070930 Michael

Grace from Saint Michael’s Heart for Healing, for Wholeness

and for Knowing God Always Where You Are

I stand now with my legions across the entire planetary body in deference to the sons and daughters of God who have understood my Presence as the Presence of the very God of Gods for them in the earth.” The power and authority of this opening statement of the Prince of the Archangels permeated his entire address Saturday evening as he spoke to heartfriends on Michaelmas. On behalf of all life he declared that the will of God shall be manifest because of the Word that goes forth from the son or daughter of God enabling the archangels to stand in defense of the Woman and her seed.

He never left off in poignantly showing us the power we have for the asking. “We [the Archangels] can enter any domain when called upon, even as a small child simply asks us in humility to come to defend a toy, a friend, an elemental, we are there with our Presence instantly.” He urged us never to take the archangels for granted. For their Presence is the purifying fiery substance “…that transmutes the base metals of a life lived in infamy to the very fiery bounty of heaven.”

And then he spoke of the archangels also coming in the very gentle wind of beingness within us as the faith “…that distills the very spiritual light of beingness in the silence of cosmic selfhood within your heart.” As we attune to the Spirit we can come to understand that the love and feelings of God flow through the “very light essence who are the archangels in [our] midst.” When our feeling world is true to our divine nature it enables us to live within our own God Presence at all times and there can be “…a momentous outpicturing within your life for the salvation of souls by the very grace of God.” We can be focal points, crystal light beings where we walk as we fully mature into God-realized ones.

It is time for many more among mankind to grow and mature into this station and office as the fully-flowered ones upon earth. Then, blessed hearts, when the garden is abloom across the earth and the sun shines brightly through those creative spirits that God has placed within the earth, then the entire planetary home may receive not only the blessing of the archangels and their spiritual fire, but their own permanent station as ascended ones.”

The archangels are limitless in their natural capability to enter our realm through the spiritual doorway of our hearts. Many of us have noted their intercession in our lives and have penned our stories. And thus the Lord Michael, Archangel of the First Ray, came to the climax of his passionate message: “I ask you one more time and preferably by the end of this year, to compile and release my book. Why, blessed ones, your story itself may save a soul when that story is told, shared in print and in the hands of one who simply by a single call can receive our warning, our light and our saving grace. Think on this and act. Think on this and move heaven and earth to clear the pathway for this publication to manifest.”

Giving us yet another reason to focus one-pointedly on accomplishing this feat, he explained that there were certain dispensations that they would be glad to release that were currently “on hold” and may not be ours to receive if we do not move “swiftly on wings of angels” to accomplish this task. “Thus I ask once more and plead with you to complete this assignment.”

Then with great love he blessed those among us who have called for healing. He delivered this blessing of healing through the chakras of the Messenger and of others who have prepared themselves to be focal points for the release of the secret rays. Hands were raised and healing poured through their chakras to every heartfriend who required cosmic assistance that night. This healing had to be accepted by faith and declared to the universe as final and full. “Be whole in the blue light of your blueprint in Selfhood. Be whole in the circle of fire of our aura. And I bow to the light within you, O heartfriends of God.”

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070919 Mother Mary
An Emerald Pyramid of Healing Light Is Established at Wellspring

It Is Time for the Work to Begin!

    "Speak, O Lord, for your servants, the archangels do serve thee," is the prayer proceeding from Mother Mary today. She and Raphael and all of the archangels come to spread their wings over all who pray for personal healing and the healing of the nations of the earth. These petitions are answered today through the prayers of "hearts of fire". Healing light frequencies blaze forth from Mary and Raphael into the Wellspring Retreat and "a vortex of fire, even an emerald pyramid of light" is established there. "And in the apex of that pyramid" is the All-Seeing Eye of God.

    Greater frequencies of the secret rays will manifest through those who prepare themselves. This focus of light is established at Wellspring so that greater frequencies of the secret rays will be magnetized by those who are preparing themselves to receive the energies of the gift of the transfer of healing to others. It is time for the work to begin. Many will come into an understanding of the nature of wholeness. It will take many individuals to receive and utilize the light that will flow through this retreat, this "sacred center". It will take many to nurture those who will come.

    This Western retreat augments the qualities of Motherhood for the earth. To be the instrument of the acceleration of the secret rays in this healing mission is for some in this community a requirement in order to fulfill their mission before returning home to God. And as this transfer of light occurs, there will be growth and expansion and wholeness in the earth. This Western retreat adjacent to the Retreat of the Divine Mother is for the purpose of augmenting the qualities of Motherhood in the earth. As the earth experiences this time of transition and the Mother Light is able to rise in many devotees, awakening many souls, some among mankind "must be able to sustain the flowing of the secret-ray energies form Mighty Cosmos through their being."

    Much instruction in healing will be offered during the European pilgrimage. Mother Mary tells us that those who are participating in the European pilgrimage will receive instruction from the heart of Raphael and herself on the use of these energies. She also explains that beloved Cosmos has activated these secret-ray frequencies at Wellspring during this morning's meditation which she led. These frequencies have also been activated in the secret-ray chakras of America and in all individuals who have prepared themselves in consciousness to receive them "in silence and in stillness and in knowing the light within".

    All may have access to this acceleration, "this ministry of the Spirit". "Prepare through fasting. Prepare through self-emptying and letting go of the old man and woman and embracing the fullness of your own Presence daily." Mother Mary tells us that the Lord God has sent her today, and she anoints those of us "who through Self-worthiness and acceptance would be the instruments for this mission now aborning. Secure the land. Love the land. Infuse the land with the Mother Light and the land and the Mother within the earth will serve you well in this ministry, O blessed Ones". Mother Mary sings to our souls her gratitude for our prayers and songs. She desires that this communion resonate continually throughout our lives and that we know perfect wholeness in God."

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070918 El Morya from 061121
There Is No Other Place To Live Than On The Edge

     This morning we had a timely replay of a dictation from El Morya dated November 21, 2006. He said he had come to anchor the action of the blue ray for the sealing of the holy space at the Wellspring Retreat.

     "I am about my Father's business, and I see that many of you have caught the flame and desire to work with my guru Hercules to fulfill that which this Hearts Center movement is all about." He said many had sacrificed time, resources and supply, for the laying of a foundation and so had allowed a "greater influx of light into the planetary body itself than many could have imagined even just a few short months or years ago. Some had lost the edge to their spiritual work and in their lives. And a number of you have now gained again that edge whereby there is meaning every morning to your rising, to your word, to your work."

     "As one said recently, there is no other place to live than on the edge. For through that razor, diamond-shining mind of God that impresses the next, best step in your work and service, and through attunement with the mind of God, much can be accomplished; and the plans of the Brotherhood may move forward, blessed ones."

