07/03/29 El Morya

Together We Move as One with El Morya

Beloved El Morya came today to tell us that he is grateful that we have fulfilled his request for the forty day vigil. He came in the full empowerment that we offered him in our prayers, in our devotion and in our oneness of heart. He has asked each Hearts Center to continue this Vigil on a Permanent Basis. “ Each center can take their turn once every two weeks with a two hour vigil each evening whereby you impress upon the world scene the light of your calls to Astrea, the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain and El Morya as they continue to release the action of the sacred fire. This vigil will continue to move back the plans of the nefarious ones to the point where greater and greater light may come to bear through your calls and through the intercession of the hosts of the Lord”.

El Morya Passes the Torch “Thus you have heard the blessed Mother Mary and Saint Germain last morning, and I in this hour pass the torch to the Great Divine Director, my guru, and to my brother Saint Germain for this pilgrimage to Brazil. And, while those of you are traveling there, I will remain in these United States, specifically in Washington, D.C. and in New York. Those of you in each center will feel my tangible presence in your midst as you pray and as you walk the streets, drive, ride the subways and busses. See me overshadowing you blessed hearts for I will work my work through you as an anchor point of light. This is the dispensation granted unto me because of your due diligence in these forty days that I may extend my presence tangibly through each of you if you so choose. See yourself as worthy to be one with the fire of Morya where you are. Thus, I take your prayers and the decree 10.010 and bring it higher and to a new level of oneness whereby you will not only stand in my fire but I will inspire you with who I am in this hour, and my determination that this nation and all nations under God will not go down”.

“Blessed ones, I give you new hope this hour. And I hope that you can feel my presence and determination in this hour, and that we can win and that we were winning from the beginning”.

Stand with El Morya “Stand with me now, raise your swords of fire and once more let us give the fiat, “All for One and One for All! All for One and One for All! All for One and One for All! I Am El Morya, and at the head of the table round I stand with Knights and Ladies of the Flame in service to the Lord God”.

El Morya placed his sword over each one that had been faithful during these forty days and knighted them. This is a personal initiation for those who have maintained the vigil day by day. This knighting is an empowerment to a new level.

07/03/28 Mother Mary & Saint Germain

Mother Mary Comes Anchoring Light in Chicago and Wellspring!

The plan of salvation is being formed daily by those who attune to the heartbeat of God, Mother Mary comes to tell us today. She anchors her light in the heart chakra of America and at the Wellspring Retreat at this hour. She says that there must be havens on earth for respite, comfort and healing of souls. Many of us have been preparing for embodiments to be the instruments of the Holy Spirit, employing spiritual gifts for humanity. And today is key for the great plan of heaven in this regard as Mother Mary places her presence upon many who must be the conduits of healing light to the earth. She explains that heavenly construction continues in the etheric of what will soon manifest on earth. The finishing touches will be implemented when souls who are to be the instruments of the Holy Spirit have fully prepared themselves.

Mighty Victory is Here! With Mother Mary is Mighty Victory, coming to plant his rod of fire both in Chicago and at the Wellspring Retreat, an electronic forcefield and talisman which will allow souls to experience these retreats as places where souls may be drawn up higher through “a portal into the heaven world through the effusion of light”, currents of cosmic of fire flowing continuously within these retreats. She asks that each of us attempt to be perfect in heart, perfect in love for all life. When our love is true, then these currents may be available to us and work through us to heal and bless life.

The children are coming whose hearts are keyed to this divine ideal. As and where teachers appear to train them in the laws of the Spirit, these children will flourish in this lifetime, a culmination for them of many lifetimes of service. They will be great distributors of Aquarian energies for the fulfillment of the plans of Saint Germain, Jesus, the God and Goddess Meru and the Great Divine Director.

