070915 St. Germain

A Portal to the Divine World Created at Wellspring and Within Our Hearts

Saint Germain came in defense of Mother Mary and of all that would transpire at Wellspring Retreat and in every Hearts Center and within every heart. He stepped through the veil to create a portal to the divine world physically at Wellspring Retreat and within our hearts. “Blessed ones, that divine portal is your heart chakra…attune to our minds and hearts through this sacred portal that God has provided you. Ensconced within the secret chamber…is that immortal flame….And if you would have your immortality you must understand the nature of this fire, and that nature is love.”

Therefore through love I come, to love I sing and in love I emanate the crystalline amethyst matrix of sacred fire…the vibrations from my retreat at the Cave of Symbols whereby there may be that divine portal to which many hearts may come for spiritual nourishment, for healing, but most especially for the reconnection with their own Buddha nature within.”

He placed in the circumference of the retreat of Mother Mary seventy-foot amethyst geode crystals as signs “…to all conscious ones who would employ the sacred essence of the violet transmuting flame in their spiritual work.” He said they will be there “for all eternity” to show what can be done when a community of hearts comes together through intention to impress upon their world the impetus of the divine. The crystals will also provide protective vibrating frequencies and “… a transmutative force for God-good in the earth.”

Embodied as Joseph, Saint Germain was the protector of Mother Mary. He has come again in support of her mission here. He spoke to us of the sacred alchemy of precipitation and reminded us that we have access to all the resources of heaven when we use them in precipitous action to bless all life. “When we give assignments, blessed ones, it is your free will choice whether to fulfill them. But when they are fulfilled then you receive the greater gifts and graces of the spirit…and a new portal is opened within your heart for the next communal work of light.”

Through our Hearts Centers and through individual hearts, they are building the divine world in our plane of existence. Alchemy is only as good in our world as the physical work we do to bring it about. Rather than dreaming and speaking to the universe of our dreams we need to take the necessary steps to plan appropriately. The Wellspring property will be secured only through complete surrender to the will of God and acceptance of Mary’s plan for this healing ministry.

He lovingly pointed out that he had “sent one from afar” to bring certain instruction on the use of crystal energies because these are the precipitated frequencies of the secret rays. As we learn to receive and distribute these higher emanations and wave patterns of cosmic worlds our alchemy will be easier.(Caroline A-Mira Wyndham will be giving a special presentation on the use of crystals during our Family Service on Sunday, September 23rd. All are welcome to come or to tune in to the broadcast).

Every heartfriend within this activity must understand the givingness of self to see the growth of this movement that many desire to see. We need to watch what streams into our consciousness at every moment and when some thought pattern of imperfection arises we need to dismiss it immediately. “Aha, I do not receive you as that which I am in this hour. Be gone. Be transmuted. Be no more.”

Step by step Saint Germain saw the plan for America and it included this retreat of Mother Mary. That is why many of us have embodied in the west. Saint Germain came to energize us in order that we may become electrodes of light where we are for the accomplishing of our missions. He would see us “… cast away all doubt and fear and all sense of anxiety and frustration for what has occurred to date.”

We must take to heart the necessity to increase the stream of light that flows through us; “…then, and only then, should you go out to contact souls in the way of bringing them to this fount of wisdom and love.” This action is the widening of the reach of our hearts—our heartreach. We must practice our emanation, expand our auras and be “the intrepid ones” who move with cosmic virya delivering the energies of the violet laser light from higher dimensions of being to precipitate the crystal light of Aquarius in this hour.

He encouraged us to listen with intention to the voice that speaks within us which may, at times, be his voice, that of Mary or Jesus or of any master with cosmic desire to assist us. “And know, blessed hearts, God’s perfect love within that is the only momentum, the only motivating factor that will bring about the expansion of this movement, the victory of every endeavor and the merging and blending of your hearts as one toward holy purpose.”

As he concluded he impressed his love within the heart of every cell of our beings. “My love is ever present where you are, blessed ones. I thank you.”

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