Current Newsflash Summaries of the Daily Messages from the Masters can be found at

080608 Djwal Kul

To Live Is to Be, To Be Is to Emanate and to Emanate

Is to Follow the Divine Example of …God!

During the family service beloved Djwal Kul spoke to us of his presence bringing awareness as he breathes with us and as we “meditate on stillness.” We are to call to him for assistance in working with our lower nature, and he will come to “nourish every particle of selfhood.”

In the act of breathing, Djwal Kul asks us to be aware that it is the Holy Spirit flowing through us, accentuated with the “five-fold amplification of spiritual fire through [our] sacred centers…that the beings who have mastered the secret rays afford [us] in all of [our] spiritual practices.” When we pay attention to that holy breath as we give our decrees, mantras, prayers, our devotions are no longer a rote activity, lifeless. They become alive and real and filled with efficacy, light and love.

He wants each of us to see ourselves as a “spiritual body electric in manifestation” with our “solar essence” flowing out to all those around us. That is the reason we have been given instruction on “the science of holy breath.” We must not give attention to the human, he says. It will cost us our joy in living. And “to live is to be, to be is to emanate and to emanate is to follow the divine example of omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotency in God!”

In closing, Djwal Kul invites us to “soar to the Himalayas” with him, to “come on that trip to India and sit at the feet of the Master Himalaya!” The Eastern masters are ready for us! Are we ready to learn from them? Are we ready to keep moving forward, never to look back? “O disciples,” he invites, “leave the nets of the past and with Issa climb to new heights of God-beingness!”

080608 Mother Mary from 060826

Mother Mary’s Healing Retreat Descending

As Above So Below Because of Our Adoration of the Mother Light

In a HeartStream given by Mother Mary on August 26, 2006, she described the work begun in heaven of “the establishing in the West of a new and permanent retreat for Raphael and [herself] and the angels of the fifth ray of healing” by dispensation because of the daily, adoring attention given her through the rosary. “[I]n the heaven world above, a great cathedral of crystal fire is being fashioned by numberless numbers of angels” she said. And in a five-mile radius of the Wellspring property the angels fashion etherically “an oasis of spiritual nourishment” and build a concentration of sacred fire that all who travel to and through this area will feel.

By the power of five thousand times five thousand our prayers have been multiplied since this August 26th release from her heart. And the action of the secret rays, invoked daily through the Golden Buddha Rosary and other prayers, have accelerated in us and in the earth through these years!

She prophesied that “there will be in this temple of light the physical healing of many, once the outer manifestation of the temple beautiful is manifest here.” Her message stressed the importance of working in harmony, in oneness to accomplish the physical outpicturing of the heavenly retreat already begun. And she reminded us that many moved to this area in Montana for the very purpose of creating this specific holy shrine to the Divine Mother. And she said that it is the light of God within our chakras that is used “for the formation of each spiritual brick of this divine edifice,” a crystal retreat being created by angels whose expertise is divine engineering and architecture.

An arcing of light from Fatima to this new retreat, now being created in heaven prior to its lowering into the earth, would not only bring to those who serve here and come for surcease, the benefits of healing but also bring abundance. She told us of the importance of at least twelve being present for her to meet with us during these morning services, “focusing the light of the cosmic hierarchies of the sun…a focal point for the release of sacred energies through [our] chakras, twelve in number, primary, for the anchoring in manifestation of the essence that [she bears] for and on behalf of all life.”

Mother Mary left us with this promise, “ [O]ne day as you gaze upon the sun during its morning majestic appearance, my face, my visage will be there for you to see most personally. And in my eyes, truly the orbs of the divine that the Lord has graced to be within my being, I will convey my healing love for you personally.” She is so grateful for every sacrifice we have made, thanking us with all of her heart.

