s purpose and responsibility, though the means, manner and methodology vary with each one.

Simply go through your day and attempt to glorify God in some way. Life takes on new meaning, the eternal sunshine of the Presence of God blesses you and the very glory of the Sun behind the sun will emanate through you as, moment by moment, you see your very purpose and responsibility to be to glorify God.

135. Grace cannot be apportioned, for it is an endless reservoir born of the Infinite and borne by all angelic servitors.

This endless reservoir is the infinite presence, the omnipotent light and the omniscient cosmic wisdom of God. Tapping into it is joy. Experiencing it is bliss. And knowing it with the fullness of God’s effulgence within us is our very reason for being a co-creator with God.

136. Consciousness or Presence awareness is the doorway to every divine world.

Every outer ring that we expand to accommodate and then to grow into (in our self-discovery process) is a new doorway to the Divine. It truly is the most glorious opportunity to know God through everything, in everything, by everything.

137. After life and then consciousness, free will is the third gift of God to man.

Free will is individuality. But in the individed unity of oneness with God, free will leads to the perfectionment through the divine will. And there is no separation when you realize that free will is the willing of self to be free in God.

138. Realizing one’s divine nature is the summum bonum of existence.

The apex of existence is Self-realization in God

139. A life lived to magnify God is beautiful, no matter how short.

We have read stories of children who at the soul level may have known that they would only live a short life. And yet they gave it their all, they had joy, they had a spirit of virya….Our life is short in comparison with the eternal aeons of God’s omnipresent awareness of Self. Let us everyday live a life of beauty in magnifying God…and if we can concentrate greater God-power, wisdom and love each moment whereby we experience the totality of God’s presence in what we do and who we are, then no matter how long or short our life is then it will have been worth every breath.

140. All true healing arises from entering the dynamic field of unity through the reconnection of the patient with the divine principle of light.

There is light, intelligence and information within the secret ray energies and frequencies. When we allow the energies to move through us through consciousness, then true healing may arise. “Arise” in this sense means to awaken as a Buddha or to awaken to our own Buddha nature whereby we have access to all divine principles of light behind the frequencies.

071028 Milarepa

The Buddha Milarepa Delivers a Concise and Impelling Message

“I come in defense of and on behalf of my friend El Morya.” Milarepa made it clear that to save a people, a nation, a civilization, it will take greater determination from amongst those who understand the process of blending with the beings of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. There must be a firm grasp upon the divine world and the Buddha nature, an unwillingness to enter into states of self pity or to wallow in human creation. The Mother has remained, waiting for some to fully embrace and become the God within. As she ascends many will be required to hold even five times the balance now being held. “You and only you will be the determining factor of whether this earth will proceed into a golden crystal age or go down as Greece and Rome.”

Milarepa minced no words in saying how important it was to support this movement, to secure the Wellspring property, and to register for the current Meru University course, “Understanding Your Higher Self with El Morya.” He hurled cosmic spheres of ruby fire to consume non-being, to clear the cobwebs from our electronic belts and to raise a new structure of selfhood within us. “Morya moves worlds and he will teach and he will move mountains of your karma...through soul retrieval which will occur.... I will be at your side and the side of the Messenger during this coming class, lending my momentum on behalf of El Morya [who] will lead on his mighty steed, indeed. Be there with him. Register today."

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Listen to Highlights from the European Pilgrimage

Click on "replays" under the broadcast/audio button to hear the Family Service with highlights from the pilgrimage to the Greek mainland. Also find the replay of Milarepa's HeartStream on the Rosary Service conducted by the Messenger earlier this morning.

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071027 Lady Kristine Chrisms #13

Lady Kristine Chrisms #13

We received the anointing of the next ten chrisms from Lady Kristine this morning for our meditation and assimilation. Following each chrism is a summary of her commentary for each of the chrisms.

121. Gratitude to and for life engenders greater grace to nurture all of one’s endeavors even as it allows the opening of new portals of opportunity for the bestowal of life’s blessings unto the initiate.
“Gratitude and grace are one. Without gratitude there is no grace and without the flow of grace it is hard to be grateful” for what we receive from the divine world. Gratitude and grace “are two aspects of God’s consciousness which is the givingness of God, the engendering of light through all avenues of selfhood to bless each of our endeavors. And as each of our sacred works is fulfilled then grace opens its portal through which God’s blessing may continue to flow to the initiates of the Spirit."

122. Transcending your self is your daily work.
“Unless we are progressing, we are regressing. Unless we are transcending we are not transmitting to the world the essence of our being as God’s co-creator.”

123. The “poor me” syndrome must be erased from your cell memory while a new law of Beingness as cosmic responsibility is impressed and recorded therein.
When we have the consciousness that we will fulfill our divine plan, nothing will stand in the way of that. No past “poor me memories” that lag in our electronic belt can take us from the fulfillment of our goal. When we have fire in our being, that fire erases all past sense of limitation. Fire records a new awareness of Self as a God-being, a co-creator.

124. Those who believe not only achieve but may, by grace, perceive new vistas where the angelic choirs are ever creating more verdant fields of faith.
It is by faith that we can build and create. With each accomplishment we build the foundation for future accomplishments.

125. Since my ascension I have personally come to know each of the archeiai, but I encourage you to follow my lead while you’re still residing upon earth.
Tap into the awareness of each of the archeiai throughout the day. Let us call to each of these heavenly beings to help us in our projects, our awareness, our family, our children, and our community. The archeiai are cosmic reservoirs of light, energy and inspiration for us. They will grace us within their crystal radiance to help us in all of our endeavors.

126. I am pursuing those who are on a path of becoming professional spiritualists, which I now define as adepts of the spirit. These are not self-proclaimed messianic mediums but truly messengers of the Word whom they’ve become through striving and self-sacrifice.
Lady Kristine said that the word “spiritualist” needs to have a new meaning: describing those who have become the word of Christ, truly messengers of that word, thru striving and self-sacrifice. Each of us is a messenger and this is the primary message of this movement. Each of us is a master in the becoming; each of us has both a voice and message to give as we are becoming adepts of spiritual light.

127. Intrinsic within I AM THAT I AM is divine beingness. This is the nature of all that is. This is who you are right now.
Lady Kristine comments that if we just say the words “I Am” without entering into those words and becoming that principle of light, of Being, then we are missing the boat. “Let’s not miss the boat but be who we are right now in grace, in God.”