A New Vigil Begins for the Brazil Mission! She also announces that at the end of our vigil for El Morya today, we begin tomorrow a twenty-four-day vigil calling to the Great Divine Director and Jesus to release the “alchemical fires of Aquarian love and the ascension current” for the Brazilian mission. Mother Mary will be with Jesus and Saint Germain in Brazil. Anchoring the light of the Holy Family will seal many families upon earth. She calls for the Lord God Almighty to spread his wings across the earth, to hear each and every prayer, to let mercy flow, blessing those in need. May all know not only the presence of the Holy Family but their twin flames and all the archeiai of heaven is her plea.

Saint Germain Comes in Support of Mother Mary and The Hearts Center!

Beloved Saint Germain anchors his fire in support of beloved Mother Mary and the mission of The Hearts Center for another seven hundred years! The Holy Family is establishing through our daily rosaries forcefields of light across the earth. In South America, where we will walk, violet fire angels will walk. Even as Saint Germain came as Christopher Columbus, landing upon El Salvador where beloved Lord Zadkiel anchored “the rod of a new order of a new world”, now Saint Germain anchors “the rod of Aquarian freedom fire” in Salvador! Saint Germain gives heartfelt thanks to all who will be praying for this mission who remain at home.

I Am Expecting You to Employ My Recent Teaching on Alchemy! We are strongly admonished to implement Saint Germain’s teaching given in the God of Gold course, the final class being tomorrow. We are responsible, each one, to take to heart and work with the new alchemical keys given in this course. Each of us is needed to be Saint Germain’s alchemists. And finally, Saint Germain asks all to participate in this last day of El Morya’s vigil, promising that beloved El Morya will come tomorrow to report on the results of our work. Strive! Give to the uttermost! Work while you have the light! Call to the fiery purple heart of Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director’s cosmic fiery, starry heart!

070327 Beloved Aries

Today we were graced by Beloved Aries, the lady of the air element.

"On a zephyr illumined by crystal light from out the Central Sun, I wing my way to devotees who have understood the science of holy breath and the emanation, not only of fire, but of the spirit, as the orifice from which does flow God's eternal light"

Beloved Aries said we are coming to a greater understanding of the science of breathing and of sending forth the Word. She said, "Have you thought on how constant is the sacred miracle of your breathing, of your inhalation of the essences of the heaven world, through the air which is so plentiful, so bountiful all around you? "You see, blessed ones, you could not exist even for ten minutes without inhalation of this spiritual energy that God has provided for you. "The breath of the spirit is the key to immortality, for if you remain breathing you see, and aware and the breath does not end, you continue to live." She also said that the etheric beings breathe "pranic light" as "fiery air."

She then took us in consciousness to the etheric realms to see the process of how the angels, masters and even Elohim breathe. "See the light flowing through in the great exhalation and inhalation within these. She continued "Blessed hearts, do I speak of mysteries beyond the beyond? "Oh no, for you are ever so close to the attainment of the eternality of the spirit even in the now of your own beingness as a God free being."

Aries reminded us to "call to Thor and me, if you desire, as you leave your body temple at night. For you see, we know something of how to fly and if you would traverse the skies to discern more of the heaven world and of the cities of light, we would be happy to escort you here and there to see how God dotes on his sons and daughters and plays with them." She also encouraged us to go out in the fresh air and play with the children and elementals." For even for a few moments of fresh air, you will receive grand new inspirations. "I am Aries, a teacher not only of elementals of how to traverse the skies, but of mankind whose souls rise to greet the Lord in the air."

In conclusion she said, "I seal your minds with new spiritual fire, in the breath of the spirit may you live always."

07/03/26 /Virgo

Self-Respect and Adulation of the Divine Light Within

Paying her respects to all creatures upon earth, Beloved Virgo, radiates the joy of springtime unto each one. As we each day attune to the song of nature’s morning light and the sun’s presence dawning each morning, clarity of consciousness may be awakened within us. With clarity of consciousness comes an inner respect for one’s own body temple—the temple of the living God through which the Spirit does flow—as well as greater reverence for all life manifesting upon the earth.