080605 Sarada Devi

An Exciting Community Sharing

of the Vision for Mother Mary’s Healing Retreat at Wellspring

Sarada Devi came this morning to discuss Mother Mary’s plans for the Retreat of the Divine Mother at Wellspring, which is meant to be an outer retreat of the Brotherhood “dedicated in part to the release of light as the agency of that Holy Spirit manifest through the secret rays” and a place where many modalities would be practiced to stimulate the higher centers in man, bringing more soul sensitivity and permanent “soul elevation.”

Those present were encouraged to share their vision, creating an awareness of a community vision of what Mother Mary has desired for Wellspring for a very long time.

The wonderful descriptions expressed by those present included that this retreat would be a place where “no one is denied” and the needs of all types of people would be met—where people of faith or no particular religious affiliation could partake of various healing practices that integrate body, mind and spirit. Mother Mary, as the Universal Divine Mother would be almost physically present, walking the beautifully landscaped grounds, bountiful with floral beauty and statuary—especially a magnificent rose garden in her honor.

There would be grottos, a reflecting pool and caves—secluded areas for contemplation. Yet there would also be areas where children of all ages would enjoy many indoor and outdoor activities.

A crystal house, an oasis of light from which all might drink, was yet another vision. The Music of the Spheres would fill the atmosphere. And music, including choral music, earthly and heavenly, would play a great part in the healing work. The architecture itself would assist the soul to come easily into oneness with their Solar Presence.

It would be an “oasis of light where thousands and even millions would come for divine respite from their burdens” for a day, a week, a month, longer—“where conscious masterful adepts walk[ed], employing the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit.”

After everyone at Wellspring had shared, Sarada Devi invited those on the broadcast to add their vision by emailing . She also invited all to attend Freedom 2008, “a turning point for the earth” and a time of acceleration of the secret rays so needed now. She concluded by reminding us that “without vision the people perish, but with heart vision the soul may sing and rise to her God.”

We are to hold this intention for Mother Mary’s Healing Retreat in our hearts and the masters will help make it real as we do the practical work here on earth.

080603 Lanello

Lanello Calls Us to be Self-starters--to Claim Our Rightful Inheritance

A fiery yet loving Lanello comes this morning to state forthrightly, “Beloved ones, there are times when you must lay claim to your rightful inheritance and this takes a fiery determination, a spirit of oneness, focus toward your goal and a heart of love. Some would come to steal away your victory, even snatching it from you at the eleventh hour just before your victory. This is when you must stand as one heart determined that nothing shall assail the vision, the mission and the victory of both.” We are cautioned to look at momentums within us that could possibly work against the fulfillment of our plans.

Lanello asks us, “Is it always necessary for us [the ascended masters] to call vigils and to cajole you to come in order to sustain this activity or the alchemy of a project that you have seen as possible? Or can you self-sustain the momentum through your own human will one with the divine within you by forging a new link with the spirit through a fiery determination to see the potential and then make that potential a reality?

“We are grateful for all that you have done to raise the funds and see the great glow of your fiery determination, but now, blessed ones, let us move heaven and earth to make this retreat a reality—clearing the underbrush, building the edifice, laying claim to the land and inhabiting it for God.

Click here to access and listen to Lanello’s entire message and to participate in the morning devotional service.

080602 Lanello
Lightbearers in Mount Shasta Given a New Opportunity to Anchor a Great Light for the Universal White Brotherhood