      He said he had come with a plea once more to some souls "who have been on the periphery of this movement and to some who have not even had the guts to check it out who think that they are my students or chelas." Beloved El Morya explained that the grant of light that the sponsoring masters of the Hearts Center ( El Morya, Lanello, the Great Divine Director, the blessed Mary, Kuthumi, and Mother) received to "initiate this movement is no simple matter. Nor is it to be taken lightly by those of you who also pledged your hearts to us long ago. There is in this hour danger that a certain quotient of those who should have and who could have stepped forward to support this movement could [be lost], tipping the scales toward the nonperformance of that which we had hoped would be secured and completed by this hour, blessed ones. Even the very securing of the property from which I speak in this hour is in danger as some of you know.

      "Therefore, I ask each of you to assess your own lifestream, your resources. And though I know personally that many of you have given to the utmost, I suggest that you consider what it is that you may place upon the altar in terms of both your supply and your own personal dedication of time toward the victory of this movement, blessed ones, such that Lanello and I may go to the Karmic Board to secure what we need for the greater expansion that we hope for and that we see as possible."

     Then the Master spoke of the Mother of the Flame, saying she "has maintained her presence upon earth simply because there have not been enough of those to whom the mission was entrusted who have garnered the energies of light in their own beings or maintained the constancy on the path such that they could hold that quotient of fire for the planet itself." Because of this, he asked us to hold a greater quotient of fire on behalf of our Mother so that when the time is right, she may take her ascension, and thereby draw many more to the light.

     "Therefore, I call all to the altar. And I invite the souls of those who yet retain a tie to me at inner planes to Darjeeling this night. I will show you that which is coming upon the earth, that which the Great White Brotherhood seeks [to accomplish] in order to forestall certain cataclysm, earth changes, wars and natural disasters and that which, step by step, must be done-month by month, year by year-for the remainder of the twelve-year dispensation through these messengers. . ."

     Beloved El Morya thanked us for our calls to him and said, "I am very present with those who strive to serve. And though you may not always feel my presence tangibly, yet I am there in manifestation within your heart when you put your hand to the plow, when you utter the sacred word of truth. . . I am with you here and there and everywhere with Lanello. Come up higher, each and every one of you, and know God's eternal fire blazing within you today. I thank you."

Some More Highlights from Sunday's Open Darshan with Jesus

     During the first portion of our recent Sunday Darshan, the Messenger reviewed an important teaching on alchemy that Saint Germain had given the day before. It was about the importance of emanating through our heart chakras to draw down the raw substance of alchemy within our own consciousness. When a matrix is held of "not having enough" we are playing into the lie of the not-self. We are accountable to hold the perfect thought and take action to put plans in motion in the physical. This brings the light of our God-Self into this dimension to manifest as we visualize. Then the darshan began with Jesus asking us to repeat these affirmations after him:

I AM the way of perfect love.
The glory of God shines through me always.
I AM a light to this entire planetary body.
All sentient beings feel the awareness of who I AM as God.
I am the nothing so that God can be the Allness through me.
I AM (2x)

Wondering whether the 10001 avatars, the 9 Buddhas, the Holy Christ children are fulfilling their destiny?

        Jesus immediately asked this chela if he is fulfilling his divine destiny, mission and calling. He pointed out that asking these things about another is in a sense putting the responsibility upon others that which each one, one with God, is accountable for. He urged the chela to look within to see what aspects of his own solar consciousness are not yet fully in play. "You can be an avatar, a Holy Christ child, a Buddha. What is keeping you from being any and all of these now?" Jesus answered his own question by saying that it was his own state of consciousness, his acceptance and his constancy in emanating these qualities. He pointed out that looking to others or to a future state of attainment is a copout. "Looking to something outside of yourself, even messengers or ascended masters is, in a sense, also a copout. He was adjured to attune to his divine sonship and be fully present, aware, conscious, awake and living in the now.

        And the simple more literal answer to this question was that some of those referenced are fulfilling their destinies, many of them the chela knows, some are in this activity and some have left off of the full plan as outlined by the Solar Lords before they embodied.

070917 Godfre

The great heart flame of beloved Godfre, the ascended master who was embodied as George Washington, was shared with us this morning. He came “to be that beacon of light for some among mankind who would understand the nature of the mission of America to be that ensign for freedom to the world.” Godfre spoke to us about his and Saint Germain’s mission for America, as well as our own. “When any of the inhabitants of America rise in consciousness to fulfill the original vision that Saint Germain and I held for this nation, then we come to lend our momentum of loving-obedience to the holy will of God to support those who look to the Almighty for the pathway home.” As we pray and sing and become one with God, we lend our energies to this mission. “And for this, we are grateful and do also stand now in your midst to increase the empowerment of light flowing through you to these ends.”

Reliance upon the I Am Presence, as taught by Saint Germain, and upon the Masters of Wisdom ascended and the Spirit of Freedom “has kept many a disciple tethered to the reality of a true life and not one of harboring the anxieties of the flesh. Fortuitous and propitious occurrences in your life are the result of setting the sail of your intention to love and serve God. And these have occurred often in past embodiments and come to full fruition in your world whereby you make them real through works and through the love-sacrifices that true discipleship always entails.”

Yes, we made sacrifices to fulfill the dharma of establishing this nation during the period of the Revolutionary War and afterward when the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written. But the joy of seeing the firm foundation that we laid in that hour for the future expansion of Saint Germain’s vision for America was worth every temporary inconvenience. And now you have that same opportunity to lay a foundation of integrity and vision for this movement of light which truly is an extension of Saint Germain’s plan for the liberation of souls through the delivery of the teachings of the ascended masters to all upon earth”

In closing, we were given this vision and blessing: “Lotus spreads the petals of her great heart of devotion over you and asks you to sing to America in this hour. During your song the Angels of Freedom will wing their way across this land to every state and city and home and pour forth the radiance of light that they have been empowered to release because of your devotions each morning and especially during your Saturday evening World Freedom Services.

I am Godfre. And I am pleased to see the advances that you are making. I will continue, as your spiritual general, to prod you and to give you direction and guidance as you call upon Lotus and me, and especially when you call upon your own Beloved God Presence for all that you require. May the light of freedom blaze across this land and cast its divine radiance over each one until all are truly God-free!

We then sang “God Bless America” as Lotus blessed us and the angels winged their way across America.

070915 St. Germain

A Portal to the Divine World Created at Wellspring and Within Our Hearts

Saint Germain came in defense of Mother Mary and of all that would transpire at Wellspring Retreat and in every Hearts Center and within every heart. He stepped through the veil to create a portal to the divine world physically at Wellspring Retreat and within our hearts. “Blessed ones, that divine portal is your heart chakra…attune to our minds and hearts through this sacred portal that God has provided you. Ensconced within the secret chamber…is that immortal flame….And if you would have your immortality you must understand the nature of this fire, and that nature is love.”

Therefore through love I come, to love I sing and in love I emanate the crystalline amethyst matrix of sacred fire…the vibrations from my retreat at the Cave of Symbols whereby there may be that divine portal to which many hearts may come for spiritual nourishment, for healing, but most especially for the reconnection with their own Buddha nature within.”

