Beloved Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov came on the morning of July fifth.

“Blessed hearts, I would speak to you on the discipline of the Sun. Can you imagine the Sun undisciplined? I cannot. For I see the sun as the most disciplined one who emanates the perfect light, the heartstream of fire always.” He continued saying, that he had observed us and that for each of us, “There is much that needs to be improved in the discipline of your ability to hold light, to remain still and to be anchor points for us of the light of the Central Sun. You are not yet prepared for Alpha and thus I come with a crash course in discipline to bring unto you that which you are required to become in order that you will not be fried in the light of the great Master.”

He said that when we cannot maintain our stillness, most especially of the mind, then dissonance can emanate through us that can affect the entire atmosphere and aura of all there, of the room, and of the forcefield. “Imagine if Helios and Vesta decided to simply stop emanating. All life could cease in the solar system. The disciplines of the spirit require greater attunement, focus and stillness."

Omraam continued to instruct us “There is a time for movement and a time for complete non-movement. If you desire greater attunement with your source then you must enter into cosmic silence and stillness.” When we accumulate more fire and self-mastery day by day, then we are able to hold light within our aura. But when we allow our light to dissipate through unconsciousness, then we are constantly losing that which we have worked to gain, and we are not progressing on the path, as we should. He specifically mentioned needless talking, movements that are not conscious, and not allowing the Presence to enter our forcefields.

“Consider now, in your heart of hearts, what it is in your life and in your world, that allows the dissipation of the light that comes to you during your sacred times together and determine that you will change.” This mastery is necessary for ascended ones and must be gained here on earth or in the retreats, so the best thing we can do is to ascertain where we are out of alignment and correct ourselves. This allows us a greater mastery than we would have if Beloved Serapis had to correct us.

“Thus there is balance and what I am speaking on is the internal discipline that you must have even while maintaining that equipoise of joy, radiance and a fun loving spirit that may like Lanello or Fun Wey, joke around even while being in perfect alignment and attunement with your God self. This is my message to you blessed hearts, that I have been waiting to share for quite some time.” He also asked us to observe the discipline of the Vera Choir responding to their conductor with “perfect synchronicity,” as “the flowering of the spirit within to a heightened level of perfection and cosmic joy.”

In conclusion the Master said, “Although we have widened the door of opportunity for souls to receive these teachings, yet the initiations remain”. . .and “the inner disciplines have not changed.” “Had each of you entered into this cosmic Presence and employed the totality of your being, moment by moment, been attuned to the needs of the messenger for calls, protection, then Saint Germain and Hercules could have come on time last night. They are ready now, for I perceive that through my words and through a great welling up within you of God desire to be acceptable in the eyes of God, that you are ready now for the message of the Master, blessed hearts.”


Lady Kristine Delivered her Gifts of Grace to All

During the Hearts Center Freedom ’07 Fourth of July Celebration, Hilarion had just concluded his upbeat address in which he gave us his fiery fervor for soul freedom. It was almost as if we had each been ignited as cosmic sparklers. These sparks of freedom were still burning as Lady Kristine came with a noticeably more serious yet tender demeanor. She also spoke of freedom and her opening words were, “I bless this holy company with the grace of freedom. And I honor each of you who has pursued the higher walk with God, however that has manifested in your life.”

And then she proceeded to demonstrate through her discoursing with us how we could accept this grace and continue to fully deserve the honor she gave. As she drew to her conclusion, she told us that contained within her message were keys for us to meditate upon. As we do this, she will deliver droplets of grace through our crystal cords into each chakra. “And this grace, as the oil of the spirit, will allow these chakras to spin and hum with greater clarity, with greater fire, with greater love for all. I am Lady Kristine. The pristine light of grace is yours this day by dispensation, for I offer it to you, each one.” Then she acknowledged us for listening intently to her words and encouraged us to go and frolic in the fun of the sangha. “Play with a child today. Appreciate them and love them, for in the process you will gain the eternal youthfulness of the light that you seek.”

Here are some of the keys that she gave…

The Community

She laid down her life for the community and still lays down the light of her being for the mother within us. When we give something of the self in service and reverance to another, there is a divine connectivity affirmed, recognized, embraced, and strengthened whereby the community of the holy spirit does grow. Our hearts are warmed by the oil of our togetherness. Embrace and honor one another and welcome new devotees. Sparks betwixt hearts in service to one another is an action of the holy spirit that keeps us coming to community and without which communities do not thrive and grow.

Pursue Love to the Nth Degree

Love one another as every ascended master has loved you so and as your own higher self loves your soul. Love the soul of each one within the sangha. Look not always to the outer self, but as you gaze into the eyes of your heartfriends, see the shining of the soul through their eyes, through their faces and through their hearts. This love will lead you to the freedom you seek from the rounds of rebirth.

How to avoid the lapses of conscious awareness that occur even in the best students? This will be accomplished by grace, which comes by the expansion of love within you. If you had to choose one spiritual practice to be constantly devoted to, Lady Kristine recommends the setting aside of even five or ten minutes a day to love God with all your heart and mind and soul and spirit. Feel the effulgence of the spirit rising in devotion. The flow of this devotion and the reconnection of the heart to the Presence strengthens the tie that allows the grace of God to descend in the hours when it is most needed.

How to Achieve the Full Blossoming of this Activity

While there is a growing fervor and an increase of the light within many of us, there is still a need for more attunement and alignment in many heartfriends. In order for many more to understand this dispensation, each one of us must blossom and reach unto our own christhood. The teaching given during Meru University is there for us to take full advantage of, enabling us to become more fully conscious and awake. The purpose is to raise us to the highest level that we can accept and maintain. We must ingest the radiance of the words as full cups of light and meditate upon the light behind the words. For when one reaches his or her own christhood and maintains the level and status of spiritual accomplishment, then the stage is set, the resources are available for a greater influx of light, and dispensations are granted for the full energizing of our missions. And this will bring the full blossoming of our movement.

070728 Hilarion
Beloved Hilarion, July 4, 2007

How Glorious Is the Soul That Flies Free!
During our Fourth of July picnic at Bogert Park in Bozeman, Montana, beloved Hilarion spoke to us, encouraging us “to celebrate not only the independence of this nation but the opportunity for all souls upon earth to be free.” He sais that our determination to live life to the glory of God, to worship according to the dictates of our hearts, giving honor to our Creator, allows us to begin to understand the magnificence of God’s plan for the permanent liberation of the soul whose destiny is immortality in the Presence of that glory. Our first obligation is to assure that “men and women of good will” experience the right to pursue their inalienable right to discover their “own higher nature”. As part of our Independence Day celebration, he asked us to honor those who gave their lives to this end, reminding us that many of us were among those who sacrificed our lives for this cause in past embodiments.