Before we can fully understand our place upon the “great spaceship Earth spinning around El Sol, the great sun of our system, self respect and the adulation of the divine light within us is required.. “When you understand the nature of your very present awareness of God’s eternal Spirit even manifest in the flesh, vibrating at every level of consciousness, then you can bring to bear in the physical plane that which is required for you to transcend the lower dimensions of being to become truly immortal once more.” Respect must manifest physically and rise through the emotional, mental and etheric planes.

Respect is outplayed through attention to detail. Our soul can more swiftly manifest mastery in all planes of being when we are fully present, conscious and operating in cooperation with Spirit as we do even the simplest things in our daily lives. Cosmic law requires aspiring adapts to master every step homeward. By attending to every detail of living on this plane, we may “carry forward this same self-mastery into higher dimensions of being as [we] transcend the cycles, ever rising until as Elohim the fine details of all created worlds planned very carefully, may then flower as a great offering to the Lord God of all Gods.”

The gnomes are great alchemists. All around us we can see in nature the manifestation of the work of the gnomes, with their great attention to details impressed upon them by their hierarchs Virgo and Pelleur. The gnomes are very inquisitive, but also have a great heart, “always seeking ways and means to solve the most knotty problems within their evolutionary existence. They adapt well to many major problems in various climates, and this adaptability as an aspect of the Holy Spirit that permeates all life and all sentient, invisible life manifest through the nature kingdom, is what many have seen as evolution.”

Our prayers are making great inroads. Beloved Virgo advises us to sing each day of the joy of oneness with life. We can create more joy by bringing harmony into all of our relationships and our service to life. Then, “truly, the kingdom of God will be a reality upon earth as you desire, as God desires through you.”

Make your lodging reservations for the July Conference now. Everyone planning on attending the July class, consider making your lodging reservations ASAP. When making reservations with the Hilton, tell them that the Hearts Center has a block of rooms reserved for the conference that is an in-house booking. Check the website for info on nearby hotels, and campsites 12 miles south of Bozeman. The conference begins on Saturday, June 30th. at 6 pm.

070324 St. Germain-

Cosmic Alchemy

Saint Germain came today with a wonderful dictation on cosmic alchemy that included an abundance of keys for progress on the spiritual path.

He said "blessed ones, progress is only made when you attune to the very heart of your source and strive with a great God desire to fulfill your reason for being,"

One way he said is that "studying the true teachings of the Ascended Masters is key for making swift progress, for when you have within your sphere the keys of understanding then you may make right choices. Thus serious students daily study the Word, discuss that word with their Heartfriends, seeing how it may be employed within their lives, discussing the tests that have come unto others who have gone before you, and how they overcame those tests using the sacred science of alchemy to clear the way for the soul to rise at every level. ….."Progress for each one is different, and none should judge another for where they are along the pathway of life. For what seemingly may be for one a simple test to pass, may be one that another has had difficulty with for lifetimes and yet could be the one very key for them, to fulfill the final mandate of their own God Presence for complete and total illumination, God awareness and liberation."

Saint Germain also said "one or another of you has asked if there is a true fountain of youth and if so how can you obtain it. Eternal youthfulness comes through the joyous heart listening to the voice of God within. ………A youthful heart is a soft heart, pliant yet strong. The heart that beats in resonance with Godly virtues, remains always in joy young". Continuing to speak on eternal youth he said "the violet light is key for the transmutation of ancient patterns which have beset your soul, crystallizing you in certain forms, structures and matrices that also are a burden to you aging you in the process. If you understand the science of health, you will see how when crystals build, within your bloodstream, not the crystalline pure energies of the spirit, but those that come from the waste matter that is not allowed to be flushed out by a pure stream of the water of life that you imbibe. These often accumulate within your systems, causing a graying and a densification in your systems. Thus regular fasting, the drinking of ample water, herbal teas, and a general diet of simplicity, chewing your food very well, breathing deeply, exercise, rest, sun gazing, walks in nature, are all key to maintaining a youthful body, a youthful spirit, a youthful heart.".