He placed in the circumference of the retreat of Mother Mary seventy-foot amethyst geode crystals as signs “…to all conscious ones who would employ the sacred essence of the violet transmuting flame in their spiritual work.” He said they will be there “for all eternity” to show what can be done when a community of hearts comes together through intention to impress upon their world the impetus of the divine. The crystals will also provide protective vibrating frequencies and “… a transmutative force for God-good in the earth.”

Embodied as Joseph, Saint Germain was the protector of Mother Mary. He has come again in support of her mission here. He spoke to us of the sacred alchemy of precipitation and reminded us that we have access to all the resources of heaven when we use them in precipitous action to bless all life. “When we give assignments, blessed ones, it is your free will choice whether to fulfill them. But when they are fulfilled then you receive the greater gifts and graces of the spirit…and a new portal is opened within your heart for the next communal work of light.”

Through our Hearts Centers and through individual hearts, they are building the divine world in our plane of existence. Alchemy is only as good in our world as the physical work we do to bring it about. Rather than dreaming and speaking to the universe of our dreams we need to take the necessary steps to plan appropriately. The Wellspring property will be secured only through complete surrender to the will of God and acceptance of Mary’s plan for this healing ministry.

He lovingly pointed out that he had “sent one from afar” to bring certain instruction on the use of crystal energies because these are the precipitated frequencies of the secret rays. As we learn to receive and distribute these higher emanations and wave patterns of cosmic worlds our alchemy will be easier.(Caroline A-Mira Wyndham will be giving a special presentation on the use of crystals during our Family Service on Sunday, September 23rd. All are welcome to come or to tune in to the broadcast).

Every heartfriend within this activity must understand the givingness of self to see the growth of this movement that many desire to see. We need to watch what streams into our consciousness at every moment and when some thought pattern of imperfection arises we need to dismiss it immediately. “Aha, I do not receive you as that which I am in this hour. Be gone. Be transmuted. Be no more.”

Step by step Saint Germain saw the plan for America and it included this retreat of Mother Mary. That is why many of us have embodied in the west. Saint Germain came to energize us in order that we may become electrodes of light where we are for the accomplishing of our missions. He would see us “… cast away all doubt and fear and all sense of anxiety and frustration for what has occurred to date.”

We must take to heart the necessity to increase the stream of light that flows through us; “…then, and only then, should you go out to contact souls in the way of bringing them to this fount of wisdom and love.” This action is the widening of the reach of our hearts—our heartreach. We must practice our emanation, expand our auras and be “the intrepid ones” who move with cosmic virya delivering the energies of the violet laser light from higher dimensions of being to precipitate the crystal light of Aquarius in this hour.

He encouraged us to listen with intention to the voice that speaks within us which may, at times, be his voice, that of Mary or Jesus or of any master with cosmic desire to assist us. “And know, blessed hearts, God’s perfect love within that is the only momentum, the only motivating factor that will bring about the expansion of this movement, the victory of every endeavor and the merging and blending of your hearts as one toward holy purpose.”

As he concluded he impressed his love within the heart of every cell of our beings. “My love is ever present where you are, blessed ones. I thank you.”

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070913 Ray-O-Light

Cosmic Surgery to Remove Shards of Darkness in Our Chelas
Continue Moving in the Stream of Oneness in Community to the Victory

Ray-O-Light, the God of Fearlessness came this morning as a cosmic surgeon to extract from us certain toxic elements that have manifested as fear in our worlds. Concerned that this has caused a level of immobility, inflexibility and a certain “malaise upon the land and in the hearts of men who tremble for fear at what may come upon them and upon the earth,” Ray-O-Light gives the antidote as each one as having the “God-sense to dwell in the very presence” of our own inner light of the God-flame within, for then we would never fear what may come. “For being centered in the reality of God Self-awareness there is no cause for fear, for the only cause is God.”
Some of this anxiety and fear is a result of reading the internet and then thinking “that every word that some one or another has written is completely true,” and whether we believe the words or not, still allowing in a certain consciousness of fatality and fanaticism. So Ray-O-Light strips from us certain veils of illusion that have allowed each of us at times to rely too much upon the ideas of the media commentators—who themselves may not be balanced in body, mind and soul—instead of first looking to our Higher Self for guidance.

The Fearless Life

“Understanding your own Buddha Nature and the Christic patterns that flow as light essences through you, you can and will come to terms with that which God invested in His creation in the beginning. And it is simply this, blessed ones—to be fearless in moving through the stream of God’s consciousness anywhere and everywhere; to perceive with great understanding all that is; to be aware and conscious in the moment; to learn the lessons of the great schoolroom of life; to appreciate all that is; and to know with a depth of cosmic knowingness that through love, life and the pursuit of God-freedom all may come to the understanding of the All-in-all within the creation.”

O God of Fearlessness, Ray-O-Light, stream forth your consciousness now
and save souls caught in the astral sea of illusion!”

When we give voice to even a simple fiat such as this, then thousands of the legions of Ray-O-Light “release the sacred fire to shatter the bonds of darkness and of fear that keep souls locked into a lifestream of darkness. . . .And then once the shackles have been removed and the souls of these guided toward the light we return to the very point from which the word was uttered through you to bring our radiance and to revivify you with the essence of our staunch stand for God-good everywhere. Thus, on the return current of God self-mastery which overcomes all fear through love you receive that impetus of fire whereby you may continue to step unerringly upward, blessed ones.
“Every prayer that you say with intention, every meditation that you partake of in discernment—aided and abetted by the angels’ ministrations—move you higher into realms of the tranquility of peace and of the light of the Holy City where there is no fear, but only love.”

070910 Youth Darshan from 9-2-07

During the Family Sunday Service on September 2nd, the youth in attendance and those participating on the internet broadcast were given the opportunity to ask questions directly of the masters. The answers were dictated through the messenger by Jesus, Mother Mary and Kuthumi during the darshan. Highlights of this session are related here:

A question was asked about the causes of deep, inner anguish.

Jesus responsed by saying that it isn’t always necessary for us to know the deepest core cause of personal anguish. He talked of the protection we are afforded by not having the memory of these events and situations in our outer conscious awareness. But when we are dealing with this kind of energy, “the key to the corrective measures that you, in cooperation with us, may engage in, as you know very well, is the violet transmuting, singing flame and its accelerated momentum as the violet laser light.” At times, we may receive from our Higher Self flashes of past incarnations or events. We aren’t to wallow in the pain, but “simply allow them to flow into the sacred fire to be consumed and to no longer have an imprint as an engram of conscious awareness upon your soul.” He said that when we let go of the sense of injustice for what others have done, “then it will be easier for you to simply let go and let God be the manifest presence of God-justice in your world, to bring about harmony once again.”