“A testament to soul freedom is our legacy in America. Hilarion explained that our Founding Fathers understood that life must be lived free. They put in place “a testament for all nations and for all times of what could be within a free society—a government of the people, by the people and for the people set forth upon divine principles.” This testament and flame has brought to the shores of America throughout the centuries people from all over the world who yearn for freedom and have come to “partake of this divine grace.”

Teachers, wayshowers and deliverers of mankind are you! Hilarion reminds us that we are the “teachers and wayshowers to bring mankind a greater awareness of the divine rights and principles and precepts directly from the altars of the Lord God.” We have within our auras and our causal bodies all that is needed to give this message in the “fire of the Holy Spirit which is the only means whereby souls may be converted unto their God.” Hilarion calls us with all the fire of his heart to “be the deliverers of mankind by the flame of freedom that burns within your soul.” It is the teaching of the “violet transmuting singing fire and the accelerated action of this light in its laser action to pierce the veil of darkness” that will make all the difference in the freeing of souls of the people of America and the world.

Keep the flame burning brightly! As we daily make our connection with our Presence through our devotions to God, we will experience the power of the Holy Spirit so that the people with whom we share and that we serve are transformed by that streaming Presence. More than anything Hilarion and the ascended masters desire that the Spirit of God blazes intensely in our hearts and auras. They want us to be this fire and catch the “excitement of the angel bands of heaven on this Fourth of July who are also celebrating with the “fireworks of heaven”. They want us to bring this freedom-fire excitement to all life.

Live in the now and spread the Word in victory! Beloved Hilarion gives to us “a crystal sphere of energy, the momentum of light to carry you forward in your delivery of the Word to every nation, every people, every continent, every hearth and home.” As we are living in the present, the now, in this endeavor, we will know victory. He wants us to call to him and the Maha Chohan on every occasion of our sharing of the Word through lecture, discussion, all forms of ministry; and they will be there “with the fire of conversion—not to make people see as you see but, through the enfoldment of the light of freedom from within their own souls, to allow them the opportunity to self-correct, to align with holy purpose toward their own immortal freedom in the light.” Hilarion blesses us in closing “with the grace of the ascended hosts in your midst through your joy, your love and laughter, through the Spirit that moves within this body.”

070727 Mother Mary

To Know, To Dare, To Do, and To Be Silent

On July 4th, Mother Mary gave sweet darshan on the subject of keeping our sacred experiences of the Spirit within our hearts instead of sharing them with others. “To know, to dare, to do, and to be silent” was the adage of wisdom schools throughout history, and Mother Mary reviewed these four points, again placing them on the Cosmic Clock.

She said To Know, on the three o’clock line, is to have understanding “through direct gnosis and personal experience…to fully enter into the divine world.” To Do on the nine o’clock line is “to fulfill that which you have been instructed by your own divine Presence to accomplish in the world of form. Taking action when you hear the word of God resonating within your heart is a must for servitors of the Spirit.” She also explained that during the daring on the six o’clock line, before the doing on the nine, there is the gathering of the emotional energies, which give the impetus of fire for the fulfillment of that Word. Then when our work is fulfilled on the twelve o’clock line we enter again into the Presence of stillness where God abides “to receive the next assignment, the next message of hope, the next directive of God within that will move you, cycle by cycle, into a higher awareness, a higher consciousness, a higher orbit in life.”

There Are Cycles That Must Be Fulfilled!

“Thus,” she continued, “there are cycles within your life that must be fulfilled before the next cycle ensues and proceeds in an ordered divine matrix in the 33 spirals of initiation towards your ascension. And where you may have left off or not fully accomplished an assignment in a past embodiment or this one, you are given opportunity to accomplish these, within each succeeding spiral, as the spiral tightens internally and widens externally simultaneously as you enter into cosmic consciousness, in the divine effulgence of God.”

The Science of Silence

Mother Mary then explained that the reason she was bringing this to our attention is because there has been a tendency on the part of heartfriends to share some of the most intimate, personal, divine experiences to the point where there is the diffusion of the radiance of these holy moments of our lives, and that some of these must only be maintained within our hearts. So she came at the behest of El Morya to share with us the new instruction for this movement of light—that from this day forward we should write down our personal experiences, even after each dictation. These writings could be for our own meditations, for the day of our own soul development during trials and testing, and for the day of their publishing. But the masters will no longer be advocating a general sharing in the way that has occurred in the past.

She went on to explain that this practice was established initially for the purpose of helping many to see the veracity and viability of this dispensation and to give hope to many who might have had doubts as to the presence of the Masters in our midst. “But now in this hour that you see the great flowering of this dispensation, and feel the radiance that we bring to bear in our discourses and dictations with you, there should be no longer any doubt as to the truth that Morya, Lanello, and Mother and all sponsoring masters offer you day by day of the higher teaching that we deliver.”

A Witness as a Focal Point of Light

Then, having given this teaching, Mother Mary invited her “daughter to share a witness and a testimony unto this body that shall be a focal point of light, for it is true and real, and I sanction it in this hour such that those of you who hear this message or any dictation shall no longer have any doubts as to the long-term planning for this dispensation and movement, blessed ones.”

070726 El Morya (from 070703)

Step by Step We Move. Prayer by Prayer We Build.
Assignment by Assignment Fulfilled We Ascend the Stairway to Heaven.

On the evening of July 3rd, during our Freedom Conference, beloved El Morya opened his remarks with an expression of “great gratitude for all that [we] have done to fulfill the labors of Hercules*.” Standing in front of the altar replete with our offerings, El Morya presented “each and every one of these completed projects and assignments” to his guru, the Elohim of the First Ray, beloved Hercules. Morya called it “truly a day in cosmic history that a remnant has come forth to fulfill the will of God not only in word but in deed.”
Morya continued saying that “A certain cycle of light is fulfilled this day in answer to the call of the Great White Brotherhood, for this movement has been firmly established upon the solid rock and foundation of these hearts one with thee.” With the fulfillment of these four labors, The Hearts Center has set forth a certain quotient of its divine plan.

O the Children!

This July class was dedicated to the children, and El Morya commented upon the light blazing in the auras of those children who were present “see their missions just beginning and see the divine plan hovering within their auras, and what each one will mean to this planetary home when that mission is completed.”
Morya also acknowledged the joy and sacred camaraderie displayed in the light in the eyes and the “fohat of union” of all present.