Saint Germain then said .that "some have asked what music should be listened to gain greater spirituality" He said, that "depending on your relationship at a particular time with your God Presence, different forms of music using different instrumentations may move you higher in consciousness, blessed ones." He spoke in detail of the virtues of many kinds of music such as classical, bhajans, opera, waltzes, marches and other types. He said that certain frequencies of music may prepare some and especially youth in their teens to receive the greater fire and spirituality that is found in higher frequencies of music of "those who use sound to glorify God".

Next, Saint Germain spoke of how to open your inner vision and the blessings and difficulties you may encounter as you move along this path. He said that "when you have prepared your consciousness to understand what it is that you will see when your inner vision is open, then God will allow that vision to supercede your current seeing. For it is one thing to be able to see beyond the veil of the human illusion …..but it is another to fully understand all the moving streams of energy ….surrounding individuals as their auras. And thus you must be careful when you desire to pierce the veil……"

Finally beloved Saint Germain said that "many seek union with the twin flame." He said "the key for reuniting with your ….twin flame is for the purity of wholeness to reside where you are to create the cosmic magnet that will draw, according to God's cycles and seasons, that one back to your heart."

07/03/22 /Kuthumi

The Nature of God is Love. The Nature of You, Blessed Ones, is God

His nature of love intertwined with the very essence of God, Beloved Kuthumi, coming in humility and emanating perfect Love, exemplified the evolution of the soul within God. When we understand the nature of emanating love, then we may know truly God’s heart and know greater and greater love. Beloved Kuthumi explained that this was his desire as Saint Francis, such that “when the love welling within me had accelerated to the point where I could almost not physically take any more of that spirit, then I was pierced with the very impressions of fiery ruby love within my being to experience a new level of love.”

As we daily give our prayers and service to life, our own hearts expand if we allow greater love of God to flow through us. The pressure of love upon our hearts can cause a discomfort and pain that is sometimes beyond understanding. Kuthumi wants us to know that when we ask for more light and for more dispensations and graces, we enter into an accelerated aspect of God’s love whereby we may experience world pain. This is the work of the saints, “to bear more of the sins of the world, the energy of the karma of the race, and of those misqualified releases of individuals and even nation’s karma within [our] heart. . . .Know that God is able and capable through you to bear all.”

Kuthumi expands our hearts a little bit today to be able to receive and bear more on behalf of the earth and its evolutions. In so doing he does not leave us comfortless, but tells us if the burden is too great “you may ask for a softening by my presence, for I will hold my heart within yours for a time, stabilizing yours while you experience the intensity. And once your heart is stable, then I will move to another to assist that one in maintaining within the earth the vibration of the very Heart of God. . . .I AM yours to command for God.”

We are sealed by beloved Kuthumi, in perfect Godly-love.

07/03/20 John the Baptist

The Personal Fire of the Christ Light: No Human Being is Perfect in the Personality, But in the Individuality of the God-flame there is the Perfectionment of the Heart

Speaking in the full fire for which he is known and loved, John the Baptist calls many more to come to the fount of light within this movement of The Hearts Center, and to receive directly from the ascended masters the impartation of the fire, of the water and the full baptism of the spirit and the soul. John the Baptist said that he once again baptizes through the four elements, not only of fire and water, but of air and earth, bringing our four-lower bodies into alignment with Holy Purpose, Truth, and the Divine Reality in which we live, more and have our being in God.

Jesus came as a witness, as an example, as the ideal that all men could strive toward as teacher, prophet and the voice of love. Instead, John the Baptist warns us that to mankind’s detriment, a personality cult has arisen around the personage of the Master Jesus because of our self-identification with ego. “For in so doing [mankind] have lost the totality of the message of his incarnation manifesting the Christ spirit in all ways to all peoples; and, thereby they have become more self-identified with their own ego nature rather than the spirit of their own Christ-self which he came to exemplify and to highlight.” When we engage in idolizing others, in this cult of human self-identification, John the Baptist continues, "then the Christ-spirit of ourselves is debased and we know not that which is within us, which is the light of God that the Lord placed there in the beginning as that spirit spark, that three-fold light of love, wisdom and power within our heart."