128. Accommodating the lesser self has been the bane of mankind. Making room for the Spirit’s habitation within is the boon for all who would know the Beloved.
“We want the boon and not the bane. We want God living, vibrating within us, existing as cosmic reality where we are. Let us no longer accommodate the lesser self, but fully accommodate, make room for, invite into our home (our inner temple) our Beloved, our I AM Presence.”

129. Grace sets the dinnerware and offers the meal at each table but is often ignored once the repast has begun. Cherish her holy offering in every morsel.
This is an analogy of our spiritual path. At the beginning we receive great grace and joy, and then comes the work of chewing and assimilating the word. This can be a more difficult time, and we sometimes lose faith and the sense of this incredible gift of the teachings. Let us remember to cherish and assimilate this gift from the ascended masters each and every day.

130. Your life may only become profound when grace is first uncovered and then proffered to all.
We have to give what we have received. If we are not giving the grace we have received then we are missing the mark. “The “pro” in profound must become the proffered gift; the “ found” is the uncovering of this grace first received, then once we have assimilated it, we proffer it to others."

071025 Lanello

The Sacred Process of Cosmic Visionary Science

Speaking from Bozeman, Montana during this cycle of Scorpio, beloved Lanello chose this morning to anchor and initiate a new spiral of light, also for “the victory of the securing of the property long ago foretold as one that the blessed Mother Mary would set her seal upon for the sacred work of the healing of souls. . .An aspect of cosmic visionary science through the ‘eye-magic’ of your imagination, is key for all that you would behold as true and as possible, may in fact be yours when it is stamped upon with the vision of God through works of grace, the works of the hands, heart and head, and through your intent by the driving action of the will of God manifest physically in the earth."
Lanello spoke of the importance of creating a master plan for the expansion of The Hearts Center movement and for this property, saying that all are important in this sacred alchemy. “The individualization of the God flame within your heart through the crystal matrix of your own being may allow an almost instantaneous cosmic change and transmutation whereby substance, the very substance of life itself, may be yours to command in the physical plane—charging it with the essence of your being, and then molding it through the process of creation itself. . . .Yes, blessed ones, cosmic intent flowing through your consciousness is the key to the divinity manifest in your world.”

The Cosmic Violet Flame Generator

Calling upon the Cosmic Generator in the Gallatin Valley from the heart of the Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Lanello directed the currents of this cosmic fire into the Wellspring Retreat and forcefield for the victory of the sacred alchemy of procuring this property. He also offered to prepare a place and clear the way for all who would desire to move to Montana to serve more directly as staff for The Hearts Center. He asks that we not only prepare the place externally, but that we also prepare our consciousness to be in readiness to be instruments for the healing light to flow.

071024 Maha Chohan
Now Let Your Word Be Fire!

“Upon currents of no thought” the Maha Chohan comes to accept “the gift of our word” and “manifest the miracle presence of life” where we are. His message to us re-emphasizes the sacredness of the Word. Even as the throat chakra would be purified by our word and the Word, yet for some of us he tells us that at times the way in which we use our throat chakra has caused us problems. Much remaining karma that we have comes through improper use of the throat chakra—our unthinking words. Even what we take in through the throat as improper eating—unhealthy foods, over consumption, thoughtless consumption—is a problem.

Enter into no thought.. The Maha Chohan wants us to meditate on stillness. May our thoughts, before they become words, be cleansed in the fire of the Holy Spirit. Many saints and masters entered into long periods of silence. In these times, they were able to understand the deeper expressions of God as fire. As Morya prepares the next Meru course on solar evolution, consider how you may cleanse the “deepest recesses” of remaining negative karma that we have created through the throat connected with the solar plexus energies by entering into silence. When there is stillness, we can hear nature’s sounds of beauty. You can hear the voice of the elementals.

May love be our voice. Both in stillness and as we speak, may we know the essence of the Holy Spirit as fire. May we enter into the sacred space—God within. The Maha Chohan “is the essence of God’s awareness as fire in all realms of being.” He is the “fiery nature of the Godhead quenching all with my love fire.” In order to pass the test of the ten and of surrender, we must “enter the fiery furnace” of our hearts. There we may know the presence of the sacred fire, burning and burning until there nothing remains but Selfhood.

Let your word be fire!” The Maha Chohan shines his intense light into “the nuclei of the not-self” in us. He invokes the divine nuclei of Selfhood to manifest through us. He asks that our voices, our throat chakras be cleansed so that all we say is of God. The Maha Chohan is the “fiery servant of the Most High within all life.” He admonishes each of us from this day forward, “Now let your word be fire.”

071008 Victory

Town Hall Meeting

The Town Hall Meeting was held at the Sunday service on October 7, 2007. At the beginning of this meeting, ninety-three people had come forward to fulfill Portia’s request for one hundred certain souls to take their stand for the support of the Wellspring property. Towards the end of the service, we received the joyous news that more than one hundred had come forward and Beloved Victory came to set his seal upon this victory!

When Victory Comes to Set the Seal of Light Upon an Endeavor it Simply Cannot Fail!

“I, Victory, come to set my seal of a cosmic “V” upon your intention and your stand for this property, blessed ones. The Karmic Board has heard your intent and seen the physicality of your givingness and thus I come to anchor the light of Victory for this project and also for the pilgrimage. And though, I often come at the end of the cycles, this day I choose to come at the initiation of cycles. [clapping] And I announce to you that the Karmic Board, even before the money is physically received in Livingston, Montana, has answered. And there is by dispensation a quantity of light vouchsafed unto this movement whereby there will be the magnification of your abundance, blessed hearts.

The Master then said, “When Victory comes, to set the seal of light upon an endeavor, it simply cannot fail, blessed ones, it will prevail because God is behind it, God is ahead of it, God is beside it, God is at the center of its action. Only God can sustain the light of this economy, only God can keep afloat that which you have seen, which at times has been most unstable. God in the center of all is the light of victory and will sustain it but without God nothing can stand. Therefore, put God, put the light, put your intention at the very center of all that you do, all that you are, all that you give and in that givingness God will sustain that which you by intention focus [on].”

Victory added, “My angels are now paving this sacred highway of light for many more souls to find this activity. They will find it through the website, they will find it through many of you heart to heart, they will find it through your prayers. For by intention, my angels will take the light that you release and that flows through you and use it to tap one or another upon the shoulder to go here or there to see a poster, or to tune in and do a search on google to find something of higher truth.”

Beloved Victory then sealed us all with the “laurel wreath of victory which I have turned gold this day by your words of fire. So be it oh God. These have spoken. Hear them and answer. Amen.”

You may listen to the replay of the Sunday service (including Victory's dictation) or morning Rosary by clicking on the Broadcast/Audio button on the menu to your left and then clicking replay.


