070917 Godfre

The great heart flame of beloved Godfre, the ascended master who was embodied as George Washington, was shared with us this morning. He came “to be that beacon of light for some among mankind who would understand the nature of the mission of America to be that ensign for freedom to the world.” Godfre spoke to us about his and Saint Germain’s mission for America, as well as our own. “When any of the inhabitants of America rise in consciousness to fulfill the original vision that Saint Germain and I held for this nation, then we come to lend our momentum of loving-obedience to the holy will of God to support those who look to the Almighty for the pathway home.” As we pray and sing and become one with God, we lend our energies to this mission. “And for this, we are grateful and do also stand now in your midst to increase the empowerment of light flowing through you to these ends.”

Reliance upon the I Am Presence, as taught by Saint Germain, and upon the Masters of Wisdom ascended and the Spirit of Freedom “has kept many a disciple tethered to the reality of a true life and not one of harboring the anxieties of the flesh. Fortuitous and propitious occurrences in your life are the result of setting the sail of your intention to love and serve God. And these have occurred often in past embodiments and come to full fruition in your world whereby you make them real through works and through the love-sacrifices that true discipleship always entails.”

Yes, we made sacrifices to fulfill the dharma of establishing this nation during the period of the Revolutionary War and afterward when the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written. But the joy of seeing the firm foundation that we laid in that hour for the future expansion of Saint Germain’s vision for America was worth every temporary inconvenience. And now you have that same opportunity to lay a foundation of integrity and vision for this movement of light which truly is an extension of Saint Germain’s plan for the liberation of souls through the delivery of the teachings of the ascended masters to all upon earth”

In closing, we were given this vision and blessing: “Lotus spreads the petals of her great heart of devotion over you and asks you to sing to America in this hour. During your song the Angels of Freedom will wing their way across this land to every state and city and home and pour forth the radiance of light that they have been empowered to release because of your devotions each morning and especially during your Saturday evening World Freedom Services.

I am Godfre. And I am pleased to see the advances that you are making. I will continue, as your spiritual general, to prod you and to give you direction and guidance as you call upon Lotus and me, and especially when you call upon your own Beloved God Presence for all that you require. May the light of freedom blaze across this land and cast its divine radiance over each one until all are truly God-free!

We then sang “God Bless America” as Lotus blessed us and the angels winged their way across America.