A Rod of Fire of the Will of God Anchored in the Gallatin Valley

El Morya then anchored “a rod of fire as an electrode of the Will of God to magnetize within this valley a greater action of light for the fulfillment of cycles.” Morya said that this rod of fire, together with the 24/7 emanations of the sacred Cosmic Violet-Ray Generator of Light that was placed in the Gallatin Valley a year and a half ago, there would be a greater electrode of light to magnetize many more souls not only to this valley but also to the teachings of the ascended masters.

El Morya Asks for Hercules’ Blessing on Behalf of Each of Us

Speaking with great love and humility, all were moved to the depths of their hearts as Master Morya requested blessings and grace from the Elohim Hercules to be bestowed upon each one of us. Asking for us each to be brought into “the perfect alignment with holy purpose within [our] personal evolution;” the making “straight the pathway of light within” through self correction and through sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service; and, for the greater attainment available to each of us “in the light from [our] own causal body for [our] use in all assignments and projects to come.”
El Morya then kneeled before his guru Hercules, saying: “Bless me, O Lord, so that I may bless all with your light and love. Bless me, O Father, with your Spirit so that by and thru that Spirit all may know that perfect and Holy Will that you are and who I AM. I declare it for these until they are fully able to declare it for themselves. This is my prayer, this is my Beingness offered to you. Bless me O Lord, bless me.”

An Hour of Joy

&nsp; Concerned that his solemnity would be misunderstood, Morya declared that this was truly an hour of joy, and that he desired to bless each one of us with the “essence of Hercules’ blessing upon him, extended unto each of us through his touch on our crown “for [our] repose in and of the Spirit this night.”
Morya sealed us with his love saying “I love you will all of my being and shall always love you so long as you love God first.”

*Morya was referencing the four labors Hercules gave The Hearts Center on July 4, 2006 to complete by July 4, 2007.

070725 K-17 from 070703

The Nature of Freedom

On the third of July during our Freedom Class, Beloved K-17 came to remind us to look within to understand the nature of our soul’s immortal birthright toward freedom, both politically and personally. “When a people sets forth through intention the great God-desire to establish a society whereby these freedoms are enshrined, not only in the hearts of man and woman, but in the very documents upon which that society is governed, then all of heaven takes note. For, blessed ones, we understand something of the nature of freedom itself, having loosed ourselves from the bonds of mortal existence and entered into the gates of the divine.”

And with his joy, also comes his warning of those “that move behind the scenes to carefully plan on a long term basis the subjugation of your souls” through “those specific line items within laws that have been passed in recent years that must be undone in order to safeguard the freedoms” that we take for granted.

K-17 specifically asks for us to “consider establishing a committee composed of a number of heartfriends, at least three to five, who will do the necessary research to understand the very laws of this nation.” He also states that “Unless and until there is a greater action of laser third eye focus in these matters, at times I am handcuffed in my ability to take action in the world of form to avert certain calamities.”

In order to protect our freedoms, K-17 needs us to pinpoint those specific areas that need our prayers and the intervention of the ascended masters. For increased discernment and more intense third-eye focus we are asked to request the aid of Lanello, Mary Wrobleski, Lady Kristine and Cyclopea. “If at times you do not fully understand what is taking place. . .as you commune with us we will give you the keys to the victory of your own soul as well as the victory of your nations.”

He advises us to become enlightened advocates of truth in a grass roots movement in order to prevent what might be unavoidably negative situations in our healthcare system and food supply. “When you feel the burning within your heart to declare the truth, then you must speak out. You must give your lectures. You must come forth and tell the people what is occurring.”

Yes, I serve in the Cosmic Secret Service. . . The information and the intelligence must come to the fore, so that the lightbearers can take action at all spheres. . .” within the giant network in heaven and earth in which the light collected from our concerted decrees and prayers may be given so “those who can do something about these problems have the knowledge, the foresight and the wherewithal to move into action on an instant’s notice to bring forth the answer to your calls.”

One can still feel his message as one of hope and victory because of his tremendous mastery at inner levels. His awareness, combined with the unity of the Brotherhood in heaven, compels us to join our hearts with his. “Know that God is real and that America, as the true Israel, the New Jerusalem, shall be victorious because of hearts of fire such as yours.”

Omri Tas' Story of Gerald the Giraffe

During the afternoon of July 3rd, Omri Tas came with a wonderful story for children of all ages about the Gerald the Giraffe. Gerald was a beautiful young giraffe with a short neck. Since all the other giraffes had tall necks, they sometimes laughed at and made fun of Gerald. So, one day he asked his parents, Geraldine and Jerry, "'Why do I have a short neck when all the other giraffes have a tall neck?' And his parents said 'Well, that's the way God made you and we're very proud of you and please don't worry about what the other giraffes say, because we know your heart and your neck, and someday you'll discover why God made you with a short neck.'"

Now the primary diet of the giraffes was leaves of very tall trees. So Gerald had to eat the leaves of bushes and smaller trees because he could not reach the other ones. "As it turned out, one winter all the giraffes got sick except for Gerald. Why was this? No one really knew, but they were all astounded that Gerald was the only giraffe that didn't get sick." Gerald, you see, ate from a "particular bush that had leaves with a certain healing property in them that kept him immune from the disease that all the other giraffes caught. But no one knew this, it was a secret, a secret to God."

In order to understand why Gerald did not get sick as they did, the other giraffes decided to observe his life and diet. After doing this they concluded that it must be his diet that made the difference, since it was not the same as theirs. "So they studied, in their giraffe laboratories, the properties of all these different plants that Gerald ate. And lo and behold, when they ate these same leaves they got whole, they got healed." So "if it were not for Gerald with his short neck, all the giraffes in this area could have died because they were so sick they wouldn't have known what to do. So then they realized why Gerald was born with a short neck and they all came up and nuzzled their necks against Gerald (they had to bend kind of low) and thanked Gerald and they said, 'Gerald, we love you, we're never again going to make fun of your short neck because you helped save all of us!'"

The End

070723 Azzalea -

Archangel Uzziel’s Twin Flame Imparts Her Floral Essence and Her Name!

On the morning of July 3rd, heartfriends seated in a large circle gave their devotions to the angelic mothers of heaven through the ritual of the “Rosary of Faith.” Afterwards the Heartstream began and we were greeted by a “new” archeia, Uzziel’s twin flame, who revealed that her name is Azzalea. Acknowledging that when we name the choirs of angels specifically, as we do in this rosary, they “peek through the clouds…to see who it is that is praying so fervently to us.”