Youth Darshan Excerpt Summary from Sunday, October 7, 2007

What Happens When Twin Flames are United in Heaven?

In answer to the last question in our youth darshan, regarding twin flames uniting in heaven, Mother Mary responded with these words.

"There is such a joy and a bursting of light that it is as the merging of two solar worlds as one--an explosion of cosmic novas. You have seen in creation itself how quickly life evolves from a single cell growing into a baby.

"It is the same in a cosmic scale. Instead of mytosis it is union. Instead of fission it is fusion. The same quantity of energy is released through fusion in some instances. And this cosmic fusion by the uniting of two ascended beings is truly beyond the comprehension of the human mind but glorious to behold. It is a day in cosmic history, it is a dawning of a new world of light.

"If you take two magnets that are both strong and they come together, it is almost physically impossible to pull them apart. Such is the connectivity of twin flames ascended. They are one forever. Your beloved ascended twin flame has this cosmic magnetism of light that draws you higher and one day, when you are fully free, this divine attraction creates such a glory, such a radiance that it is truly a portal to many divine worlds beyond this world. Thank you."

I would like to know about name choosing, getting wings, retreat selection and the general processes that happen when you ascend. How do you choose what you will be?

“You have seen in a movie that has inspired many, It’s a Wonderful Life, how when a bell rings an angel gets its wings, have you not? It is truly so, blessed ones, that only God knows the evolution of a soul and of when that one may receive its immortal birthright as a permanent stamp of perfection for all eternity. The garnering of wings and names and holy purpose toward your ongoing life as an ascended being is one that you, in communion with your I Am Presence and the Solar Lords, determine jointly. Thus there is a process whereby the various names of currently ascended beings are looked upon and you may choose a unique name, different from others, or in some cases there is the same name as you have heard of three Nadas, a number of Mary’s, all who glorify God through a certain stream of awareness, through that name.

“If you desire to maintain your name as an ascended one, by free will you may choose it so although you may have an add-on such as “of the Heart” or “of the Rose Cross.” Thus God gives you titles by your attainment through giving, self sacrifice and love. Your title even from a previous incarnation of attainment may be one that has stood out so much that you as a soul choose that name and title as your ascended name. Earning wings is a process. Those of you who have evolved as angels through the angelic kingdom have taken embodiment and then returned as ascended ones truly do earn your stripes and your wings again and as ascended ones may always have those frequencies that are the light essences that some perceive as wings around you and available for your flight around the heaven world. “

(Darshan questions and answers to be continued)

070920 Kuthumi from 060920

Kissing Your Heart with My Radiance

This morning we heard a timeless message from Beloved Kuthumi first given on September 20, 2006, on the importance of our being able to discern the energies that flow through our mind as a requirement for all who are pursuing the path of the ascension. “It is time, blessed ones, that many more of you who have not fully understood the science of meditation as practiced by the brothers in white come to terms with your mind. . . .For many of you are not quite yet at the level in your awareness through meditation that the Lord of the World and his successor are prepared to bring you.”

Working with Our Soul on Our Psychology

Beloved Gautama and Lord Maitreya sponsored a class last year (six weeks after this message was given) on meditation, and they asked Kuthumi to assist them in preparing their students. Kuthumi said that prior to the course he would work with our soul and our psychology to prepare us “for the great influx of illumination’s flame which will come to those who are ready to sit under their own bo [bodhi] tree with Gautama for that seminal enlightenment and quickening that will mean for you an acceleration, a radiance and perception from a new realm and level that you had not dreamed possible.” Kuthumi tells us that for those souls who will press on, “keeping alert and mindful—and yet not in and of the human mind—the training that I will give at inner levels will be for you that guiding light to transport you to cosmic awareness.”

Stilling the Mind in the Here and Now

As the requirements for the ascension were lowered a number of years ago to allow souls with at least 51% of their karma balanced “to enter heaven’s gates without the complete manifestation of their Buddhic awareness intact,” these same souls not having balanced all of their karma, “nor having entered into cosmic nirvana consciousness fully, still study [and practice] with their tutors to prepare for the full flowering of this awareness as ascended beings.” When we each do this work while on earth, then as ascended beings we will be transported beyond the introductory classes in the heaven world. . . .so that we can excel to the level at which many of us are even now being required to attain to fulfill our future roles as ascended masters.
Kuthumi recommends for those having trouble stilling their mind for five minutes, that they consider studying the techniques and practicing meditation “through certain sponsored gurus upon earth.”

A Crib Sheet for Universal Gnosis

Instead of our being so conscious of the passing of time, Kuthumi suggests that we “enter into the great Tao of non-space reality that I now weave around you and through you. The gift of Self is great, but loosing the lesser self so that the true “I” may inhabit you at all times and all space does gather around you more of the essence of light who I AM within.”
Kuthumi gave each of us at the soul level “a crib sheet for your remembering of those specific steps that will lead you out of human consciousness permanently and into the awakened state of universal gnosis always.”

We were then sealed by the master KH, kissing our heart with his radiance.

071002 Astrea from 061005

This morning’s dictation was a timely replay from Beloved Astrea, Elohim of the Fourth Ray, which was given October 5, 2006, just before the pilgrimage to Egypt. At that time, she came with her flaming sword to defend all who were going on the Middle East trip as well as to demagnetize the entire planetary body, so that the sons and daughters of God could rise to their God-estate.

Although a year old, this dictation has many important reminders for today. The master told us, . . <b>”when you invoke the circle and sword, I am there around you!. . . Blessed ones, you invoke that tube of light daily, but do you truly accept the radiance of the white light of your God Presence around you, in you, through you always? Then make it so.</b>
“ When you daily invoke this action of the circle and sword, you cannot even imagine how many angels, cosmic beings and ascended masters come to your side worshipping the very light of God within your heart and adding their momentum of fire for the ascension currents to be where you are. Blessed ones, <b>this is one of the greatest gifts that you have, this call to the cosmic masters of the white ray, to me and to Purity. For we come doting upon you to clean you up, to make you shine, to make you more radiant.</b> For do you not know that the Lord God sees you truly as a shining star, blessed ones? Therefore, when you can hold for yourself that visualization of perfection, of unity and of oneness with your God-source, then greater light can flow into your consciousness, being and world; and you can truly manifest miracle-light where you are.”

