07/01/ 27 DC Event Dictation Summary

We Will Not Let This Nation Go Down!”

* * * The Inaugural Hearts Center event in Washington D.C. began early Friday morning when the incomparable Zarathustra spread his wings of fire over the capital city to consume that which is not the will of God within the throat chakra of the United States of America. And he claimed the planet for Saint Germain and the Seventh Ray Masters. He delivered fire into the earth and deposited fiery coals into the chakras of all those who had chosen to be there for this important work of the Brotherhood.

* * * In the evening Heartfriends gathered for darshan with the Messenger, The session was filled with love and laughter and learning. Afterward El Morya spoke, saying that he had been with them all along, that their blessed hearts beat with his and that he had been working with each of them, reminding them of their personal missions. With great love, he told them, "We will not let this nation go down!" Picking up a small child who was nearby, he told them that he was also taking all of them into his arms. He embraced each one and imparted a certain action of a facet of his diamond heart, his gift to them for being patient, for being the One, for being true to the Self, the divine nature. He said to surmise what is that next best step on the path. Become the Master and stay in the new blue light of solar awareness as a God-free Being.

* * * The Mighty Elohim Hercules followed Morya, establishing his Presence with Amazonia in the heart of the earth to stabilize and hold the balance with cosmic frequencies, aspects of the Great Central Sun and of the light of Sirius. This will be sustained for two weeks as we give our decree to him at least three times daily. He stood back to back with the Goddess of Freedom whose image is sculpted in a statue atop the capitol dome. Both of them raised their swords creating a grid that provides a stabilization across the 50 states, as they also stood on the dome of all the state capitols in the United States. Heartfriends in attendance and those on the internet broadcast, were knighted on both shoulders with the sword upon the altar. All were asked to receive the commission and the fire of the love of Morya and Hercules.

07/01/23 Charyata

Charyata Brings a Dispensation of an Alignment within the Earth.

* * * Today Charyata, an emissary from beloved Alpha and Omega, delivered an aspect of the New Blue energy. Not having visited Earth in eons, he is with us today at the request of hearts asking for greater assistance. He honors the Master Jesus for the laying down of his life energies so that others could be saved and parallels our Lord’s sacrifice to what we, as students of the masters, have also vowed to emulate by the mercy of God.

* * * Charyata says that because many are awakening upon earth, there is a stepping up of illumination. We each have been chosen because we chose by our efforts to embody so that we would bear a portion of this new energy and be a part of the great drama occurring now. Because of our prayer work and inner work, greater blessings of light will be given to Earth, and many will be quickened to this way. Charyata wants us to know that love-wisdom has an aspect of this New Blue light. And that this will become more apparent.

* * * He explains the times in which we live in terms of cycles. When souls do not fulfill their reason for being, there is a drag upon the entire planet. We are at a point of reckoning. Some have called this “The Judgment”, but it is indeed opportunity. The LORD God is calling home many evolutions, and the prophesies of the Book of Revelation are unfolding before our eyes. There is the sifting, the separation of the tares and the wheat in this hour.

* * * Beloved Charyata sings a melody of healing for the earth causing an alignment within the earth as the voice of the One emits through his song. He invites us to come to him for surcease. His message to mankind: “Tune into the very heart beat of Alpha and Omega and you will know your own beingness as his sons and daughters.”

* * * Send comments about and articles for our newsletter and requests to volunteer on any of The Hearts Center teams to hearts.center@gmail.com.

07/01/22 Lotus

A Call to Arms and to Action. . .Take Up Your Spiritual Armor

The flame of freedom was released in all of its fiery determination through the Ascended Master Lotus this morning. Her stern message that America is in jeopardy in this hour, was balanced with the announcement of the coming of the masters this weekend to reinfire and reinspire each of us to once again take up our “spiritual arms to defend the Way, the Truth and the Life to stabilize and save this nation.” Lotus came to clear the way for the God-victory of this weekend’s vigil in Washington D.C., “wherein an influx of light from out the Great Central Sun will manifest itself in the nation’s capitol.” Her presence also infused this nation with a rod of fire, and a staff of light for the stabilization of the earth.

Lotus and her twin-flame Godfre long ago came to this planet as blue-ray beings to deliver the word and to support the mission of Sanat Kumara and of Saint Germain. This they did through many embodiments including that of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Joan of Arc, and especially in their twentieth century embodiments as messengers for Saint Germain and the Great White Brotherhood through the I AM Movement. Lotus gave each one the assignment to read the first three books that she and Godfre brought forth, and then to use the fiats within them throughout the day. Lotus demonstrated a 10 second fiat of such fire that thousands of angels streamed forth to fulfill the word of God that she spoke. She also commented “If you could see all that is transpiring, you would sacrifice to be here physically at Wellspring; you would be where the messenger is, where the fire is delivered.”

Lotus concluded her message by asking each one to “consider your work and service in all areas, and to decide what is important to you and how you may truly fulfill all by being the One in the here and now who will work the works of God through sacrifice and the giving of the love fire that you bear in all things.”

07/01/20 Sir Forgione-Youth Darshan

Freedom Shall be the Way, the Truth and the Life of the People of this Land!