Azzalea explained that she and Uzziel have as their specific purpose the integrating of all the seven rays, focused through the eighth ray within us. They do this at many levels and work closely with those who understand the importance of the integration of the soul, such as counselors, teachers in higher education, ambassadors and those who represent their peoples in councils for the resolution of sometimes ancient conflicts.

“We come by dispensation for the integration of greater numbers of lightbearers upon earth,” she said. We were then invited to rise in spirit “to perceive from the Holy City how it is that there are many streams going forth through the various gates and though one may enter through one gate or through another, yet all are welcomed by the one God to the throne of his appearing. We desire each of you to be ambassadors for integration and unity among souls of light across the earth and therefore share the new message of unity among men and women of good will in all faiths and use this Rosary of Faith, sharing it with others to allow them to see the principles of unity and integration that, first and foremost, are those which are honored within this movement of the Hearts Center. There is no doctrine or dogma among the angels except love…”

In a very tender moment, Azzalea refreshed our souls with the scent of the archeiai’s choir as they sang to all life upon earth the melodies of the divine world. She then revealed that she and Uzziel work very closely with the Vera choir “whose voices do rise as one voice with ours to express the very glories of heaven.”

Uzziel and Azzalea’s Prayer

We were asked to, once more, as we did at the beginning of the conference, take the hand of the one to our right and to our left, “as Uzziel and I release now the integration power of the light of God that is always victorious. O mankind, know the unity of heaven this day. Put aside all that works toward the fractioning of the light. Stay centered in the divine within you and know through holy purpose the gifts of heaven that come to those who welcome each heart into their abode with grace, who through a hospitable nature give to those in need. Share your light. Share your love. Share your spirit of fire and let us see what we will see in terms of how quickly this earth will be changed from glory unto glory into a new, crystal golden age of love-wisdom. This is our prayer, O holy ones. Do not forget your station in life as angels, for many of you are of our bands, as you know… may your love grow in proportion to that which you receive and become in the presence of the angels.”

070720 Sanat Kumar & Lady Venus

Our Youth Conduct the Sunday Family Service

The youth in attendance at Freedom '07 in Bozeman conducted the Sunday, July 1st Family Service. We heard this wonderful service replayed for this morning, July 22nd. It so beautifully encapsulated and carried the spirit of the event which could be aptly expressed in the words "A Little Child Shall Lead Them." It included presentations, singing, skits, prayers and a spirited interactive question and answer segment with the Messenger. Truly we heard wisdom from the mouths of these young ones, several of whom have already begun their own practice of sun gazing. Their segment concluded with the song "I've Got an Angel on my Shoulder" (Charley Thweat). Most of the youth were up in front moving and gestering and singing their hearts out. Gentle tears graced the cheeks of many in the room.

To crown this morning's broadcast, we were blessed with the replaying of the HeartStream given on Monday, July 2nd by Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. A summary of their delivery follows here.

Glory to God in the Highest! And on Earth, Light! Joy! Peace! and Love!
to Men and Women of Good Cheer.

So began the address of Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, designed to literally cheer us on with their comfort and cosmic encouragement. Good cheer was known by all of us as we participated in the afternoon of fun and games, laughing as carefree children. As they spoke of their angels having been sent to us in advance of their coming, we began to understand the pivotal role they were playing in preparing the way for the coming of beloved Alpha and Omega. Referring to the child-like joy they had witnessed in our midst, they gave credit to these angels for giving us the opportunity to shed years of our life such that we could become as little children again.

"What will it take for you to become the eternal youth that you seek in God?" Saying that each of us must discern that for ourselves, he reminded us of the keys he has presented in his teaching on the ruby ray. When we serve "…with selflessness, in sacrifice to save sentient life, in complete surrender to the will of God" then the light flows through our offerings to others and we receive a charge of that eternal spirit as we strive as the young children do.

"Oh Holy Ones, we come from Venus to extend a helping hand to our friends upon the earth in preparation for Alpha's coming." Alpha would not take his usual side trip to Venus in advance but would come to us directly from the Great Central Sun because of the need of the hour upon earth for his "new blue energies of the divine resources of the spirit." Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus came for the greatest magnification of the light that could be allowed by cosmic law for the stepping down of the energies Alpha and Omega would bring to the earth.

It was their hope that we would rise in consciousness as we prepared for his coming but also toward the day of the very immortality of the earth itself as Freedom's Star. "For when a certain number step forward to declare their sonship, their daughtership with God, Heaven takes note. Dispensations flow. And the days are shortened for the elect, those who have elected to do the will of God and to fulfill their reason for being." As we have made the calls to "Raise the earth in sacred fire" legions of light from far-off worlds have streamed forth their cosmic rays to the earth and Alpha could not bear to stay away from the earth and from the devotees who have given their lives and fortunes toward the end of saving the earth itself. And thus he was coming to "spin the earth."

Long ago when Sanat Kumara made the commitment to bear the light for earth's evolution, Alpha took note and offered his services. But he was denied by great cosmic councils for it would have produced a major shift in the energies of the solar systems to which he was responsible. It was decided that it was enough for the dark star to receive the light energies of the 144,000 along with Sanat Kumara. Many of us "were among that company of saints." Now that Gautama has taken up the mantle and allowed Sanat Kumara to return to Venus, he was able to secure other dispensations for this galaxy and solar system and due to the stabilization that occurred in this area of the cosmos, Alpha was able to come and lend his momentum to us for the final victory. Such is the love of an Alpha and Omega to keep the flame for the numberless number of stars within their domain. As we honor them, even in the ritual procession that was prepared, we ennoble the great light of the one God that is then reflected back to us.

"When one among you stands as a Siddhartha or sits beneath the Bo tree to surrender all to God, when that enlightenment comes fully to that one, then each of us may step up in rank and in the hierarchical chain and thus spiritual evolution is ongoing and many more may follow the example of the one who has set forth through determination the example to be a Christ, a Buddha for all." As each of us attains to the level of an ascended master and then moves on to cosmic being, we will begin to understand more of what it means to be a cosmic bodhisattva not only for one planet but for great starry systems of worlds.

So Sanat Kumara and Venus did emanate and the earth received the pink corona of their love. . They braided the violet, pink and golden rays around the earth and at the level of the soul, all upon earth will be given the opportunity to bend the knee. All will have the opportunity to know of the appearance of Alpha and Omega.