Beloved Astrea also told us that many seventh ray masters, not only Saint Germain and Portia but Arcturus, Victoria and many cosmic beings of the seventh ray were also looking in upon earth to see how the lightbearers were doing in manifesting more of the light of freedom. “Therefore, the action of the white light that does now circle you is also an action of freedom, do you not see? For it frees you from what has been magnetized through your own non-acceptance of purity in your worlds!
<b> “ The white light of the circle and sword of Astrea is actually an accelerated action of the violet flame if you could see it. And, therefore, there is a certain action of a certain tingeing of that white-blue light of the circle and sword that I bear with the violet light, accelerated to such an extent that you do not even know that it is this action of freedom for your soul, blessed ones.</b> Therefore, I give you another mystery this day of how the [spiritual] rays interpenetrating and working on your behalf may bring into your world and domain miracles, transcendence and truly a humility of Alpha manifest within your hearts, minds and beings.

She also mentioned how Beloved Jesus knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane and uttered those famous words “Not my will but thine be done,” and then said, “If only, blessed ones, you could have this humility within your aura at all times, nothing could attach itself to you of darkness, do you see? Therefore, dwell in that holy will within the white sphere of the Mother's love for your soul always.”

And so to all dear Heartfriends, those going and those staying, call to Beloved Astrea for purity’s light to be with you, as we are all everywhere in the consciousness of God.

070925 Jesus

Beloved Jesus came this morning with a message of comfort and healing for all.

As he came to impress upon our beings the essence of his love, which is the flame of healing, he said, “there are a number of Heartfriends who are undergoing within their beings the resolution of energies that has caused within them pain and suffering as the molecules of selfhood come into alignment with the divine purpose as they rise in consciousness to fulfill all. At times, blessed ones, this manifests as the physical deterioration of the body temple even as the spirit that flows through that temple courses at new and higher levels of vibration. And it has always been so, that when one or another comes to the point on the path where the vessel through which they have embodied no longer fully serves the purpose of the soul and its ascent, then the days upon earth may not be long and the spirit must rise, as the God self decrees, to once again merge with the oneness of being. “

He said that while life is often a mystery to our outer minds, “yet the inner man of the heart knows all” and the “soul does know the coursing through the seasons and cycles of being and attends to the very voice of God calling it higher. . .”

So there may be times when we feel out of alignment physically, but when in reality atoms, cells and electrons within us are being realigned toward the holy purpose of our spiritual evolution. Also, “through the very process of experiencing pain and suffering,” there is the balancing of our beings and there can be the “mitigation of great amounts of world karma that our souls have volunteered to carry.” The master said that “though we would in all cases attempt to completely dissolve the pain, the anguish and the suffering that one may experience, it is not always so, blessed hearts, that the great law of being allows us to intercede fully on behalf of the holy ones.”

Jesus said that the most important healing to give is that of the consciousness and the perspective of how souls look upon life. When compassion is at the very center and core of our motivation to give the higher teaching, then souls can feel the “inner essence of being” we provide. So even though we may not provide instantaneous healing nor fully answer all their questions, souls do benefit from the very light that flows through our chakras and in time that “soul will know all as the seasons and cycles progress.” “May your motives simply be to be present, to listen, and to be in the experiential mode of witnessing the great light coursing through the cosmic connection of your hearts one with each other, through your communion with each other. <b>“It is not your responsibility to teach all or to do all for a soul,</b> for that one must expand awareness, spread its wings, and learn to fly on its own and thus you may provide a certain introductory lesson in flight but then that one must take up the wings of its own nature and experience the winds of the holy spirit, the drafts that come, and learn to navigate thru the skies of its own accord.

<b>”Be careful as you provide inspiration for souls,”</b> the master warned us. He suggested we give this prayer before offering ourselves as teacher, counselor or way shower. Pray simply, “that the light be where you both are and that the Lord God, in the most meaningful and simple and profound way, allow that soul to experience something of the light within the context of its own understanding of truth moving slightly upward through the zone of proximal development and an understanding, a greater connectivity with selfhood through one’s own source, that that one may receive some morsel or nugget of truth that will allow them to live a happier, more abundant and joyful life in the Spirit.”

“Blessed hearts, <b>I am the way, the truth and the life, the Christ in me and in you around the circumference of being, is that way, that truth and that life.</b>. . .Be the spirit of peace to all in your intercourse with each other, in your discussions and discourses and the frank renderings of your gifts given from the heart. Be true to your own divine nature as a Christ Spirit and as you look within the eyes of those whom you serve, seeing the reflection of their own Christ Spirit, you, even you will be raised as the offering flows from and through you and creates that sacred bond between all.”

070928 Buddha of the Ruby Ray

I AM That Love Within You of the Buddha and the Mother

There was a message of ruby love extended by the Buddha of the Ruby Ray to all present last night during a special introduction to the ascended masters held by the devotees of the masters in New York. Ruby love “is a powerful love, it is a transformative love and if you allow it to work from the inside out, from the very nexus of beingness within the crystal within your hearts, then that ruby love magnified through you can change a world.”
Holding one another’s hands, all present formed a circle of fire through which the Buddha of the Ruby Ray pulsed his ruby love and then extended the radiance of his aura unto every “heartfriend, every soul in whom there is the divine spark.” We are asked to maintain this flow of love daily with one and the many, by “simply being love” where we are “through service and through conscious cooperation.”

Come Together Regularly

It was said that if even half of those present would come together once or twice a month “sharing, listening with intent to one another’s heart, practicing something of this sacred science together, this city of New York as well as many others may have a greater presence of peace, of stability, a lessening of crime, the softening of hearts and a new radiance pouring forth because of your bonding, your connection, your love.”
The message was sealed “with a wink, a smile and a sacred heartbeat,” as a drop of sacred Buddhic blood/love from the heart of this Buddha was placed within each one’s heart, so that each one’s heart might “throb with greater pulsation” of his love.

071001 Nada

Becoming Lovers of Life by Greater Awareness of Love’s Presence

Lady Master Nada came on Sunday morning with her presence and aura of love. She blessed the union in holy matrimony of two heartfriends whose wedding ceremony the Messenger was honored to be conducting a little later that day. Her purpose in coming was also to bless the wedding feast of each and every heartfriend whose divine union with spirit is occurring in increments every day. She wants us to know the beloved in our own God Presence and within all. As we touch briefly upon some of the wisdom and practical love that she brought as wedding gifts for us all, we’ll begin with these very personal words:

I am your servant. I am your friend, your sister, your mother. And as I press you to my heart and you receive the roseate hues of my grace this day, know, O soul, how you are loved of God always. I am your Nada, available in love to wash you clean in the eternal grace of fire.”

Our spiritual work is a sacred journey when we stay mindful of the goal which is “perfect union with the beloved” whereby we receive for ourselves and impart to others practical means to assist us along the way.