Coming to dissolve any such personality cult around the messengers of The Hearts Center, John the Baptist states “for the record, for all time and space, that this movement of light of The Hearts Center is not one whereby messengers, council members or any personality is to be held in such high esteem in the personality, that there is a fractioning of the light and the inculcation within the matrix we have set forth of anything other than the circle of oneness that you seek in communion heart-to-heart.” He further reminds us that there must always be leaders, but that there are terms to the offices, whereby many will be sitting in those offices and that power will be shared among everyone.

“Truly, beloved ones, no human being is perfect in the personality, but in the individuality of the God-flame there is the perfectionment of the heart such as you have seen ennobled in Jesus and in many servants and ascended masters, who through striving and oneness with Holy Purpose have returned to perfection within God’s being.”

07/03/16 Suryaji and Hilarion

Beloved Suryaji Comes to Consecrate the Retreat of Mother Mary and Beloved Hilarion Calls Fifty-Five to Join Him for the European Pilgrimage in the Fall!

Not one, but two exciting announcements are delivered this day as we are blessed by the presence of both Suryaji and Hilarion during the morning rosary. In sparkling Mother Light, Suryaji comes to anchor a pillar of fire, a focal point of this light within the retreat of Mother Mary. The rod descends deep into the earth to stabilize the Wellspring property for all that is to occur upon this land. With Sarada Devi, they enshrine the borders of Wellspring and the retreat area of Mother Mary. We who give our calls and prayers toward this end are the physical founders of this new Haven of Light, Suryaji says, and we are setting the cornerstones of the great Pyramid of Light being established at inner and outer levels for many years to come! As we keep envisioning and precipitating this retreat, Suryaji and others will continue to come and bless and ensoul this property.

Across the highway, another rod of fire is being anchored. When the foundation is firm, then Suryaji and other masters and heavenly hosts will move swiftly. But we must determine to be the anchor points. This will also draw others to us who share this vision. Without certain ones being these points of precipitation, there can be no manifestation of this vision. Each of us is needed to be that voice, “anchoring through the incarnation of the Word through us the great Cosmic Word upon earth”. Whether by “mantra, decree, whispered prayer or whirling dervish”, Suryaji tells us to let our voices be heard “worshipping the one God through sound, motion, color, vibration!”

On the heels of Suryaji’s timely prophecy for the Wellspring Retreat, Beloved Hilarion comes to tell us that he will be leading a sacred journey to Europe in the fall and has called at inner levels fifty-five pilgrims to join him. He requests of each servitor, heartfriend and partner to contact Rev. Paul Haugen within seventy-two hours with your desire to be with Hilarion on this trip. Many of us, he says, have karma in Europe, made in the Mediterranean area and in the nations of Greece, Italy and Eastern and Southeastern Europe. This pilgrimage is an opportunity to balance these records, especially for those who have determined to balance as much karma in the physical while yet embodied, rather than relegate it to the future after their ascension. On these pilgrimages, through united effort and prayers, there is a synergistic multiplication and acceleration of the consuming of these ancient karmic records for each one.

Knowing of the burdens, financial and otherwise that are upon many, the current Meru University course on “Soul Raising and Abundance” has been set forth for each of us to precipitate and secure through the alchemy of the master Saint Germain that which is required for us “to accelerate such that we may balance our karma and work more closely with the masters in the process.”

Many of the records we hope to consume during this European pilgrimage were created due to centuries of strife and warfare of which we were a part. In contrast, Hilarion reminds us, even as the words of his keynote, “Onward, Christian Soldiers” express, that the armies of heaven do not seek the destruction of anything but simply the marching forth of the light for the perfectionment of the hearts of mankind.

Hilarion is grateful for each one who has stood firm in resolve to be an anchor point of light. He tells us to “build a sure army of light for the Lord!” And he wants us to know that with beloved Jesus, Hilarion continues to be about his Father’s business of spreading the Gospel, the good Word of Truth.