"The day that you fulfill your reason for being will be a glorified day for the earth. And we see many more among you rising toward that final day in the not-too-distant future." As the HeartStream concluded, Sanat Kumara said that his son Gautama had taught us well. "Walk in the Light. Be the Light and the earth will know her victory." Then we were sealed with the love of all the evolutions of Venus who distributed letters of living love to each of us to be read as we took our rest that night. "May the Lord God Alpha and Omega seal you, even as we seal you with the Ruby Cross. God bless you. We bid you a fair adieu."

070720 Goddess of Beauty -

Love Pours from the Heart of the Goddess of Beauty

The blessed complement of the ascended master Paul the Venetian made a memorable appearance at Freedom ’07. She is called the Goddess of Beauty whom many have known as the Ascended Lady Master Ruth Hawkins, remembered for her fiery fiats calling down the violet light and known for her great love. That love was trembling in her voice as she began her message with the words, “Blessed Hearts.” She had secured a dispensation to bring with her angels “…a replica of a specific room within the temple of Lady Venus” so that during her short time with us we could look around and see at the soul level the beautiful works of art of ascended third ray artists. Lanello had even taken a class from Paul recently and had completed a portrait of his Elizabeth Clare as she will appear as an ascended lady master.

Surrounded as we were with the essences of such beauty, she taught that God was the great artisan that can never be fully duplicated and that the greatest beauties are seen in Nature. But the masters who are one with God can bring forth, through the work of their spiritual hands, creations that glorify God while they ennoble the spirit of man. It is a mystery of love whereby we can be energized and raised to new levels of spiritual awareness through the very focus of our eyes and attention upon such visuals, words and music.

When we strive to bring forth something of beauty we can call to the angels and masters of the third ray to assist us and they will come. Those who have the talent and sensitivity of the secret rays to create foci of beauty always receive the grace and benefit of the light rays flowing “…through the heart/third eye connection” that then manifests through the hands. And when these blessed ones are ”… in meditation upon the higher world” and upon their own Solar Presence, the little tidbits of inspiration that they receive can be translated into the beauties that are created for others to see.

She spoke of the messengers of art and beauty upon the earth that are engaged in this sacred process. Through the surrender of the lesser self they have shown lifetime after lifetime that they could capture essences of the divine world in such a way that many could receive the graces of the spirit through the lens of the eye while partaking of their offerings. Where love is manifesting, even those slightly bereft of the skill sets of a Venetian Master can carry the flame into the world. Those who are sensitive will know and feel the light of their creations. But without love there is simply no true beauty upon earth.

Next was the moment that made the coming of the Goddess of Beauty so memorable for many of us. To fulfill an assignment she had been given by her Beloved, she called Tom [Miller] and Lisa [Delaney] to the altar. She thanked Tom with all the love of her heart for the portrait of her that he had completed and she anointed him anew as a messenger of music and art. She gave the rose oil to him and asked him to pass the anointing to Lisa, who had been his student more than once in past lifetimes and who had most ably and beautifully rendered an expansion on what he (Tom) had brought forth in the Buddha Nature Chart. She called Lisa a daughter of her heart as she anointed her through Tom. Referring to Lisa’s presentation of digital slides of the threefold flame in the heart with music and words she said that through her work an expanded understanding of the “divine principles of meditation upon the sacred essence of God within” could be given to many heartfriends now and those who are still to come.

Speaking then to everyone, she said, “Oh hearts of fire the world around, beauty has come, not only through the appearance of the angels of the pink ray here, but through you and you and you who strive to be hearts of fire as the graces and virtues, as the beauties of the heaven world, in your work, in your offering, in your art.” She encouraged everyone to see the wonderful visuals Tom had created, to take them and share them with others. “For behind the image there is always the flame, there is always the glory of the light… manifested in the sacred geometry of the art of the artisan of the spirit who fulfills the law of his or her own being through love, through love, through love.” Each of us was sealed with a kiss of peace and a peck of love from her beloved upon our cheeks. It was a precious and joyous occasion to be sure.

070717 Afra from July class

Beloved Afra's Praise and Assignment

During the Freedom Class, on Monday, July 2, Beloved Afra spoke to us in his deep, deep voice. He said, “I have been in communion with the Maha Chohan and I come this evening to dispel the darkness across this land as well as all lands where my people dwell. You see, blessed ones, I was there with Moses when he spoke to pharaoh to ‘Let my people go!’ And it is even so in this hour that the call through your heart must be sent forth to let all people, who are bound by their own lower nature, to go forth victorious in the light.”
He continued with accolades for those who completed the Afra booklet. “I am pleased with the work of those who have prepared lovingly for my coming by fulfilling the assignment given by Saint Germain and me.” He said that when a few step forward. .."then we, the ascended masters, enter the scene and add the momentum of the God-power and the God-freedom that we have become, such that the victory may be had. Blessed ones, it takes only one or two to step forward with a sense of God-direction, with a sense of mission to accomplish miracles upon earth." He continued, “I would see more step forward, as the few have done to propel this civilization into a higher culture, such as the one that was seen seventy thousand years ago."

We Are All Brothers and Sisters

Afra also told us that he had set his forcefield there in our sanctuary in preparation for Alpha’s coming. “For you see, blessed ones, long, long ago we knew that this dispensation would come forth and you knew it also and therefore you embodied to be upon the earth in this crucial hour, to be representatives for the Universal White (and black-skinned) Brotherhood. And whether you are of the yellow, red, white, polka dot or black race it does not matter, for as has been said we are all brothers and sisters.”

Our Assignment

Beloved Afra commented again on the booklet prepared for him, “Think of what work could be accomplished through the same matrix of focus, for each project within this activity of light that you desire to accomplish.” He then gave each of us an assignment, “Each of you is assigned to do something for God in a tangible manifestation as a witness to the divine light lived upon earth. And come next Freedom Conference, 2008, we expect to see volumes of new publications, bookracks of CDs and DVDs available . . .”there is magic in the air, you must precipitate it in your hands and make it real magic in time and space. Why the ethers are brimming with cosmic light substance and true alchemists of the spirit are those who can not only sense the diadems of fire that vibrate in the etheric plane, but who have the mastery to bring them forth in these sacred works, these sacred tomes of light, these sacred works of art, beauty and consciousness in your world.”
In conclusion the Master said, “When you love enough, anything is possible unto you, but often that love requires the full submission of your lower nature on the altar such that the divine commission of your higher nature may manifest through your alchemical works. Remember this; remember the words of the Master Alchemist. Study that which he has set forth. And precipitate, precipitate, precipitate Light! Light! Light! where you are.”