Make love in your life that which lifts, supports, nurtures and allows souls to “move higher in the great stream, the Heartstream of God.”

All that we ingest daily becomes a part of us and as we assimilate the light essence of the masters’ words, art, music and the geometric patterns behind them all, we are raised moment by moment. We garner more light, our cells carry more light and our aura “vibrates with a greater clarity of radiance.”

During all your presentations, invite the blessed elementals and angels to dine and dance with you, singing songs of love which waft upon the air and in the gentle breeze of helpfulness caresses a particular one who may be burdened in that hour….”

Our compassion may provide a doorway of the spirit, a pathway to greater love as with the light shining through our eyes we amplify the light essence within the soul that is “…rising, rising, rising each day in that mother flow…” and the one, cognizant of the sacred process of soul evolution, may be washed clean.

Yes, the violet light which is amplified love and mercy to the max, will carve out new pathways for many souls if the teaching whereby you present it as a sacred gift from the heart of Saint Germain and Portia is one that through a lively and glorious presentation exemplifies the virtues of the 7th ray of forgiveness, of the transmutation of the past toward perfect love and the victory spiral that is initiated as all progresses from the 6th to the 7th dispensation and plane of being.”

Many of us move in consciousness with the angels in our musings. And yet the masters seek to bring to bear in our worlds a greater objectivity, a greater solar awareness and a greater awareness of many more dimensions of ourselves. And these awarenesses make us greater lovers of life.

070930 Nada

Our Precious Nada Blesses the Union and Wedding of Two Heartfriends Today

with Her Presence and Aura of Love

Early this morning there was a beautiful message and teaching of love from the heart of Lady Master Nada. The summary of her wonderful words will be posted here on Monday, our special day of love. The whole HeartStream can be heard by clicking on our service replay link on the Broadcast/Audio tab. Please enjoy reading the recap of the coming of Archangel Michael last evening which follows here.

Grace from Saint Michael’s Heart for Healing, for Wholeness

and for Knowing God Always Where You Are

I stand now with my legions across the entire planetary body in deference to the sons and daughters of God who have understood my Presence as the Presence of the very God of Gods for them in the earth.” The power and authority of this opening statement of the Prince of the Archangels permeated his entire address Saturday evening as he spoke to heartfriends on Michaelmas. On behalf of all life he declared that the will of God shall be manifest because of the Word that goes forth from the son or daughter of God enabling the archangels to stand in defense of the Woman and her seed.

He never left off in poignantly showing us the power we have for the asking. “We [the Archangels] can enter any domain when called upon, even as a small child simply asks us in humility to come to defend a toy, a friend, an elemental, we are there with our Presence instantly.” He urged us never to take the archangels for granted. For their Presence is the purifying fiery substance “…that transmutes the base metals of a life lived in infamy to the very fiery bounty of heaven.”

And then he spoke of the archangels also coming in the very gentle wind of beingness within us as the faith “…that distills the very spiritual light of beingness in the silence of cosmic selfhood within [our] heart.” As we attune to the Spirit we can come to understand that the love and feelings of God flow through the “very light essence [of] the archangels in [our] midst.” When our feeling world is true to our divine nature it enables us to live within our own God Presence at all times. And he said,"You may understand how the light that you are as God may be fanned and increased in a momentous outpicturing within your life for the salvation of souls by the very grace of God." We can be focal points, crystal light beings where we walk as we fully mature into God-realized ones.

It is time for many more among mankind to grow and mature into this station and office as the fully-flowered ones upon earth. Then, blessed hearts, when the garden is abloom across the earth and the sun shines brightly through those creative spirits that God has placed within the earth, then the entire planetary home may receive not only the blessing of the archangels and their spiritual fire, but their own permanent station as ascended ones.”

The archangels are limitless in their natural capability to enter our realm through the spiritual doorway of our hearts. Many of us have noted their intercession in our lives and have penned our stories. And thus the Lord Michael, Archangel of the First Ray, came to the climax of his passionate message: “I ask you one more time and preferably by the end of this year, to compile and release my book. Why, blessed ones, your story itself may save a soul when that story is told, shared in print and in the hands of one who simply by a single call can receive our warning, our light and our saving grace. Think on this and act. Think on this and move heaven and earth to clear the pathway for this publication to manifest.”

Giving us yet another reason to focus one-pointedly on accomplishing this feat, he explained that there were certain dispensations that they would be glad to release that were currently “on hold” and may not be ours to receive if we do not move “swiftly on wings of angels” to accomplish this task. “Thus I ask once more and plead with you to complete this assignment.”

Then with great love he blessed those among us who have called for healing. He delivered this blessing of healing through the chakras of the Messenger and of others who have prepared themselves to be focal points for the release of the secret rays. Hands were raised and healing poured through their chakras to every heartfriend who required cosmic assistance that night. This healing had to be accepted by faith and declared to the universe as final and full. “Be whole in the blue light of your blueprint in Selfhood. Be whole in the circle of fire of our aura. And I bow to the light within you, O heartfriends of God.”

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070928 Maitreya

Maitreya Comes to Defend a Nation Dedicated to the Secret Rays

Through the Buddhic Pathway

Maitreya Buddha stood in Rangoon this morning blazing forth the ruby and emerald crystal light, the golden Buddha Ray and the five Secret Rays. And to the Burmese military dictatorship he said, “Thus far and no farther!” With the swiftness of the Flying Eagle, Sanat Kumara also came to deliver this judgment upon those who would “…raise their arms against another soul.”

What can be done when many pray for and defend a people is stupendous.”

Lord Gautama had called Maitreya to assemble numberless numbers of Buddhas and bodhisattvas for the protection of freedom upon the nation of Burma. So Maitreya came to all heartfriends to anchor his presence with each one of us so that we may be with them to defend that freedom. “Throughout this weekend I ask you to walk as Buddhas and bodhisattvas on behalf of the precious and courageous souls who have marched for their freedom. For you see there is a direct heart tie between many of you and may of these as your brothers and sisters. They have stood for freedom, will you stand for and kneel for freedom, I ask?”

So we were asked to see that everyone, even the most humble, servile person is worth defending. It is the light within them which is worth ennobling through the light of freedom. “For you see enlightenment is freedom and entering into the Buddhic awareness through your crown is the greatest aspect of freedom you can know.” It gives us freedom from the lethargy of the lesser self and the human mind and that which would steal away what is real about us.

We can be anchor points for the dissolution of darkness and the presence of peace.