He then gave a momentous blessing, saying, “Many chelas do rehash in their own mental body spirals of darkness. I replace these now with spirals of light! and consume, within the emotional body of all present and those listening, certain mindsets and attitudes that have held you in bondage to your lower nature for thousands of years…Let the past be no more, but let the present reality of who you are in God now hold sway within your conscious awareness as a co-creator with God.”

Next, an email question was asked by a young boy from Buenos Aires: Did Jesus learn and do carpentry work with his father, Joseph?

Mother Mary responded and told us that although he did receive instruction from Joseph on carpentry and other uses of the hand that were practical in that day and hour, Jesus did not complete a full apprenticeship and become a master carpenter, as has been said in the Catholic Church. His primary mission was to heal, to teach, “to preach a new gospel of mercy and forgiveness, taking mankind from the old law of the prophets to a new law of love. Thus he was required to study with the rishis, the great teachers of the East, and his main and primary mission was not to be a carpenter in that life, his final…Therefore, I come to dispel the myth and false teaching that Jesus until the age of 29 was a carpenter in our home in Nazareth.”

Mother Mary went on to discourse about the beautiful relationship between Joseph and Jesus, saying, “When he would work with Jesus in his aura, or in his immediate environment, he would always convey to the young boy elements of the higher teachings that were inspired upon him. And the teaching that Joseph conveyed was just as important as the instruction on the use of the hammer, the saw…” He essentially taught Jesus “that all that we do receives the permanency of our spirit as we infuse it with our love and light.”

We were told of the very special, sometimes telepathic, communication that Mary had with her son when he was afar. “Telepathically Jesus would always send messages of love to my heart which the angels brought on wings of love. And I received nuances of what he was going through in my dreams, in the retreats, and in my meditations where I constantly held vigil in my prayer work for him.”

And finally, there was a question about the energy that we call prana


Kuthumi responded saying, “When I received the stigmata as Saint Francis, part of the initiation was to not only understand the nature of the imprint of Christ’s marks upon me, but to receive, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the sacred essences of Jesus’ blood that flowed as the prana within this sacred blood through my being.” He defined “Pra na” as the purified ray of Alpha flowing through the nexus of all.

Kuthumi explained that angels of the different rays appear to be the color of the ray upon which they serve. There is a great science to this and the coloration in their auras is such because of the crystalline nature of how these cosmic essences are flowing through them. He instructed us that “You may consciously ingest, through pranayama, cosmic essences of the various rays, including the secret rays, as you see the prana diffused with these essences… Consider how prana is the Holy Spirit in its purest aspect, at its very core. When one with the Holy Spirit through inspiration, through cosmic respiration, you receive the nuances of his cosmic consciousness through the pranayama and breathing that you engage in.”


Beloved Mother Mary Comes Today

with an Emerald Sword Cleansing Action!

    For the purpose of clearing our auras and our entire consciousness of all that is unreal and the negative energies from lifetimes, Mother Mary comes with her emerald sword. She tells us that burdens are not burdens if we live in the aura of gratitude. To know God as love, light and wholeness, we are to welcome the angels of the emerald ray today as they minister to us. They come to heal the hurts, the unreality that we have not desired to release. She says to us, "Receive the emerald-crystal matrix of perfected love-wisdom-power that I bear this day for you."

    Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, is our dearest and most humble servant. Sometimes, instead of speaking to us of "the higher things of the Spirit, I must come to clean you up even as a mother lion does lick her cubs". She performs this sword action as queen of the angels but is quick to tell us that a true queen does not dominate her subjects but is the servant of each citizen of her kingdom, raising each one up in nobility and holiness. We are not subjects but co-workers in God' kingdom, she reminds.

    Beloved Jesus augments the emerald sword's purging action. Beloved Jesus stands "at the right hand of the Father" to deliver sacred fire through the emerald sword to deal with all the matrices of darkness that have been crystallized upon earth through commercialism and distractions of all kinds. The sword shatters the "soot substance" around the gem of our being through Mother Mary's supplication, "Purge them, O Spirit, of the dust and darkness of the ages. Consume the cause and core of error!" She prays that we would release any notion of mortality and accept that we are divine and now living in a "new day consciousness".

    Mother Mary promises to join us during the European pilgrimage. As we walk the shores of Crete , Greece and Italy with beloved Hilarion, Mother Mary will be there with us. She reminds us of her own pilgrimage as the Mother of Jesus to areas of France and the British Isles , placing a matrix for her healing presence in the hearts of devotees for thousands of years unto the present. Before she gives her benediction, she again tells us to live in the reality of our Oneness with God, enjoying the Christic experience always.

    She embraces us now after she has washed and cleansed us and shined us up! She wants us to keep giving our calls to her through the rosary, not for her glorification but for our own self-elevation. She thanks God for "the prayerful ones". "Keep these in your embrace always. Motivate them by your Spirit until…they have arrived as divine ones home at last" is her parting blessing as she promises her constant, abiding love.

070908 K-17 with Saint Germain

Be Prepared!

With an urgent message for lightbearers throughout the world, Beloved K-17 with Saint Germain came this morning outlining twelve immediate steps that they recommend all take for spiritual and physical preparedness. Along with these recommendations we were also brought the Fearlessness Flame of Ray O’ Light, for “when you are prepared, when you are mobile, when you have the resources by which to live a life dedicated to God, then you are fearless.”

1. Review and take to heart the HeartStream from Lanello given January 1, 2007. (This message can be found on the HeartStreams page of this website.)

2. “Work, work, work to have all within your home and within your community and communities of light that you need for the sustainability and viability of your four-lower bodies to have the maintenance needed to sustain your spiritual path. . .it is up to you to determine what level of preparedness and sustainability you are willing to move heaven and earth to have within your homes, your auras.”

3. To be in a state of the maximum preparedness requires that we be in alignment with our own God Presence, that we be fully prepared in consciousness. For as Saint Germain has said, when we are in the right vibration, we are in the right place.

4. In order to be aware of what is transpiring on the world scene, it is always important to read between the lines of all news reports.

5. During the current vigil to El Morya also call to K-17, Lanello, Saint Germain and Ray O’ Light “to amplify the light within America for the exposure of the plans of those who would subjugate the very souls of all lightbearers if they could.”

6. Read between the lines of all of the dictations delivered during the dispensation of The Hearts Center, for the masters have expressed their concern with the physical reality of our lives and our preparedness at all levels.

7. “Take stock of exactly what you have and what you have received from us [the ascended masters] as recommendation through our Committee on Preparedness and Sustainability to have in your homes.”

8. “Secure at least a three week’s supply of all that you need including batteries and light sources, even shortwave radios, and review the link on the Homepage [of this website] to the Preparedness website.”

9. Move up the Town Hall Meeting to occur tomorrow, to discuss sustainability and preparedness.

10. Review and use the dispensations of light which the masters have released to both sustain the evolutions of life upon the earth as well as to move heaven and earth for the ascended masters.

11. K-17 and Saint Germain request that all heartfriends listen to this message. This entire message can be found on the Broadcast/Audio page as “Current Replay.” It will shortly also be available on the HeartStreams page in both audio and written format.