070717 Kuan Yin from 070702

You are Worthy to be a Fount of Mercy

Kuan Yin came early Monday morning, July 2, during Freedom 2007 “with a new essence of mercy to impart to [us] in the stillness of [our] meditation upon the deepest levels of beingness within.” Only by going to the depths of love can we ascertain the core of mercy in the flame of God within us. Then we can offer the oil of mercy to others.

To offer mercy to others, we don’t need to be in the physical presence of another. “But, through attunement with my heart you may offer the mercy oil unto the soul of that one even while engaged in deep meditation upon your Buddha nature and the Buddha nature of the other.” Our devotion is the oil to be given to areas that need compassion. “For, the divine solution to all conflict resides within the oil of mercy within each heart” and the amount of light given depends on the level of oil garnered within our chakras.

As “the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of heaven come to stream their consciousness unto you as [we] give [our] Golden Buddha Rosary” and our other prayers, we are each asked to be a crystal vessel for the oil of mercy. “For you never know where the oil may be required to save a soul, to save a city or even a nation.”

Kuan Yin receives many prayers, but she is most grateful to those who understand the science of mercy and of how to be a bodhisattva with her each day. The path of mercy is simple to those who attune with her heart. “I will be there to speak loving words, kind thoughts, uplifting messages to the children and to the world through your voice of mercy.”

070716 Maitreya from 070701

Maitreya’s Call to Compassion in Action

After Jesus’ introduction of his beloved guru, Lord Maitreya took us into his loving heart and spoke to us saying:

Peace be unto you, dear hearts. Compassion be yours through each petal of your heart. Meditate with me this day on compassion as it is expressed through each petal, twelve in number. I ask you to discuss during your afternoon repast, or meal, what that compassion can look like through practical action in the world and what you within your family, your Hearts Center, your community can do to bring compassion into action now. It is a simple assignment but one that will carry you far in life. For though you may talk of, meditate on and visualize world peace and compassion, what you will do speaks more profoundly of who you are than your words only.

This was the message I gave to Jesus when he came to the East, that although he could study with the rishis, although he could know all things of the deepest mysteries, yet, I required him to prove the law through works of kindness, through healing and ministration. And so, I ask you each one, also, to prove how much compassion you have become in the doing of the Word who you are.

What this Hearts Center movement will look like tomorrow may be much different than what it is today because each of you has a heart’s center in yourself [and] will make the message real for Jesus and me and for all ascended masters, your personal sponsoring master, your guru—your Higher Self. Imagine once more with Jesus and me now what this world will look like when you put compassion into action. And let us go forth and do it together.

In the name I AM THAT I AM, in the holy name of God we serve to set life free. Amen.

070714 Lanello
Lanello’s Magnanimous Welcome from Saturday, June 30, 2007!

“Ah, the radiant heart! I see your heart this evening. And I welcome each of you as a heartfriend, a friend of old or a new friend. It does not matter, for truly, blessed ones, in this hour we are one.” With such generosity of spirit, the Master Lanello initiated our Freedom Conference 2007 dedicated to the “Alchemy of Eternal Youth in Freedom’s Flame” and to individually greet each and everyone who made the trek to Bozeman or who was listening on the internet broadcast.

“…Youthfulness has always been available to you through joy, through a pliant heart, a youthful spirit.” The light energy of joy, of the victory consciousness shines as the light of ten thousand suns just above you. The divine world is now ours to inhabit in even greater measure because we have striven to come to this conference and because of our oneness with Lanello. “An age of divine reason is dawning. And the reason for man’s being upon this earth to live as a Sun Presence of light is coming to the fore.” Yes, it is exciting to have the availability of our own Solar Presence to live a life of meaning and of service! We are not limited by time and space, but can be everywhere and “every time” in the consciousness of God. We can witness the birth of solar worlds and send love-wisdom to each sentient being through just a five-minute meditation on the One. There is nothing that we cannot do if we just believe in our God Self! “Just do it!” Lanello commands!

“And so, we will prepare for Alpha’s coming! For as has already been said, the earth will never be the same.” Lanello intimates the forthcoming activities for the week—the dancing and singing and jumping with Shiva into which we can pour our great love fires. And he adds cosmic pulsating starry energy through our linked hands and hearts so we can prove the law of our own being. “Witness to that which God can be within you right here and now and day by day in your ministrations to life.”

We sing of thee throughout the day, throughout the night… Lanello then gives a most beautiful prayer on our behalf, its very essence establishing a new inner center of freedom from the past with the frequencies of the violet laser light. “Support, uphold and embolden these, your sons and daughters, O God, with a newfound spirit of cosmic joy.” He invoked our communion with God, the masters, angels and nature spirits as together with them we “sing of thee throughout the day, throughout the night…” Lanello concludes by declaring, “I commence that which will shine forth from this place, throughout this valley and far beyond as a witness to all life that God is real, that God is here, that God is true within these hearts of fire. Welcome, my friends, welcome!”

070713 Igor from 070701

Holy Prayer Is the Need of the Hour across the Earth

On Sunday, July 1, beloved Igor came with a new distillation of the light of the mother, speaking of prayer and how we as individuals, as communities, and the world all benefit from it.

Many, he said, who formerly entered into daily recitations of their mantras have, because of the advance of materialism, ceased their daily time of communion with God. Yet, “there are many across this earth who have very little in the way of physical possessions and yet whose hearts burn and yearn for God.” As an example, Igor pointed to some of the devotees in Russia, and said, “Would that we could transport this level of intensity and devotion to many of our devotees in the West,” because the masters would like to use those who maintain their daily prayer time to accelerate the action of world transmutation through them.

Let Reverence Infuse Our Prayers

He reminded us that the “heart is the altar for that reverence that must be present when we pray,” and that entering into the stillness of God’s Being before we speak will allow a greater action of the light to flow through us to all life.

The Many Benefits of Prayer

When we come together for conferences and pray in greater numbers, beloved Igor told us that we may help “forestall great darkness and calamities upon the earth and assist greater numbers of mankind to awaken, to be quickened to receive the impulses of the spirit that will move them out of the domain of darkness and into the eternal light of God.”