“These Buddhist monks have stood for the light for eons. They have seen what has occurred in Tibet and they will not stand for the same disenfranchisement of their nation, their history and their legacy.” Thus, the Buddhas are assembled in battle gear to prove what they are made of. It is light and “… the armies of the earth cannot stand against that light that we bear from the Pure Land of God-knowingness, the home of the Buddhas.” And they asked us to see ourselves ”… also arrayed in wings of light in the full armor of protection” as we call unceasingly for these souls, for the freedom of their true leader and the safeguarding of the many focuses of light in the nation of Burma.

Maitreya impressed his vibration in a ring of fire around Burma, “the land of the Buddha merged with the ray of MA. Let it be so within you that the mother light risen to the crown may defend the seed of mother in earth through the light of the Buddha who you are.

The messenger’s comments after the dictation:

David: Thank you, blessed ones. I appreciate each and every sacrifice that each of you make. Maitreya and Gautama and Sanat Kumara, Jesus, Padma Sambhava and the Buddha Mother appreciate every sacrifice, every prayer, every good thought, every positive affirmation, every intent-ful glance of light in simple awareness of your own God Self as you emanate throughout the day. Every erg of light that flows through you can support Maitreya today and throughout this weekend. And I am asking that whatever prayers are done throughout this weekend, tonight’s service as well as Saturday and Sunday, be focused on Burma as much as possible. It is a crucial, critical time and you heard Maitreya. So, thank you very much.
God bless you, John and everyone at Wellspring. God bless you all listening. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you who have answered the call of beloved Portia and given very generously toward the building fund. I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of the heart of all the council members, of John Fanuzzi and those who are still working. Please, please pray for John and for his strengthening to withstand the beating drums of darkness that would assail that which we are about to the securing of this sacred land for the Brotherhood. I cannot even tell you how important this project is, and I know that not everyone has necessarily heard the message of Portia from yesterday, but please take it to heart, listen to it again, read the newsflash and understand the handwriting on the wall and how important this is for us. God bless you.

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For those who would like to respond to Portia's request yesterday, the Building Development Fund can be found on our website by clicking either the “Donate Now” button, or the “Support Us” button on the menu to your left. You may also send personal checks for the Building Development Fund, to The Hearts Center, P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047

070927 Portia

Be the First Fruits of the Light to Secure This Dispensation

Anchoring the light of God-justice on behalf of the evolutions of the planet, Beloved Portia came this morning as the messenger of the Karmic Board to reply to a request of the Darjeeling Council through El Morya based on forward movement on the part of The Hearts Center Council. Responding both to the intent and the causal body momentums of light that we all bring to bear, the Karmic Board is offering a dispensation of grace, “whereby there may be an increase in [our] abundance and the light vouchsafed to [us], so long as a certain number among the body of this Hearts Center movement stand to declare and affirm with one voice their desire to move forward with the plans to secure the property” in the Paradise Valley.

Bold Steps Must Be Taken

“I, Portia, now stand before you with my sword raised, to say that if a certain hundred among you would declare and aver your support of this endeavor, then, blessed ones, we of the Karmic Board will move heaven and earth to also move away the certain obstacles and barriers that have been set before you. . .” However, for the greater plan of the Karmic Board to physically manifest, there must be a one-pointedness and bold steps taken by many heartfriends “willing to put aside certain personal agendas. . . .and the drawing forth from [our] causal bodies by God’s grace, and only by God’s grace, that great light that [we] have access to through the ultimate surrender of the lesser self and the garnering of the light of the greater Self through [our] work and service.”
“Thus I ask in this hour, who among you will stand now with the Lords of Karma as we deliver this dispensation to affirm your desire to be of assistance to us? Who among you will be the first fruits and will deliver upon the altar your signature, your stamp of approval upon our plan?”

Support Mother Mary on Wednesday Mornings at Wellspring

If those in the local area fulfilled Mother Mary’s request for twelve people to be present, “then the very light anchored through her presence will be an action of the precipitation ray, a great boon to you, blessed ones, in securing the very physical property itself.” Mother Mary, our Lady of cosmic Abundance, “holds the key to the very flow of that divine grace of the heaven world that [we] call abundance and the treasures of heaven.”
Portia came in support of Mother Mary, saying that when people affirm that they will be physically present, “then the angels surround you and the light does flow, and the abundance will grow.”
The entire Karmic Board affirmed through Portia as their messenger this morning that they would support of all who “will do what they are capable and able to do, even if it were $10 sent in for the building fund. . .We will multiply it, we will increase the flow through you, personally, if you believe and if you perceive with new eyes what is possible, what you are capable of being the anchor point for in this sacred alchemy.”

Sealed with the Light of the Master Alchemist

Saint Germain also stands with us this day to increase the light of all whom “with their hearts upturned to God” perform their alchemical works. Portia then sealed us all in this beautiful prayer: May heaven’s grace be yours each day, not only when you pray, but when you look upon each other also as brethren and sisters of the light, and affirm the light in each one, ennoble it, draw it forth, and multiply it through your service and through the cosmic justice, [the] sacred flow that will be yours as you attune to our hearts.”

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For those who would like to respond to Portia's request, the Building Development Fund can be found on our website by clicking either the “Donate Now” button, or the “Support Us” button on the menu to your left. You may also send personal checks for the Building Development Fund, to The Hearts Center, P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047

070926 Kuan Yin 


Beloved Avalokitesvara Kuan Yin Performs a Clearance

For Heartfriends within the Earth

    During the playing of the meditation music before her dictation Avalokitesvara cleared from heartfriends "that which our souls have released as the dust of the ages." A new day is here. And she asks us to look to that horizon to view the preparations of the Divine Mother as a "banquet of light" for us. She tells us that the "fruits of the Spirit" are ours as we enjoy her nurturing meal, this gift from her heart. It does not matter that some would deter us from this bounty. Instead, we are to invite them to the table so carefully prepared for us. As we enjoy this feast of the Divine Mother, we receive more of the ability to keep our attention on the Lord who sees us able to assimilate all that we need from her meal to realize our Buddha nature.

    "I have come in answer to your calls." Beloved Avalokitesvara asks us to receive mercy from her heart. She comes today because of our calls for the monks and nuns in Burma whom she greatly loves, holding them in her embrace. "In compassion they will see the dawn of freedom. Without compassion none can know the light of that freedom." She tells us to be compassionate and merciful in all things. She tells us to "be complete in the lotus of my love." Avalokitesvara places "dewdrops of mercy" within our dining bowls, describing them as the "teardrops of the Buddha whose compassion for you, each one, still sings." She desires that we hear his song and remember "that oneness in God always."