07/03/15 Mother Mary (singing dictation)

A Gift From Mother Mary Unto Our Hearts

While Mother Mary sang a most beautiful song of love unto our souls, our hearts, our very beings, angel ministrants came bearing a heart-shaped box enclosing the tenderness of God’s love to each one of us who has striven and given of their hearts in love, in service and in prayer. These gifts, personal for each one, will both amplify our prayers and accelerate our love if we allow greater love to be where we are each day.

Mother Mary reminds us that although many of us do not see or know the presence of the angels and archangels in our midst, they come every day when we call upon them and give their names. Each time we give the Hail Mary or now our praise to each of the archeiai in the Rosary of Faith, they answer with their fiery love. This most beautiful song of Mother Mary’s is also as a reminder of the presence of the angels. “Take time each day in your time of silence, reflection, meditation, to welcome us into your midst in joy, in reverence, in holiness, for thereby you will be blessed dear hearts by the presence of many spirits who love you so, who caress your heart, who kiss your soul.”

We were also given greater understanding of the sacred science of prayer. Mother Mary said that it is an exact science, and when we know its secrets and how to call upon the Lord, we will know with surety that God responds.

“So pray and pray and pray, sing your prayers, feel your prayers within your heart and know that God’s answer is immediate. And often the answer comes in subtle ways, often assisting others who need love and comfort and surcease from pain. These are the prayers answered quickly, those for others, those for those in need, rather than those for things for thyself. Yes, pray for everyone, those in other nations who need comforting in times of war, pain, sorrow and distress.”

This beautiful dictation ended with the “chorus of heaven singing in a great rapture of fiery love unto each heartfriend across the earth,” as a reminder to all of how much God truly loves each one of us.

07/03/09 Maha Chohan

The Maha Chohan Comes in His Garment of Light and Fire: Introducing the Order of the Keepers of the Lightning!

The Keepers of the Lightning is a sacred order of those who would keep the light of God within their own beings allowing God to use this light to transform the earth. Think of physical lightning. When it occurs, it happens in heaven and on earth. Lightning is a compressed action of light, magnified in intensity which causes atmospheric change. In the same manner, spiritual lightning is a dynamic cosmic change agent for a soul and a planet.

Spiritual lightning is fohat. And fohatic use of the sacred fire must be done in balance. When we understand what occurs when the lightning bolt action of the "Vajra!" is invoked, then we will know what it means to be a Keeper of the Lightning. Those who are Keepers of the Lightning not only understand the nature of this accelerated action of light that they wield, but they have abased the human element and garnered their higher energies. And never do they misuse God's light within them.

All who have come to earth to teach and uplift, as did the blessed Sanat Kumara, desired to assist us in not only re-igniting our God-flame but growing it and accelerating it until there would be those sons and daughters of God who could wield this spiritual lightning into every world need. And it is the passing of our tests in the use of spiritual fire which allows us to receive more fire and more fire until we become the Keepers of the Lightning.

The Maha Chohan reminds us that we are lightstreams of such great magnificence. We, each one, a lightstream, are an action of God's thunderbolt and are connected to every other lightstream, or Spirit spark, that has emanated from the heart of God. We are asked to assist the ascended masters in turning around all misuses of this great lightning power and become members of the new order. If we have been invoking light through our calls and decrees, we have already begun to be that lightning rod of cosmic light.

The teachings of Agni Yoga through the Roerichs illustrate the concentrated essence of fire that beloved El Morya, Lord Maitreya and other masters are. When we read the words of these masters, there is a change in the core of our being, in consciousness. Our assignment is to read the Agni Yoga books and all teachings delivered by Master Morya in all activities of light if we would consider ourselves candidates for the new order.

"Vajra! into the earth, water, air and fire element within all life!" commands the sponsor of the Keepers of the Lightning, the Maha Chohan. He asks us to join him in delivering this sacred energy unto all sentient life today!

07/03/07 Angel of Judgement

Vajra! Vajra! Vajra!