* * * This morning, the recently ascended master Sir Forgione, by dispensation from the heart of Lanello, shared his message of light and love on behalf of his family and the greater family of all heartfriends within The Hearts Center and within all true movements of light. In gratitude and in his honor, Sir Forgione, took the surname of his sponsor and dearest friend, Padre Pio, with whom he had served in a number of prior embodiments in both Italy and the Holy Land.

* * * Sir Forgione will be in Washington D.C. next weekend, overshadowing each one of us going there at the behest of Saint Germain and El Morya for the defense of freedom upon the American soil. Sir Forgione tells us that “Zadkiel and many Angels of Violet Fire will surround the nation’s capitol, and blaze forth cosmic light rays such that have not been seen for many years. Godfre and Lotus are determined that nothing shall come between this people and the divine plan for this nation.”

* * * We are also reminded to call upon all recently ascended masters by giving them assignments, especially in their areas of expertise. “We will assist you in all ways possible, in the advancement of this movement, and in the expansion of light, worlds without end.”

Tonight from to 7-8 p.m. MST, there will be a youth darshan on our free broadcast of the Service for World Freedom. A youth darshan is the opportunity for kids and youth through college age to ask questions of the ascended masters.
Please email your questions in advance to cmiller@heartscenter.org

07/01/17 Christine, Aurora, Holy Amethyst, Mother Mary

The Light of the Archeiai
The Ladies of Heaven Come to Bless Souls Upon Earth

* * * Yesterday and today the Seven Sisters, the Seven Archeiai have communed with us bringing the cosmic radiance from their hearts for our comfort, enlightenment and freedom; for the healing of our soul at the deepest core level; and, for the quickening and awakening of our consciousness. The Archeiai have come with a plan to one by one raise the souls upon earth to remember who they are. Mother Mary said this would be accomplished through each one of us, through the giving of our prayers, our mantras and most especially through our accepting who we are “as a soul of light, even as a diadem in the eye of God.”

* * * Beloved Christine spoke of the plasticity and malleability of the soul so that we might realize how every decision that we make, every thought we think, every musing of our mind and especially of our emotions impress frequencies upon the substance of our souls. Knowing this, she said “You would be more careful in all that you do, think, say and feel, for these impressions make a permanent mark upon your being.” Beloved Christine released cosmic joy light through our crown chakras for the illumination of greater aspects of our thought and feeling world, so as to “allow us to cognize and perceive” as our higher Self does know.

* * * Beloved Aurora said that peace is the right of every soul to know within. “And yet that peace can only manifest fully when there is stillness within your core. Take time each day, if only for a few moments, to be completely silent and away from all the noisiness of the world, and to perceive the radiance of the angelic ministrants who come to give you their grace and love. . . .You see, you must first receive heaven’s blessing in order to then share it with others. . . .Each who has understood the nature of the Christ must be that emanation to a planet and a people. . .be a way shower, a teacher, a servant leader unto the hearts of the children of men.”

* * * Holy Amethyst imparted crystals of amethyst to surround our soul and soul chakra with the violet light. She told us to see our bloodstream infused with the crystal radiance of liquid amethyst for the cleansing of impurities, and for the consuming of that which has been a burden upon us. Holy Amethyst asked us to “first work on your self at the deepest core levels, transmuting anything that is not the perfection of God that flows through your consciousness.” She suggests that when a thought or emotion arises that is not real, “to see it instantly dispersed in the violet liquid light of your being.”

* * * Mother Mary sealed this mission of the archeiai: “May my Immaculate Heart seal now all that you have received in holiness. May your new life begin this day. May you know only God, God, God."

07/01/16 Faith, Hope and Charity

The Archeiai Faith, Hope and Charity Come to Bring Determination, Encouragement and Greater Givingness to Earth Today!

***Beloved Faith delivers us from all anti-faith by her presence with us. She tells us that through the very belief in God’s intercession in men’s affairs, an energy pattern of true-blue light causes the miracle of answered prayer to happen. She wants us to go to Washington, D.C. imbued with this mighty faith, for our purpose there is to anchor the flame of God-government in the earth. And beloved Micah begins the work by now standing in the nation’s capital for the calling forth of God-government. Faith gives to us her shield and banner of protection as we are impelled to charge forth once again.

***Beloved Hope also speaks to us today. With her twin, Archangel Gabriel, she comes as the witness of the presence of the archangels in the earth to comfort our souls. She reminds us that there is always a way out, a way lit by hope! She wants us to call upon her in times of distress, and she will be there to uplift our souls. She reminds us that we can intercede for those who are too burdened to pray for themselves. At least once a day utter her blessed name, “Hope”, and she can minister to those bereft of all hope. Do not forget. Hope tells us that Charity sings a song of loveliness to our souls that nourishes the very atoms and cells of our being. The archeiai’s special mission is to work with our feminine potential, our souls. Call upon them for a greater understanding of the nature of the soul.