12. Take action on all fronts “without fear, and with the joy and the self-mastery that puts out all fear. For we are One.”

070909 Maitreya

I AM Light

There was a most wonderful teaching this morning from the heart of Lord Maitreya, on wholeness, true healing and always remembering that we are God! He began by saying that our health and wellbeing is a direct reflection of our own consciousness--it is us. When we perceive we have a problem then essentially we do. When we continually proclaim to others a physical problem then we energize, activate and expand that problem.
Maitreya said that all of us are out of alignment at times, and to correct this state we must accept who we are in God. He gave us several keys saying that true healing and wholeness is reconnection with our God Presence and that we must clear all levels of being and reestablish the flow of light. He specifically recommended pranayama, drinking pure water (especially with Saint Germain’s elixir in it), eating healthy foods in the correct amount for each person, and getting enough trace minerals. If our body is overweight and our blood is toxic, then at a certain level, we cannot be the receptor of the refined frequencies of the Holy Spirit and the secret rays. However, if we worked on ourselves by fasting, cleansing, and seeing ourselves as light, then we could be.
True healing is not rocket science. We have made it complex, but when we are still and meditate and use light, we can be the divine physician. Also, Maitreya firmly stated we not speak to others of our seeming problems. We are God, but when we continually recreate the past, we are denying the Christ flame within. Proclaim the Christ flame, accept it, command it, demand it, expand it and be it!
We were also given two light formulas to use:

I AM light (4x) I command light (4x) I demand light (4x) I expand light (4x)
I AM THAT I AM, I AM (insert your name), I AM THAT I AM

This is a simple proclamation of who we really are and each time we give it, we can magnify God awareness of ourselves, as above, so below, as above.

It is time to proclaim our Godhood!

Accelerate Christhood to Cosmic Levels of Awareness

After the rosary, Lord Maitreya spoke with us directly. He had the messenger hold a crystal globe of the earth throughout his message.
“From the perspective of Cosmic Christ consciousness, I come and I hold the earth in my hands, in my awareness of God as Self and I hold you in mind, in Spirit. I am Maitreya and I have given the teaching this day through my son unto you who are ready to receive it.”
Maitreya, Kuan Yin, Gautama Buddha, and Manjushri stood around the earth to give it a new spin, “for the dust of ignorance has settled upon even our best servants.” These beloved masters washed clean the earth, ourselves, and those among mankind who are ready for a new type of awareness. Maitreya, blowing the dust off of us, released “the fine particles of cosmic consciousness upon us” and said that we may attain to cosmic Christ consciousness if we accelerate Christhood to cosmic levels of awareness. He said this we may do only when we understand the chrism of light, and the anointing, washing and baptism of the spirit. “I present the fount of wisdom and compassion, but it is up to you to bathe in it, blessed hearts, washing clean your being from the dust of the ages and the dust that settles each day as you forget who you are in moments. ‘Forget me not,’ Morya has said and I say it also.”

Become Maitreya Where You Are

Then the master issued a challenge, “I emanate light, I AM light, I AM awareness. I AM you, would you be me, I ask? After the answer he continued, “Maybe another day you will say, I AM Maitreya. But, I offer my heart to you, my awareness of cosmic Christ peace and I wipe the earth clean of the harbingers of death and war, for Kuan Yin would not have it any longer!. . . May the light of joy squelch the darkness of sorrow, pain and suffering. May the light of your Buddha nature shine to contain ignorance within the box of nothingness where it may no longer settle upon you as the dust of forgetfulness.
The master concluded with, “May the spiral nebula of Cosmic Christ awareness shine through you day by day as you become Maitreya where you are!”


070904 Buddhas from the Pleiades
We Release the New Winds of Love of Aquarius

      We were blessed this Labor Day morning by the coming of seven Buddhas from the Pleiades."We stabilize the Middle East by the power of peace, as thousands of legions of angels answer your call, surrounding each country in the region," they began. "Truly, blessed ones, though we would answer you call fully, in the dimension in which you live, choices are made by leaders and we may not always mitigate all." The Buddhas urged us to choose our leaders wisely and to know what is happening behind the scenes through attunement with the heart of God. "Place your trust in God and not in man and know that there are cycles and seasons when the karma of souls must be outplayed in order that a new light may manifest."

Maintain Peace within Yourself

     Maintaining peace within ourselves, at all levels, is key for the victory that we seek in the physical, they told us. "We are the Buddhas from out the Pleiades and we come to lend a momentum of fire and we radiate from our crystal beings, through your consciousness, the light that raises this earth into, even for a millisecond in time, higher awareness in God." Moreover, if we become the "truth of self by the gnosis of all within" and allow the Buddha within to emerge fully, its flowering can sustain a world. The Buddhas said also that they "bear the frequencies of cosmic dimensions of solar worlds that some upon earth have felt as a new light wave." They then activated a new portal within our crowns, which we may "ascend through to travel to other systems in consciousness to partake of the light of the Buddhas, the light of the Mother, the light of pure love."

The New Winds of Aquarius

     "Even as we have ingested for transmutation the not-self frequencies of the unconscious ones, spewed across the atmosphere of the earth, so we release the new winds of love of Aquarius. Let these be a wind in your sail toward the fulfillment of holy purpose in living as God self-conscious Buddhas. Our blessing is yours to sustain daily."

      This entire early morning service can be accessed on the broadcast/audio link by clicking on "Previous replay".

A Darshan for the Youth was the Focus of the Sunday Family Service

      Highlights of the Sunday Youth Darshan will be ready for tomorrow's Newsflash. The whole Sunday Family Service with the Darshan can be heard by clicking on "Previous Replay" on the Broadcast/Audio page.
      The invocation of the Messenger given at the beginning of this family service was a special HeartStream and teaching in and of itself...

      "In the name of the Presence of God I AM THAT I AM of each one, we invoke the entire spirit of the Universal Great White Brotherhood here and wherever heartfriends and servitors of fire are gathered in communion with the ascended host. O Holy Spirit, flow now and suffuse each one with your light, your love, in the perfect balance of all of the seven rays, the five secret rays and the qualities of the Holy Spirit that you bear.

     O Great Spirit, overshadow, overshine each one with your radiance and your love. Increase the flow of sacred fire within us that we may be electrodes of light to a world. Through the crystal of our chakras, through the greater crystal of our own higher being, let us refract the light rays from our source in all dimensions and planes of being to all sentient life upon this planet and all systems of worlds.

     As focal points for the ascended masters, through conscious cooperation we send our love, wisdom and power and all that we have attained to in our personal journey across the galaxies to all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. And we say, 'We love you, we raise you, we seal you in the light of God that always prevails!' In the name of the Father, the Mother and the Holy Spirit, let it be so through our word. Amen."