Lanello came this morning to answer this darshan question: "I remember the withdrawing of light from Shasta in the past—what is the significance of anchoring light on Mount Shasta this past weekend?" He explained that the Brotherhood has had a spiritual focus and retreat of the Master Ra Mu on this remnant of ancient Lemurian land but "the retreat was withdrawn, a great procession of ascended beings took place and the flame itself anchored within the retreat was moved to a safer location in the Rocky Mountains. This was all accomplished with an understanding of the warning of the Master Saint Germain of what could be the potential destruction along the coastlines of America, East and West, and of safeguarding certain inner secrets contained within the retreat, records of Lemuria that were maintained there which have now been moved and safeguarded."
He went on to say that when enough conscious ones inhabit a locale there can be the holding of the balance of that which has been prophesied or foretold, as in the case of the prophet Jonah, and when the people listen and obey the voice of God through the voice of the prophet there can be mitigation, there can be change and the destruction may not occur. "This is the case and so the ascended masters have anchored a great light through the action of the Circle and Sword [of Astrea] and much as been accomplished through the weekend seminar...there was a washing, a cleansing, a purification and now a new opportunity given to see just what those who have heard the true message of Saint Germain and of the chohans will do with the opportunity presented, the gift given."
Lanello spoke of "those who vowed and stood in a circle of light to receive the blessing of the Maha Chohan," as the Heartfriends Group of Mount Shasta was established and said, "I am pleased with the beginnings that I see as a potential there at Shasta. Call to me and to Godfre as well as Saint Germain, Lotus and Portia and we will assist you, blessed ones, in fulfilling your reason for being there for God." Click here to access the entire discourse and the morning prayer service.

080601 Fortuna
With Greater Harmony and Abundance
Fill in the "Greenprint" for the Mother's Retreat

A grateful and joyous Fortuna, the Goddess of Supply, spoke to the Hearts Center Community this morning to announce that the initial request for funds to secure the office complex at Wellspring had been met. Observing that it is truly amazing to see what can be done when heartfriends "put their minds and hearts and vision into action as a collective, as one heart for God," she proclaimed that those who have worked overtime to make this happen would receive the multiplication factor of five at inner levels "by the power of the emerald ray, by the power of my causal body."
Recently at Mount Shasta Hilarion gave us the "Om Joy" mantra that Fortuna referred to as a mantra of precipitation for "where there is joy there is the crucible of abundance right within the heart." And this is all a part of our creation of "the sacred formula for ever-increasing abundance." For great miracles can occur through the spirit of cosmic joy as our heavenly helpers come to energize, activate and fulfill the vision that we hold. And as the Mother Light rises within us there is the sustaining of an immortal stream of divine joy, "as a point of contact for the divine frequencies to continue to stream forth to this earth...currents of holy fire" that may be ours as we accept and sustain them through a joyful spirit of gratitude.
"Notice, blessed hearts, even in the word congratulations there is the action of gratitude...I am Fortuna. I bless you, I sustain you in the eye of God through my vision held of the glory of your soul, one with your spirit, ever one with God." Click here to access this entire HeartStream along with the Sunday service and darshan with the Maha Chohan.

080531 Padma Sambhava

The Hearts Center Dispensation Is for Those

Who Would Fully Enter Into Their Buddha Nature

In Buddhic peace comes Padma Sambhava this morning, opening our crown chakra and depositing “a new Buddhic essence of beingness for greater understanding of the path, for spiritual nourishment of [our] heart-mind connection, for greater blessedness in all that [we] do.”

Padma Sambhava tells us that “some have misunderstood the path as one of intensity of striving from the human level.” And although there is a certain amount of progress that can be made this way, there comes a “point on the path [where] there must be the complete surrender of the human and the embracing of your Buddha Presence. And this acceptance process allows you then to move fully into position as that Solar Spirit who you are, as that God-being who you are fully becoming.”

He asks us why else are we on earth if not to daily manifest in some way the budding of our awareness of wisdom. Through “making right choices [and] opting to enter into greater solar light in joy [we] move in a higher stream of Buddhic manifestation and allow [our] Buddha nature to unseat that which [we] have allowed of non-awareness….”

With a “Shhhhh,” Padma Sambhava hushes our lower nature and accepts on our behalf until we are able, “the full heartstreaming of [our] cosmic Buddha Presence for [us] every moment.”

Click here to access and listen to Padma Sambhava’s entire message and to participate in the morning’s devotional service.

Padma Sambhava is the 8th century Indian Guru honored for having brought Buddhism to Tibet.

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