***Fanning the fires of love within all, beloved Charity speaks to us of the giving of self unto life as the true meaning of charity. When we give without thought of return, she is with us. When we sacrifice in order to lift another’s burden, she amplifies our gift of love by her own light. In gratitude for our service, our hands are blessed with protection and the intensifying of the activation of the secret rays within them. She says that our own spirit of givingness creates a floral offering in our auras, the light of which infuses our very blood streams with blessing.

***Remember the "three sisters", Faith, Hope and Charity—Faith clearing the way, Hope raising the soul and Charity fanning the fires of love—such a blessed, balanced action of the three-fold light. Faith, Hope and Charity hurl their floral creations as blue, white and pink offerings of beauty to earth as they desire for us dispensations of mercy and light that we may continue to bless all around us.

07/01/15 Nicholas Roerich

Be An Artisan of the Spirit for God!

The fiery Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich, a Messenger of Love and of the Culture of the Mother to the earth in his final embodiment as Nicholas Roerich, spoke with us today. “No matter what your calling in life, at some level you must be an artisan of the spirit for God. Whatever your talents, gifts, and graces, see how rendering your best self in selfless service and surrender to life, the very Beingness of God who lives and moves within you can be shared to greater numbers of souls upon this planet. And then you will leave a legacy of light for generations to come who may perceive that gift of your heart in what you create.”

He asked us all to “be emboldened to take new steps upon the summit heights.” For, “the culture of the mother is needed at all levels of society. . . . you must be the ones to create a new culture of love. And truly that culture must have as its core the understanding of fire, of the brightness of that eternal light that burns within every heart.”

07/01/12 Justinius

Let the Ascension Flame Manifest Through Hearts of Fire Attuned to God!

* * * This morning’s fiery service was for the building of a blue fire action around the earth for the stabilization of the planet. Our visualization was of a triple action of the Circle and Sword of Astrea for the stripping away of all unreality. Our prayers paved the way for the coming of Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands, into our midst in the full fiery, steely determination of the white ray. The white ray is the totality of the vibration of all the seven rays, therefore the Seraphim when called, have the authority and purview of mission to go into the very depths of the perversions of all of the rays and consume the darkness.

* * * Justinius wielded his sword over each and every one who participated this morning, as well as for many lightbearers who have been true to God in other dispensations doing their best based on their knowledge of the science of the word and their individual hearts of fire. Through this action we were each cut free from certain elements in our subconscious which have burdened us for lifetimes, allowing us the acceleration to serve those whom we have vowed to save upon earth.

* * * We were admonished to continue to pray to Astrea and Purity daily during this 18-month cycle to know surcease from struggle and to consume greater darkness. Then, Justinius will be able to come again to deliver the next initiation of fire that our physical bodies can receive, in order for each of us to have a more glorious resurrection and ascension in the Light.

Get up to date with The Hearts Center by reading the winter solstice newsletter
The HeartBeat
in the "Heartfriends" section of the website.

07/01/10 Keeper of the Scrolls

This morning the Keeper of the Scrolls came and gave a teaching on the nature of how the akashic records are maintained and how we have opportunity to assist him in erasing the records of infamy of the past through both our conscious awareness and by using the violet transmuting fire. He admonished us to be careful in delving into the review of past life records, refraining from using tarot card readers, psychics or seers who can open up portals or holes in our aura through which darkness and entities can rush into our consciousness. The reading of true akashic records are reserved for those with an accelerated mastery of the secret rays—the subtle energies of the senses of the soul—who can attune to the etheric records, for their motives are pure.

During the latter part of the dictation, Lord Zadkiel came and delivered an accelerated action of the violet fire to consume ancient records of intense darkness from our subconscious and from our electronic belt from various embodiments on Atlantis. He said that Mother Mary also thanked us for our ongoing devotions through the daily giving of the Golden Buddha Rosary and said that she would also be with us when we pray the Hail Mary.

07/01/9 Goddess of Harmony

Sing the Song of Holiness unto God This Day!

***The Goddess of Harmony reveals her presence to us for the first time today. She comes to explain the healing power of voices raised in musical praise to God. This will assist in earth’s transcendence over all inharmony. When there is a coming together of those who understand the sacred science of sound in the creation of beautiful music, she and her twin flame, the God of Harmony, are present. She uses as an example the music of the Vera Choir. Through the blessedness of the Holy Spirit, their music forms an antahkarana of such radiance and glory that the angels bow before it. And in the raising of voices in musical praise on earth, angels and cosmic beings come and blend their voices with ours for a stupendous release of light.

***The Goddess of Harmony reminds us that the playing of inspired classical music within our homes can assist in counteracting the jagged rhythms and cacophony of sound constantly broadcast over the airwaves of the world. She says that all perversions of the emerald ray may be brought into alignment through true musical harmony.

***In order for us to be able to enter into cosmic stillness we need to gain a greater understanding of sacred harmony. But she also explained that we can be the flame of harmony whether we are vocal or silent because within the soundless sound there can be the highest manifestation of harmony. Since we are each a focal point for the release of sacred fire and spiritual energies, we need to consider how we can create more harmony within.

***The God and Goddess of Harmony, in their magnificent tenor and soprano voices, will be singing to us during this twenty-four hour period to bring about greater freedom in us and on earth. She ends by requesting that we also sing throughout the day the song of holiness to God.