Igor shared with us that he was privileged to be one who saw the need of the hour and acted, offering his life and heart to the blessed Mary. Because of this, she and many angels were able to work to prevent the slaughter of many. “Blessed ones, it may only take one in a city whose heart is afire—a pool of love—for that city to be saved.” ”

He said that as our batteries are charged day by day there can be a greater “flow-field” of light emanating through our being out into the world for many souls to feel and thereby receive the grace, the blessing and the currents of the masters’ love through us. “Have you not, each one, received in greater measure for the time spent in this sacrificial offering greater blessings in your world—the very dancing of the light in your aura, the joy, the vitality, the sure knowledge that you are a son or a daughter of God and that you can, through your ongoing vigil, truly attune to the very heartbeat of God and receive through those pulsations all that you need in your spiritual life and even in the physical?”

The Vows We Took...

He also reminded us that we took vows to maintain a holy vigil for the earth during this time of transition, of world change, and to be a point of light for the masters during this incarnation. He encouraged us to see what we can offer in terms of a slightly greater momentum of quiet time and prayer to God, saying that the benefits that will accrue in our causal bodies will directly, and in proportion to that which we give, be returned unto us. “For to those who have given, much more is bestowed.”

I Lay Down My Life

Igor told us that he, along with Kuan Yin, has taken the bodhisattva vow to stay here so long as there is one soul left who knows not the light of God within. “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. I lay down my life, the essence of who I am, for you this day.”

070712 Padre Pio from 070630

Our Reason for Being on Earth: to be God, God, God

On the first evening of our Freedom 2007 Conference, and with the sign of the Ruby Cross, beloved Padre Pio served us “the holiest communion” through our own God-self—the true priest of our own being and the source of our life. Telling us that his mission has continued beyond the limits of the Catholic Church, Padre Pio has “joined the company of saints East and West.” His awareness of the nature of truth that is found in all cultures, peoples and religions has also expanded, “for the virtuous ones are here and there scattered across the globe and this night we have brought the cream of the crop to Bozeman.”

Our Purpose in Coming to Earth

Padre Pio commented on our meditation before his dictation, saying that “This slide meditation . . .is one that you may choose to re-experience often and in the process have the blessing and the grace of the Presence of ascended beings in your midst as you focus the light through your heart into an accelerated action of cosmic radiance to bless and heal a world.” He then affirmed this as our purpose in coming to earth, to grace sentient beings with the manifestation of God’s awareness of himself as each of us.

The ascended masters honor all paths through this Hearts Center movement—whether we bring our love into the world “through counseling, teaching, serving in the kitchens of the world or in simply emanating love-wisdom’s fires in silence.” The ascended masters never condemn, but at times do spur [us] on “preferably through [our] own Higher Self, the true guru of [our] being.”

The Key to Our Divinity

It is up to each of us to determine what our world will look like tomorrow, “by intention, by devotion and by the very present reality of the light from [our] Source that [we] are becoming.” The glory of God is that although “the masters speak with one voice. . .that voice may have many aspects, many nuances, many characteristics in its representation.”

“How you share your light. . .how you express that which wells up within you as the fervor of the fiery spirit that you are will determine the course of civilization and of whether this world will truly become a solar world of radiance or whether it will not.”

The Coming of Alpha

Padre Pio tells of the requirement for the students of the ascended masters to know the importance of every word of the missives of the masters. The students are asked to take the words of the masters “to heart to become them through full assimilation and then to go forth to fulfill all. Alpha could not come again unless there were hearts who had determined to be the ones to receive him. You are those hearts, my friends. By your awareness of the Presence of God within you, you light a world, and you light the pathway for divine spirits to be within this earth each day.

An Angel on Our Shoulder

We communed together listening to the beautiful song I Have an Angel on My Shoulder*. Padre Pio said if we so choose to allow the angels to be where we are, we have more than one angel on each shoulder, for the purpose of shouldering more of the density of this world for the ascended host as well as for the bearing of the burdens of our brothers and sisters in all nations.

*by Charlie Thweatt

0707011 Lanello

Lanello’s Magnanimous Welcome

Ah, the radiant heart! I see your heart this evening. And I welcome each of you as a heartfriend, a friend of old or a new friend. It does not matter, for truly, blessed ones, in this hour we are one.” With such generosity of spirit, the Master Lanello initiated our Freedom Conference 2007 dedicated to the “Alchemy of Eternal Youth in Freedom’s Flame,” and came to individually greet each and everyone who made the trek to Bozeman or were listening on the internet broadcast.

That youthfulness has always been available to you through joy, through a pliant heart, a youthful spirit.” The light energy of joy, of the victory consciousness shines as the light of ten thousand suns just above you. The divine world is now ours to inhabit in even greater measure because we have striven and come. “An age of divine reason is dawning. And the reason for man’s being upon this Earth, is to live as a sun presence of light is coming to the fore.” Yes, it is exciting to have the availability of our own solar presence to live a life of meaning and of service! You are not limited by time and space, but can be everywhere in the consciousness of God. You can witness the birth of solar worlds and send love-wisdom to each sentient being through just a five minute meditation on the One. “Just do it!”

And so, we will prepare for Alpha’s coming, for as has already been said, the Earth will never be the same.” Lanello intimates the forthcoming activities for the next week into which we can pour our great love fires and he adds cosmic pulsating starry energy through our linked hands and hearts so we can prove the law of our own being. “Witness to that which God can be within you right here and now and day by day in your ministrations to life.”

Welcome, my friends, welcome!” Lanello then gives a most beautiful prayer on our behalf, its very essence establishing a new inner center of freedom from the past with the frequencies of the violet laser light. “Support, uphold and embolden these, your sons and daughters, O God, with a newfound spirit of cosmic joy.” He invoked our communion with God, the masters, angels and nature spirits to allow us to “sing of thee throughout the day, throughout the night, as they traverse the cosmos in their finer bodies. I commence that which will shine forth from this place, throughout this valley and far beyond as a witness to all life that God is real, that God is here, that God is true within these hearts of fire.


Freedom ’07 Continues… and Begins Anew!

We are pleased to announce that the first five days of Freedom '07 are now available as replays. To access them just choose the broadcast/audio button and click on the Replays submenu. Yesterday our newsflash reported that the Brotherhood has asked that the Heartstreams from the conference be played in order, one at a time, during the morning broadcast. And a summary of each one will be posted as the newsflash for the day. During this time the Messenger will be in seclusion, giving all of us the opportunity to more fully assimilate what we have received.

As many of you know, the labors we were given at Freedom ’06 were met to the tune of 91% for which Hercules was very grateful. He described the next year of labors by saying the four words, Media! Media! Media! Media! We will have an insert for these labors very similar to the one which we have been giving after the preamble of so many of our prayers. Watch for it to be posted soon on the broadcast page.