    Avalokitesvara performs magnificent mudras throughout the meditation song. After Avalokitesvara's HeartStream David shares with those on the broadcast that throughout the meditation song she performed the most beautiful mudras through him. These mudras were facilitating the extraction of negative energies from us and the planet itself. It was a cosmic clearance. He explains that sometimes clearances do not come with the thunder and the lightning but with great delicacy. This gentle yet powerful clearance was Kuan Yin's gift to us today.


070924 Manjushri discourse

Through the Sacred Science of ‘No Thought’ the Holy Mindfulness of God May Be Yours Always

After a period of silent meditation during this morning’s Rosary Service, we were given a discourse released from the heart of the great Buddha, Manjushri, on the science of no thought. This is a serene state of consciousness which allows us to arise in consciousness to higher dimensions. When our mind is active through thought, often there is a disconnect that occurs between our heart-mind connection with our divine Buddha nature, keeping the light from flowing freely through us. Manjushri says that entering into no thought is entering into the realm of Buddhas--“it is the Pure Land of Lord Maitreya.”

Keys were given to assist us in the process of achieving this state. He said that we can meditate on a placid pool or a pond. When a thought arises, it troubles the water. We can follow the thread of the thought back to its source which may be a memory or a thought-form that often is charged with emotion. The violet flame can transmute the etching within the memory body of certain thought patterns, and then that pattern may no longer have its residence within our mind.

Through no thought and the processes of the Buddhas that allow us to dissolve these etchings within our world, we can gradually have diminished within us the substance that has accumulated within our emotional body, in our astral body. This allows the energy to rise into our Higher Being and be utilized by our Higher Self toward the placid state of no thought. When we are in this state, we have access to the mind of God. As part of our spiritual practice, we need to allow time everyday for this state of poise to reside within us.

Manjushri asks us to take to heart and work with the book, The Heart of Buddhist Meditation by Nyanaponika Thera, which was the text for the Meru University class on Heartstreaming given last Fall. “Once you allow God to do his perfect work through you, then having no thought occur, more and more within your being, you actually trace back to the original thought pattern of God, which is the issuing forth of the beingness of God’s impersonal nature. And in that state of cosmic mind you will truly know what it means to have the sense of no thought of the Buddhas.”

He calls sun-gazing one of the highest forms of devotion and spiritual practice, when done mindfully, entering into the silence of perfect poise and peace. Each morning as we gaze upon the sun, new inspiration is downloaded through the electrons that flow and the light that energizes those electrons. In this way and in the use of the violet flame and through creativity in our visualizations, in meditation, even as the words flow through our throat chakra, not forced out, but simply flow, then there is the washing clean of our world and the raising of all life thereby. In these ways we sustain the connectivity between our heart-mind connection and the heart-mind connection of the Godhead, which is our reason for being.

So I am grateful that the conscious ones among y are becoming super conscious, and the super conscious among y are becoming even more childlike in acceptance of radiance of yr Buddha nature, but thru this sacred place of no thought the holy mindfulness of God may be yours always.

070923 Lanello

This Property Has Been Sanctified!

Support The Mission of Mother Mary!

Beloved Lanello comes today to explain that the autumnal equinox is a reminder to all of us “to reenter the very equation of God as light”, a coming into unity. He, as the Sun King, blesses the Wellspring property with “the light of the crown, the corona of fire of the Godhead for the energizing of the sacred alchemy” of our united effort for the Brotherhood. This sanctified property, an anchor-point of “the crystal fires of heaven” through our daily prayers and devotion is to be vouchsafed. There is to be the continued anchoring of the presence of light by the presence of the messenger and through this movement’s “utilizing the very physical property itself—the offices, the rooms which have been energized by the light from many hearts one with ours”. Lanello asks us, each heartfriend, to once again consider the ways we can support this mission of the Great White Brotherhood by a physical move to Wellspring or by our financial support or through our heartfelt prayers.

Now is the time. Understand the cycles. Each and every heartfriend, young and old, is needed for the victory. The coming together in community and communion is the way to bring in “a golden crystal age of freedom and enlightenment”. Some here have “given their all daily” as they have also done in prior embodiments. This sacrificial service meant for them a move to this area, seeing the need to build here “an outpost worthy in the sight of God”. Lanello desires that now many others join these who are here in support of the continuing Mission of the Two Witnesses. This mission has never ceased. Now is the time to act so that the purposes of Mother Mary and her vision for this land may be fulfilled.

What matters is your heart. What matters is your love.” Lanello blesses all who have given their all by blessing them “with a greater energization of the flow, of the sacred essence of the blood of your own Christ beingness through my magnanimous heart this day.” He resuscitates us and reminds us that whether we are recent students or those who have known the teachings for decades, what truly matters is the love that we contain in our hearts for millions of souls who are depending on us for their own victory. May we consider ourselves wayshowers and teachers, making this path real—“this Round Table Union of Holy Communion in God together.

Unite, sons and daughters of mankind! Beloved Morya and Saint Germain as Merlin, stand with us delivering the energies of the dispensation of Camelot into the earth because one among us here, having come from Glastonbury, has held in her heart the vision and “vowed long, long ago to be an anchor point for the light of the Mother within the earth”. Lanello tells us that “it is time for the brothers of all nations to unite toward the purpose of providing the platform for peace and enlightenment upon the earth. He kneels and implores mankind to cease their warring and worship God, living in harmony with their brothers and sisters. He thanks God for those devoted ones who will help make this a reality.

David shares current plans for Wellspring and Golden Ratio. In comments directly following Lanello’s HeartStream, David affirms that there are plans underway for The Hearts Center to secure a portion of the Wellspring/Golden Ratio property as a headquarters for our movement. Details will be forthcoming. He encourages those who have committed to purchase condominiums in the Golden Ratio project, to finalize arrangements and for others to consider finding out more about this project and supporting in any way possible the physical anchoring of The Hearts Center at Wellspring. David honored John Fanuzzi as a hero to the Brotherhood for his accomplishments—that which he has built out of love for Mother Mary and Mother. David and John see this property teeming with life and activity and community and continuing to anchor healing light—a place where all are welcome and where relationships may be strengthened among differing spiritual communities. May we all work together to make it so.

To listen to Lanello's message from this morning, go to the Broadcast/Audio page and click on "click here for replays".