Amidst the lightning bolt action of the "Vajra!" invoked by the Angel of Judgment throughout a fiery message, this great being comes because of the work accomplished for K-17 during this morning's service. The Angel of Judgment is here to clear the earth of the dregs of negativity whose time has come to be cast into the Sacred Fire. The Angel of Judgment comes to defend the children of God, the children of the I AM THAT I AM.
The Sword of the Spirit is cleaving asunder that which is not true, not right upon the earth. It is a time for the exposure of the truth and the exposure of the lie. Numberless angels descend to clear the earth and pronounce the judgment. Prophecy is being fulfilled as found in the Revelation of John the Beloved.
With great passion, the Angel of Judgment calls to mankind to bend the knee before the LORD God and make right all things. He tells the children of God to seek the light, know the light and work while we have the light.

07/03/05 Mother Mary

 Mother Mary comes today to reveal that which has been suppressed for ages!

In a tender release given after the Rosary of Faith, Mary with Raphael gives us a beautiful discourse on marriage. "I would speak this day of the marriage of the feminine and masculine principles of life and what this may mean for the soul, the spirit and for men and women who also desire union with God at the highest level. First of all I would have you know that the marriage at Cana was the marriage of my son with Mary. I impress upon your souls in this hour the record of this marriage and the event from akasha, for the truth of this event has been suppressed within scripture and the church such that you would not know fully the twin-flame story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene."

    Giving us a deeper understanding of marriage, Mother Mary wants us to realize that if we "only seek wholeness within another then you have lost something of the Self in the process for your search for wholeness. But if you first see your own soul as the feminine potential of God merging with your divine Presence, also as an aspect of this marriage ritual within yourself, then naturally you magnetize that same wholeness within another….."

    Speaking of the shroud of maya, as a sense of burden and guilt that often occurs between man and woman, Mary declares: "This day I wipe away aeons of guilt and blame that has beset the souls of those who have misunderstood divine principles within the sacred science of which I speak and offer you a clear vision of Alpha and Omega as the Father-Mother God who love you so and wish to reveal to Christendom the nature of God as masculine and feminine and not only as that which most have known as the Father."

     In a tender, personal way Mary speaks of her beloved husband, Joseph, being the father of not only Jesus but six other children. And the Holy Spirit was present at the conception, "for where there is true union in light there the Holy Spirit does live and abide. And it has ever been so throughout all time and space….I chose this day to reveal this teaching through this movement of light to go forth for the rekindling of true love in hearts the world around for the holy purpose of bringing forth holy children for the age of Aquarius whose lives dedicated to God may glorify the Father-Mother God in all ways as servant sons and daughters of love."

07/03/04 El Morya

It is Imperative that You Fulfill Your Reason for Being

After the Rosary of Faith this morning we took a few minutes to commune with the heart of El Morya, asking him to give to us each a key for our soul today.

      Morya answered our requests in his dictation, coming this morning to again enfire each one with Holy Purpose. For when we are aligned with holy purpose we will know exactly what we must do, but more importantly, Morya said we will know what we must be. Whatever the reason we do not know our life's purpose, whether through a lack of drive, focus or discernment, the key to discerning it and for clarity of judgment in decision making is to go deep within the heart and "listen to the one voice within that speaks with clarity, affirming who [we] are and what [we] must do."

      Once we know where we are going, we can be "true leaders" moving forward with focus, with our vision empowered by the Will of God and with a clear understanding of the specific tasks at hand that need to be accomplished. El Morya then gave a number of directives for those who would be his chelas:

    • Be a doer and not a talker • Plan and then work to fulfill those plans • Apportion your time to fulfill the greatest amount of sacred labor daily • Stick to that which must be done morning, noon and night • Wallow not in self-pity • Stand firmly upon the slate of victory • Make no proposals except those for which you are determined to fulfill in all ways

      Thrust ho! and let us each one move forward this day with Morya El!