070911 The Lady Pleiades

    This morning the gracious Lady Pleiades came to give her first dictation. She brought the essence of roses, daffodils and violets to us and wove the aroma of the spirit of the heaven world through our consciousness into our auras for the lifting of any burdens. This weaving was also for the "establishment of a new coursing of light through your being for you to ascend to greater heights in your spiritual service to life."

     She spoke of how it had not been so long since she took her leave of us, and though she did have some suffering at the end of her life, it was worth it to support the ongoing mission of the two witnesses. She talked of the joy she felt when David had shared with her the early dictations in this dispensation, because she saw the possibility for some who had either lost the way or had temporarily gone out of the way of knowing the pathway home.

      "Truly it is a new day and I come on this the anniversary of a day of infamy to ease the pain of many who have lost family, friend, brother and sister, husband and wife, child and co-worker. Though the causes of that which you have seen outpictured as terror and war are truly the unconsciousness that allows the invasion into the soul of darkness from the netherworld, truly blessed ones, this may be assuaged through the prayer services and that which you do with intention day by day through your own contact with the divine world and the givingness of your hearts in holy prayer . . . "

      "For, blessed ones, when there is the availability of contact of the divine world through a messenger of light who has sacrificed and given all unto God, then many ascended ones may press forth and stream forth the essence of the divine world through this portal to raise the consciousness of souls everywhere." Since we have experienced this, it is time many more of us are to go forth and share with others, using our gifts that we have been given by our Higher Self.

     "Lanello and I will be there singing and dancing and bringing forth a cosmic interplay of interdimensional, spiritual frequencies that will speak to the hearts of those with whom you share these teachings." She said that hearts will be transformed in our presentations and the glory that we individually have become will flow through our beings to many. All in the heaven world are one in consciousness and though there is individuality, yet there is the "sacred essence of Godhood within each of us that is the same yesterday, today and forever." This divine essence may be ours to claim and to proclaim.

      She then told us to rise above the earth to "see the many souls teeming with light in their higher bodies, even though they are not often aware of their own God Self." Each of us may be an intercessor for these, when through our own attunement, we act consciously to share something of who we have become. "Dance and sing more often. Get up and move. Waltz in the Spirit as a little child. For when you let go and live through a certain, almost carefree attitude, as an angel of light in your own right, many will be drawn to your hearts, for they will feel both the simplicity of your path,[and] yet [the] cosmic joy that flows through your auras because you understand the very nature of God as love, harmony and as movement.". . . . I send my love to my children and my grandchildren. I am always with you when you call to me, ever available to inspire you, to enfire you and to raise you in joy with my smile and my kiss upon your cheeks.

      "I am the Lady Pleiades and I bow and curtsy honoring the Christic light within you each one."

070907 Leo Hearth - Saint Germain's Day

The Leonine Roar of Light

The recently ascended master, Leo Hearth, imbued us today with the joy of service through prayer and an appreciation for the work our sessions accomplish. Speaking of the import of holy prayer, he said that the great streams of light, which emanate from our hearts during prayers, devotions and songs, are observed and used by the ascended masters to raise the consciousness of mankind at all levels. As sacred inroads of light are created, especially with the violet light, souls are able to ascend to receive instruction in the retreats. This in turn makes them more readily amiable to the words of wisdom that the ascended masters impress upon us when we interact with these souls in our heartreach efforts.

When we activate the violet laser light by the action of the secret rays, we have resources and crystalline energies as liquid divine essence which may bring about miracles upon earth for the shift in consciousness that is required. What we can visualize and see in our collective mind’s eye can be real. By understanding the science of divine alchemy and by employing it day by day, there is a streaming from ascended octaves; and the synergy of our work together creates a beautiful mandala from the mind of God. If we could truly see the miracle occurring at higher levels of awareness when we surrender and allow the secret rays to flow through us, he said we ‘would not miss a session.”

“Truly God is great; and when you ascend, you will understand how important is this sacred service that you are about.” Through more attention upon the Presence, we may activate these frequencies throughout the earth wherever we walk. Because the Great White Brotherhood seeks those who would grow in understanding of the spiritual world, they must work through those whose consciousness is not stultified in old thinking, which keeps them bound. So each of us must have the key components of open mindedness and open heartedness in order to be willing and able to receive the impressions of the ascended beings given to us moment by moment.

We are meant to become a master Presence on earth today and not simply relegate this to a future time. With conscious cooperation with the Real Self we may come into greater alignment, which will occur by our being one-pointed and living at the apex of consciousness. So as we attend to the voice that speaks within our hearts and are obedient to that which we were sent to earth to fulfill, we can also, in the process, be a joyful one in all things through Christ’s spirit that flows through us.

“I am a roaring lion. And my voice, speaking unto the chelas to Guru Ma, calls them and impels them to the import of the hour.” Greater sacrifice is needed by some for the mission to be fulfilled. “Roar with Lanello each day! Beat your chest!” Thus, his invincible spirit may be ours to claim and use to fulfill the mission and vision of our oneness in God. And as Leo Harth, the roaring lion, thanked us for our spirit, our verve, and for the cosmic virya, truly our joy in daily service was greatly amplified. For this we thank you, Master Leo.

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Beloved Archangel Raphael

Defends His Bride and Her Retreat

Beloved Archangel Raphael speaks on behalf of our Mother Mary and stands with us today to anchor “greater fire and to secure a bastion of light”, this sanctified property from which daily prayer services have arisen without fail.

The Archangels Go Forth to Consume Records of War. Today, the messenger has been used by the archangels to receive frequencies that have been anchored into the earth. This action began with the reading of the sacred Scripture from the Book of Revelation. As the words of John the Beloved were spoken and our love was offered during the giving of the morning rosary, the seven archangels consumed throughout the land records of war and mitigated darkness where possible. This service to mankind may continue because this retreat is here and we are here as “servitors of El Morya” dedicated to ongoing work for a planet.

Your Safety Is in the Heart of God. Because of the times in which we live, truly, no place is safe except as we are ensconsed in the heart of God and in “the shadow of the Almighty”. Archangel Raphael warns us not to be caught off guard outside of God’s Presence. We are to see ourselves always “under your own Solar Beingness”. And he wants us to understand that the daily prayers that ascend from this physical retreat, day after day, allow the archangels to “spread their wings of loving protection around” us, securing us “in this sacred embrace.”

A Greater Emanation of Light Begins Here. “A portion of the mission of The Hearts Center… is the healing of souls and the lifting of burdens upon the physical bodies of lightbearers.” True healing begins from within with divine assistance given to the soul first. Then as the soul gains self-mastery on the spiritual path, “a more permanent healing of body, mind and soul” may occur. The light from God, the Source of all healing through those who are surrendered and desire to be used as anchor points of light, allows for the possibility of physical healing to occur.

“Defend and Secure This Sacred Space.” Beloved Raphael implores the help of all heartfriends through greater dedication, spiritually and financially, “to defend and secure this sacred space here”. This space has been made holy by each of us, he says, whether we have been physically present or we have participated through the broadcast. Because of the blending of our hearts around the world, there has been created “a most beautiful manifestation of light”.