070921 Padre Pio

Seek the Light Early, Seek the Light Late,
But be that Light Always through your Meditations, through your Prayers
Through your Resonance with the Heart of God

The most beloved Padre Pio came yesterday morning to both bless us and “to augment our work with the flame of the Holy Spirit whereby every momentous thoughtform, every erg of energy that flows through your consciousness may activate and ennoble all that you say through that holiness that is the very essence of the Spirit borne by those whose goal is to return to the heart of God through the ritual of prayer.”

The European Pilgrimage

As we prepare for the European pilgrimage, Padre Pio asked us to all understand the nature of this journey as being “to enter more deeply into the heart of God” rather than to go as observers of another culture and clime. Therefore, there is much preparatory work of our consciousness to be engaged in if we are “to receive the action of the secret rays whereby there may be through the distillation of the light flowing though [our] heart, the consuming of ancient records as well as the replacement of that darkness with light within [us that] will allow [us] to more deeply understand the very nature of God as light, as energy and of [our] purpose in being instruments for the release of that light to all.” For when the secret rays have been activated within your chakras, “there may be healing, there may be the transfer of light from chakra to chakra, from heart to heart—only in understanding the very purpose [of] the delivery of these higher frequencies which is for wholeness at all levels of being, may you truly become those instruments, those focal points for the Lord to use for his purposes upon earth.”
To be those instruments many of us need an acceleration of our consciousness if we are to understand the holy purpose and greater mission of our lifestream. “For not only in study but in the practical application of that which you have received through the transfer of light through your being may you then be receptive to the next circumference of fire from your source that descends as you understand the very nature of evolution and of the ongoing stream that may be yours by intention through that oneness with God’s holy purpose.”

Surrender, Confession, Communion—
Entering into the Very Heartbeat of the One Above

Padre Pio was a confessor for many, many people who would come to him for the dissolution of their sins. Yet, he said, they often “held within themselves matrices that they simply could not let go of.” Thus, another purpose of Padre Pio’s coming is “to dissolve within you patterns that have become momentums and habits if you should choose to allow these to go permanently.” He says that it is only through the surrender of past momentums that we then re-engage in, that we can reclaim a portion of our selfhood and enter into the very heart of Oneness that we seek.
Our surrender and self emptying process through confession to our Higher Self or to a representative of the Christ Spirit, is like a washing clean of our consciousness so that “the new light, the ruby light shining bright within [us] may take hold within [our] being, amplified by the very light of the blood of Christ as the frequency of his love pouring through his consciousness, that [we] may partake of in communion, not only when it is served in holy ritual, but throughout the day, through every meal, through every exercise of your heart.”
Speaking of the holy brothers and sisters who have entered into the divine relationship of being brides of Christ or being led to the Spirit, Padre Pio said “when there was the complete surrender of self to the divine One, then the spirit of Christ as a mantle of light descended and that one ennobled in the Spirit could be truly a representative for healing and for the flow of grace to all whom they served.”
Padre Pio also came to remind us of the inner vow that we have taken “to serve to set life free,” saying that this vow sets the sail for our life, leading us all the way to the apex of attainment.

Padre Pio Will be with Us in Italy

Bestowing his aura upon us as we gazed upon his picture and listened to a song dedicated to him, Padre Pio said that he will be with us as well in Italy singing with us when we sing his music. He will “attend to many souls who come within the radius of [our] auras as [we] travel. And I will give you an extension of your auras as you are able to visualize and to perceive the ruby ray action of holy love out flowing from you to bless all within that nation and all nations.”

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This Weekend with Caroline A-Mira Wyndham

There was a replay of Saint Germain’s message from last Saturday, September 15th this morning. Saint Germain spoke of having brought someone from afar to give instruction on the use of the crystal energies, which he called precipitated frequencies of the secret rays. Caroline is this person, and will be giving a workshop today and then a presentation during tomorrow morning Family Service as well.
In his message, Saint Germain also told us that “when through those chakras divine within you, you begin first to receive and then to distribute these higher emanations and wave patterns of cosmic worlds then your alchemy will be easier, blessed hearts… And through your acceptance of the crystal stream of the divine intent of God's love for you flowing through your consciousness you can then receive and energize the principles behind that light-essence such that they may be employed within your world for the mighty works of grace that you would accomplish.”

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070920 Kuthumi from 060920

Kissing Your Heart with My Radiance

This morning we heard a timeless message from Beloved Kuthumi first given on September 20, 2006, on the importance of our being able to discern the energies that flow through our mind as a requirement for all who are pursuing the path of the ascension. “It is time, blessed ones, that many more of you who have not fully understood the science of meditation as practiced by the brothers in white come to terms with your mind. . . .For many of you are not quite yet at the level in your awareness through meditation that the Lord of the World and his successor are prepared to bring you.”

Working with Our Soul on Our Psychology

Beloved Gautama and Lord Maitreya sponsored a class last year (six weeks after this message was given) on meditation, and they asked Kuthumi to assist them in preparing their students. Kuthumi said that prior to the course he would work with our soul and our psychology to prepare us “for the great influx of illumination’s flame which will come to those who are ready to sit under their own bo [bodhi] tree with Gautama for that seminal enlightenment and quickening that will mean for you an acceleration, a radiance and perception from a new realm and level that you had not dreamed possible.” Kuthumi tells us that for those souls who will press on, “keeping alert and mindful—and yet not in and of the human mind—the training that I will give at inner levels will be for you that guiding light to transport you to cosmic awareness.”

Stilling the Mind in the Here and Now

As the requirements for the ascension were lowered a number of years ago to allow souls with at least 51% of their karma balanced “to enter heaven’s gates without the complete manifestation of their Buddhic awareness intact,” these same souls not having balanced all of their karma, “nor having entered into cosmic nirvana consciousness fully, still study [and practice] with their tutors to prepare for the full flowering of this awareness as ascended beings.” When we each do this work while on earth, then as ascended beings we will be transported beyond the introductory classes in the heaven world. . . .so that we can excel to the level at which many of us are even now being required to attain to fulfill our future roles as ascended masters.
Kuthumi recommends for those having trouble stilling their mind for five minutes, that they consider studying the techniques and practicing meditation “through certain sponsored gurus upon earth.”

A Crib Sheet for Universal Gnosis

Instead of our being so conscious of the passing of time, Kuthumi suggests that we “enter into the great Tao of non-space reality that I now weave around you and through you. The gift of Self is great, but loosing the lesser self so that the true “I” may inhabit you at all times and all space does gather around you more of the essence of light who I AM within.”
Kuthumi gave each of us at the soul level “a crib sheet for your remembering of those specific steps that will lead you out of human consciousness permanently and into the awakened state of universal gnosis always.”

We were then sealed by the master KH, kissing our heart with his radiance.