07/03/03 Saint Germain/God of Gold class

I Call You to Prove the Abundant Consciousness within Your Life

Dressed in a most incredible violet and purple robe with cosmic gold symbols, Saint Germain came today in the guise of Merlin to give us a lesson on the alchemical fires of the soul. He defined alchemy as the all-chemistry of the Lord and said we each have access to every creative element within the cosmic periodic table, “truly that which is offered upon the banquet table of light by angels and masters who understand the science of creation of form and formlessness. . . .”

An important key which Saint Germain has always advocated is that everyone first seeks God in all things, in not only his virtues and qualities, but especially in the “resonance of his fire within [our] heart.” We each need to establish the forcefield of cosmic love, the Presence of God right where we are, and then we “can command the elements of the universe into action into the vibrancy of perfection within the creative realm in which [we] abide.”

A second important key is the need to understand who we are, especially that which is within us “as pattern, as design, as seed ideation of the most holy one of who [we] are as a God-created being.” With this understanding we are then able to understand the “suchness of substance and how it may be employed in combinations through [our] spiritual experimentations for the victory of the alchemy of [our] life.”

To prove the abundant consciousness within our life, we need to sustain the radiance of the Presence of God moment by moment. The proof of our life is in how we live, where we live, and our surroundings as well as “in the tangible reality of what we have brought forth through study and the application of the teachings of the Holy Masters of Wisdom.”

If we still find our selves wanting for this or that, Saint Germain asks all to register for the current Meru University class “Soul Raising and Abundance,” And to apply his newly released matrix for quicker precipitation. All are invited to join him in this class “as the alchemist with the God of Gold, with Fortuna and many ascended masters whose great desire is to see [us] bring forth that abundance of the spirit and of form in the here and now.”

To register for the current Meru University class #702, “Soul Raising and Abundance” click “Book Store” on the menu to the left to access the registration form.

07/03/02 Kuan Yin

Forgiveness Is the Order of the Day! Beloved Kuan Yin Traverses the Earth

Led by the masters, decree 70.070, "I AM Forgiveness Seventy Times Seven" was given repeatedly during today's morning rosary service to allow for the flow of mercy into our lives and into the world. We were told to ask forgiveness of all whom we had caused harm and send forgiveness to all who had ever harmed us in this or past embodiments. We were told to forgive ourselves and to send the violet flame into every cell of our body because the flow of mercy through us to the world can assist in the mitigating of violent weather conditions and earth changes. We were to see ourselves as the Christ standing in between the factions causing perennial conflict in the Middle East allowing a figure-eight flow to bring a change of heart, a softening of heart to accelerate resolution of the ancient animosities of this region.

Later in the service beloved Kuan Yin delivered her message of mercy, telling us to imagine God's heart of forgiveness. What will it take to bring this healing forgiveness to a world? It will take one here and there who is the embodiment of forgiveness. This is what draws us so close to God's heart. Forgiveness is also forgetting, she reminds. To experience the buoyant state of letting go takes surrender and true forgiveness.

Kuan Yin lifts us up in consciousness to be with those who have experienced this level of forgiveness. She asks us to view the earth as Freedom's Star, a planet of loving forgiveness. Wherever there is anger, hatred, animosity on planet earth Kuan Yin now goes. She wants us to be bold and come with her to enter the very core of nonforgiveness around the world and radiate mercy there. Boldness is the bodhisattva principle of laying down one's life for another, and cosmic forgiveness is the result. She is grateful that we have sent her throughout the earth through the giving of the "I AM Forgiveness Seventy Times Seven" decree today.

Kuan Yin thanks us for our givingness. In the giving is the forgiving, she says, and God writes a new law of love within us. Kuan Yin is that law of love where we are.

07/03/01 Manjushri overshadowed

Manjushri overshadowed the service this morning, with Maitreya also present during the reading of his twenty-four newly dictated Musings. The Musings were interspersed with our prayers and songs and the giving of the new Rosary of Faith

Register now (on the Book Store page) for Meru University Course #702 “Soul Raising and Abundance.” Tonight you will learn Saint Germain’s newest teaching on Alchemy and Abundance. The class begins tonight at 7:00 p.m. MST and continues each Thursday evening throughout the month of March.