Raphael Opens Our Understanding to Heaven’s Plans. Raphael discloses a cosmic connection between the Mothers of heaven. Long ago Lady Master Venus and Mother Mary created the plan to hallow this property. And with Kuan Yin “a threefold action of the release of that Mother Light” is occurring here. Raphael desires that many more would join us at Wellspring and partake of the continuing teaching of healing through the employing of the secret rays. He tells us that many may be vehicles to bring healing to others. But the Wellspring Retreat is a necessary foundation for further teaching and this healing ministry to occur.

070902 El Morya and Kuthumi

El Morya and Kuthumi Come Early Today

Our early service this morning was conducted by the Messenger. He began by directing an effective meditation and visualization through which devotees were taken to the still silence within, enabling the putting aside of all but the one-pointedness of our reason for being gathered together in service to life. The prayers were point by point focused on the key projects that the Brotherhood has revealed to us as most urgently the needs of the hour. It culminated in prayers to Hercules and El Morya. As “Pomp and Circumstances” was played, a sense of accomplishment was tangibly felt as the music came to its end and the Master Morya began his brief message, “Blessed hearts I AM grateful for the work you have done thus far and I feel the impact of the Word that you are becoming more brightly day by day.”

With his subtle twinkle he said that since we are all one, when we attune to the heart of the master, the master can not help but be attentive to our call. Our oneness as a community is the key to the accomplishment of what the masters are about with this Hearts Center movement. He announced that he wants to see a model used of many hearts, heads and hands focalizing all their energy toward one cause, instead of having our focus dissipated by having too many projects going on at once. We can more fully utilize the science of alchemical precipitation that we know whereby through the lens of our awareness refracted to a central point, the fire and light energy is amplified to a great magnitude. Attunement with the heart and mind of the master coupled with constant mindfulness of all that we have been asked to do can truly enable us to accomplish miracles. Reminding us that our work was sacred, he suggested that we give the prayer to the Maha Chohan, number 30.008 “Come, O Holy Spirit!” as we prepared to receive the words of the blessed Kuthumi who wanted to speak to us further on this subject.

The Master KH began, “Citizens of the Light, I address you as a teacher and yet also as a student of the Master Guru who is God.” Knowing that we seek discipleship of the highest order, he read from some teachings that he had given through the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, a subsequent publisher for a previous ordained Messenger Geraldine Innocente in the Bridge to Freedom. Many teachings have been released in the past that few of us have read or assimilated. These particular teachings are designed to increase our understanding so that we can have greater access to the steps that take us up the ladder of the law of Life of Being and give us exactly what is needed in each hour of the climb.

He read from a section entitled “Flames” from the book The Guru and the Chela. The format of the book is the student asking questions of the Master Kuthumi. He said that these are basic teachings that are “essential for us to know fully. For as we move into a mode of heartreach at many levels, thousands of souls will be coming to this fount of wisdom.” The more we understand of the nature of God and bear it to a world so in need of that light, the more we will see the growth of our movement and the expansion heart to heart of our worlds and of the efficacy of that which we continue to manifest through this dispensation. He also spoke of some practical matters of providing portals to the various wisdom teachings through our website which was in itself a divine portal.

Then he encouraged us to strive to commune more directly with those ascended beings and friends of light whom we love, always remembering that it is through our own presence of love, wisdom and power and in the silence of stillness that we hear the voice of conscience, the voice of God within. It is through expanding our own solar conscience that we gain entry to our own higher being. Sometimes we rely too much on the masters in a personal way, so “…at times [they] may step back and be almost invisible unto [us] so that [we] may strive to attain [ourselves]. But [they] are always there behind the scenes watching, waiting…for [us] to perceive with new eyes a new level of cosmic awareness.”

Pointing out that though we may call unto one of them, they are one with the divine conscience and their voice is the voice of the one within us. They are one and the same. Then he sealed us in the radiance of our common bond as brothers and sisters of light. “Your Kuthumi I am, always a friend.”

Following this the Messenger announced that every third Sunday there would be an adult darshan. Before the darshan he will read some more of Kuthumi’s teachings in The Guru and the Chela. This entire early morning service can be accessed on the broadcast/audio link by clicking on previous replay.

A Darshan for the Youth was the Focus of the Sunday Family Service

The invocation of the Messenger given at the beginning of this family service was a special HeartStream and teaching in and of itself. Highlights of the darshan will be posted below the invocation a little later today. Thank you for your patience. The whole Family Service can be heard by clicking on the current replay on the broadcast/audio page.

In the name of the Presence of God I AM THAT I AM of each one, we invoke the entire spirit of the Universal Great White Brotherhood here and wherever heartfriends and servitors of fire are gathered in communion with the ascended host. O Holy Spirit, flow now and suffuse each one with your light, your love, in the perfect balance of all of the seven rays, the five secret rays and the qualities of the Holy Spirit that you bear.

O Great Spirit, overshadow, overshine each one with your radiance and your love. Increase the flow of sacred fire within us that we may be electrodes of light to a world. Through the crystal of our chakras, through the greater crystal of our own higher being, let us refract the light rays from our source in all dimensions and planes of being to all sentient life upon this planet and all systems of worlds.

As focal points for the ascended masters, through conscious cooperation we send our love, wisdom and power and all that we have attained to in our personal journey across the galaxies to all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. And we say, “We love you, we raise you, we seal you in the light of God that always prevails!” In the name of the Father, the Mother and the Holy Spirit, let it be so through our word. Amen.

070901 Djwal Kul

Climb with Djwal Kul
to the Apex of Cosmic Awareness in Stillness

An ascended master of the Far East and one of the Three Wise Men, beloved Djwal Kul, came this morning impressing the radiance of his beingness in God upon each of us, and bringing “the refreshment of the Spirit” which comes from our own attunement with “the at-one-ment” with our source. “When you have entered into the sacred space from which the word does emanate through your being, there is the echoing within every avenue of Selfhood and expanding out in concentric rings to include the entire cosmos, the soundless sound who you are in God.”

Understand the Purpose of Our Voice

Djwal Kul reminds us that our voices and our throat chakra are meant to not only be “the emitter of that Word” that we have become, but also to be “as a receptor of the Word of God.” Each of our chakras contains “both the alpha and the omega matrix of light.” Thus, our throat chakra is meant to be both an active portal for the speaking the Word, and a receptive portal, for the receiving of “the impressions from the Source.”
“Thus, in your quietude and in the inbreath, creating the space from which the voice of the Om does emanate, there is that divine polarity of omega which is necessary for you to understand in totality before that word does emanate from your throat.”
We are told that the masters of the Far East “have always advocated a time of silent contemplation from which you may discover secrets of the Word that flow from the very nadir of God’s inbreath. For if you are only in the active mode of sending forth the Word but you do not take that time to be the cosmic receptors of the highest aspect of the Word who God is as your Source, then you may miss a certain aspect of that which the Lord of All does send forth day by day unto each world, each manifestation of himself as consciousness in the world of form.”