The Next Meru University Class To Begin on the First Monday in August

The God and Goddess Meru with the Messenger David Lewis, Dr. Celeste Miller, and Paul Haugen will be teaching on the training of esoteric love-wisdom teachers. Through the class, students will be helped to develop teaching materials and modules for “heartreach” (outreach) which are in alignment with the Plan for the New Way of Lanto and the God and Goddess Meru. We have all been called to teach and therefore are encouraged to mindfully consider taking the class. A full description of the course will soon be posted on the home page of our website and registration will then be available through our bookstore.

It’s Not Too Late to Reserve a Spot for the European Pilgrimage in October

There is also a very special Meru University class in Advanced Healing which will be given by Hilarion while we are under his retreat on the island of Crete. This class, along with the Fall Harvest Conference, will be a part of the upcoming European Pilgrimage. There are still spots available for those who are hearing the call to be a part of this journey of love. In addition to our time on the island of Crete, we will also have several days with expert tour guides both in Italy and in Greece. See the whole wonderfully full itinerary which begins with our departure on October 9th and concludes with our return on October 22nd. Scroll down the homepage or click on the events tab on the left side of the Hearts Center website. The first deadlines have been extended, and we hope to welcome more pilgrims to come with us on this trip.


Freedom 2007--Happy Fourth of July!

A surprise heartstream brought joy to many Tuesday morning. The twin flame of Archangel Uzziel—Archeia Azzalea—revealed her self and name to us! She came to integrate the light of the seven rays within us and “for the integration of greater numbers of lightbearers upon earth who would put aside something of their own view, of their own opinions of whether this or that pathway is better.” So she asked us to be ambassadors for integration and unity among souls of light upon the earth, adding, “There is no doctrine or dogma among the angels except love. O mankind, know the unity of heaven this day. Put aside all that works toward the fractioning of the light. Stay centered within the divine.”

The next event was a most informative lecture on sun-gazing, delivered with great humor by the foremost expert, Hira Ratan Manek, or HRM. He explained the process, making the important point that gazing at the sun within the first hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset was not at all harmful to the eyes. In fact, it is highly beneficial to the system because of the effect the sun's rays have on the pituitary, pineal, and other glands, which then affect the entire system. HRM said that we should begin by looking at the sun for just ten seconds and then add ten seconds each day. He said that after three months practice we would have mental peace and wellness, which is the key to the healing of many issues. Many people have claimed healing from the sun, even from difficult healing challenges such as cancer. It was a most interesting and inspirational message. If you’d like more information, see www.sungazing.com.

Next, a heartfriend recounted her experience of having been in a coma for four months. During this time, she weighed the pros and cons of staying in embodiment or moving on to other octaves of light. She also experienced during this time the attempt by dark forces to take over her body, and the repelling of these forces by the prayer service of light given by local heartfriends. It was a very compelling story, and as the messenger stated, a great reminder to not discount people whose bodies are in a vegetative state.

Then K-17 gave a dictation, which reflected much concern about the encroachments upon our freedom and destiny, saying that the Great White Brotherhood sees the attack from within as even greater than that threatened by so called terrorists. K-17 requested our calls and decrees and ongoing vigils to meet head-on the forces of darkness that move in the night and that assail “foundational laws and freedoms that have been placed there by many who strove with all of their minds and hearts to set forth these principles and values for your society.” So K-17 asked for a committee of heartfriends to do the necessary research on issues threatening these freedoms, that there might then be “the laser action of the light to pierce through and consume these threats.”

The final dictation for the day was from our beloved Bapu, dearest El Morya, whose message was in the form of a solemn ceremony. During this, he presented to his own beloved master, the Elohim Hercules, all that had been done by heartfriends to fulfill the labors assigned to us by beloved Hercules. He spoke of the “audacity of these souls for the light and what they have accomplished,” saying that “truly it is a day in cosmic history that a remnant has come forth to fulfill the Will of God, not only in word, but in deed.” He anchored a rod of fire to magnetize within this valley a greater action of light for the fulfillment of cycles.

He spoke of the children in our midst, who offered long ago to embody in these families, noting that their missions are just beginning and that their divine plans were hovering in their auras. “See what it will mean to this planet when their missions are completed.” Beloved El Morya then turned and knelt through the messenger, asking for the blessing of Hercules on behalf of all. Then he, in turn, blessed each one of us with his “touch upon the crown,” which the messenger smilingly described as a ‘bop’ on the head. “I am El Morya. I love you with all of my being and shall always love you so long as you love God first.”

Happy Fourth of July! It’s Karmic Board Letter Day!

070630 Freedom 2007

One of the Greatest Influxes of Light in 150 Years!

Yesterday morning, June 30th, while many were likely traveling to be part of the wonderful conclave of solstice light, the unascended master of the Himalayas, Babaji addressed devotees worldwide saying that Lord Krishna is pleased with our progress in becoming the Word. He also reminded us that it is imperative that we become the light of the Mother, saying that they, the unascended masters, come to radiate, by law, what they can, and that they stay [in embodiment] to be witnesses to the Mother Light…. The secret rays are an aspect of the light of the Mother…They must have a receptacle present for the coming of Alpha… Drink in the light of the Father/Mother God…and attune to the heartbeat of God.

Yesterday evening, the conference of The Alchemy of Eternal Youth in Freedom’s Flame officially began with welcomes from heartfriends Anita Wolberd, Janice Haugen, and the messenger, David Lewis, who ceded the floor to beloved Lanello for his great-hearted welcome.

Beloved Lanello came to infire us with new teachings and new radiance, saying that the “Age of divine reason is dawning”… that we can be everywhere and every time in the consciousness of God. Lanello encouraged us by saying there is nothing you cannot do if you believe in your God Self; and then he brought a chuckle to all when he said—as the great Nike God has said, ‘Just do it!’ …We will prepare for Alpha’s coming, and the earth will never be the same!”

Padre Pio then began his message saying that he was blessing each of us with the ruby cross. He also served holiest communion through our own God Self, which is the true priest of our own being. He revealed that his mission continues beyond the Catholic church to the company of saints East and West…that we honor all paths and never condemn others…that the ascended masters speak with one voice…and they require fiery ones who understand the importance of their every word, who will take them to heart and then go to fulfill all…Alpha could not come again unless there were some whose hearts would receive him.

So, as Lanello said, ‘Welcome, my friends. Welcome.”