Create that Sacred Space within each 30-60 Minute Time of our Services

Djwal Kul recommends that within each of our prayer vigils and morning services, that we take the time for silence every 30-60 minutes, “time to allow this very deep response of Self to the impressions of the divine One to flow unto you.” Through the balancing of the active and receptive moments, then the power of the Word that we may be a focal point for “will have a greater emphasis, balance and activating currents to impress upon the cosmos that which you seek to have accomplished.” We are told that this balance is very important for those of us “ascending the spiral staircase of attainment.” Within our chakras, and within each line of the comic clock that we pass through, there is “the push-pull action of light, the outbreath and the inbreath. . .you will discover the new essences of that which God would give to you in your meditation, in that point of silence, of stillness and cosmic peace.”

Be Fully Aware of All that Transpires Within Our Consciousness

Unless and until we are able to fully dismember the not-self through our “conscious appreciation of the totality” of our being, then Djwal Kul tells us that “it would be better for some to wait to ascend the final bounding steps of the summit trek until their feet were sure, for in the rarified heights, when the winds do blow, and the snows shift in an instant, you must be guarded, you must be fully aware of all that transpires within your consciousness and be ready for what may come.”
Djwal Kul seals his beautiful message to us this morning with the words, “Speak of love, speak of hope, speak of peace within and then listen intently to what the Lord does send in this sacred echoing of that word unto the shores of reality that you have become in sacred silence with me.”


070829 Angel of Joy

The Angel of Joy Comes To Raise Us in Spirit

The Angel of Joy comes to “impress upon our hearts a new flavor of joy”. The joy of the Lord is always available to us if we desire. The power of a smile, the entering into a playful, childlike spirit, working God’s works in this childlike, giving spirit is the way. The universe is “composed of joy”, we are told. The “light essence that forms the Cosmic Web vibrates with the element of joy”. As we imbibe the “crystal fire mists” of the Presence of the Lord, joy will nourish and permeate our souls. In this way we may become representatives of God’s joy.

Meditate upon the Crystal of Truth.

If all peoples would become childlike, opening their hearts to each other as friend, as brother, acknowledging the God Presence in its uniqueness in others, what a wonderful, unrecognizable world would this be! Meditating upon the Crystal of Truth, we have entered into the spirit of joy today. Within the emerald light there is “joy at the core of the atoms that form the structure of that diadem of perfect beingness in abundance, in healing…” This joy is in the light that creates the heavenly Music of the Spheres.

Remember the joy of the coming of the Lord Jesus! God is a God of love not of wrath or of retribution. Our God gives and gives again in the spirit of perfect joy. There are times when the weight of the world is heavy upon us. We must not be troubled. Remember the joy of the Lord! Remember our Lord Jesus who came to bring joy to the world. Call to him, sing to him his keynote today, and he will sprinkle “the essence of New Joy” upon us, the joy of “Aquarius rising within”.

We have the power to transform the world with joy! We are able to “make the world bright” through our joy flame. We can bring joy to the world through a light heart—a heart that sends forth the airy, uplifting breath of the Holy Spirit. The Angel of Joy concludes by telling us to “breathe in this new joy” that is now infilling our lungs. And an essence of this joy will remain in us and circulate through us. “Parusha!” the Angel of Joy whispers. “Joy to the world is come this day!”


Seeing Through the Eyes of Padre Pio—What is the Purpose of my Life?

This morning’s family service was brought to us by the New York Hearts Center. Our brothers Wallace and Raphael were twinkling with mirth and vibrating with purpose as they worked beautifully together to present stories of Padre Pio with musings and wisdom of their own. Along with invocations, prayers and songs each shared his own personal thoughts on “Really, what is my life’s purpose?"

Padre Pio’s true life story was filled with examples of his desire to be in constant touch with the Creator. Many of us know that he experienced the stigmata for many years, but it is not so well known that he would listen to confessions all day, sometimes as long as 19 hours without much rest or food. His desire for purity was so great that he would give the Rosary many times each day even while he was engaged in talking and laughing with people and the other activities of the day. He was devoted to the Blessed Mother and her Immaculate Heart. He would say, “She is the Mother of All Mothers.” And he would advise, “Love the Madonna and pray the Rosary.”

While this devoted friar lived a life whose purpose was to be constantly in tune with the Creator through Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael and the many angels, he also firmly believed, “When I die, my true mission will begin.” And as his life drew to a close, he renewed his Franciscan vows, and though he barely had strength to move, he said Mass on September 22nd. The next day as he took his last breath, his lips moved with the names of “Jesu, Maria….”

Padre Pio has truly begun his mission now and we are blessed to hear from him as the Ascended Master Padre Pio. Through our Messenger who loved this saint dearly and wrote some beautiful songs in his honor over the last few years, he has shared the stream of his heart with us many times. Having received the well-conceived presentation in the first part of the family service, we were given a new perspective that enabled many of us to hear the words of Padre Pio given June 30th at Freedom ’07 almost as if we had never heard them before. Some highlights of that HeartStream are summarized here below.

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Padre Pio on June 30, 2007 in Bozeman, Montana

Our Purpose for Being on Earth: to be God, God, God

Telling us that his mission has continued beyond the limits of the Catholic Church, Padre Pio has “joined the company of saints East and West.” His awareness of the nature of truth that is found in all cultures, peoples and religions has also expanded, “for the virtuous ones are here and there scattered across the globe. Our purpose in coming to earth is to grace sentient beings with the manifestation of God’s awareness of himself as each of us. The ascended masters honor all paths through this Hearts Center movement—whether we bring our love into the world “through counseling, teaching, serving in the kitchens of the world or in simply emanating love-wisdom’s fires in silence.”

The Key to Our Divinity

It is up to each of us to determine what our world will look like tomorrow,“...by intention, by devotion and by the very present reality of the light from [our] Source that [we] are becoming.” The glory of God is that although “the masters speak with one voice. . .that voice may have many aspects, many nuances, many characteristics in its representation. How you express that which wells up within you as the fervor of the fiery spirit that you are will determine the course of civilization and of whether this world will truly become a solar world of radiance or whether it will not.”

He spoke of the requirement for the students of the ascended masters to know the importance of every word of the missives of the masters. We need to “…take these words to heart to become them through full assimilation and then to go forth to fulfill all. By your awareness of the Presence of God within you, you light a world, and you light the pathway for divine spirits to be within this earth each day.”

An Angel on Our Shoulder

We communed together listening to the beautiful song “I Have an Angel on My Shoulder” by Charlie Thweatt. Padre Pio said if we choose to allow the angels to be where we are, we can have more than one angel on each shoulder, for the purpose of shouldering more of the density of this world for the ascended host as well as for the bearing of the burdens of our brothers and sisters in all nations.

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